For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
Romans 1:16
Coming Next...
Communism in the Evangelical Church
Pt. 1
Homeless Ministries Are Christian
Many professing Evangelicals are
"Christian" communists - and don't know it.
Homeless "ministries" are not Biblical
Homeless ministries are communist
redistribution of wealth.
The Parable of the Talents makes it very
clear that Jesus was not a communist.
In the January Liberty
We have voted for
political reform.
Will this make
America great again?
If we want to make America great again, we must start with true churches
bearing good fruit – true Christians, or born-again believers in Jesus
Sadly, modern religious leaders
are ignorant of this basic principle that our communities and nation cannot
be great if their church members are wicked. Therefore, churches fail to
instruct their members in Biblical morality, and replace righteousness and
holiness with humanitarian good works. Sin is excused as “nobody’s perfect,”
and striving for holiness is ridiculed and denounced as
“self-righteousness.” But it is the Biblical duty of churches to train up
good citizens, good parents, good children, good spouses, good workers, etc.
– godly Christians.
Blessed is the nation whose
God is the Lord;
and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Psalm 33:12
The Homeless Are
the New Hippies
Against God
The Homeless Movement
evolved from the
Hippie Movement
The Homeless Movement
is rooted in the anti-establishment Hippie Movement
of rebellion and rock music and drugs: You are your own god...
Do what thou wilt.
- Aleister Crowley
The Homeless Movement has moved from 1960s
drug-centered rural hippie communes on private property...
to downtown drug-centered communes on public
The evil
mission of the Homeless Movement is to move America toward the New World
Order of Global Communism: anti-Christian, anti-American, and
The Homeless Movement is a war on God, morality, and the Christian religion.
And any church or Christian who excuses and encourages and supports the new
hippies defiantly shake their fists at God's Law. And they do not understand
the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
It was when the
prodigal son was in want and despair that he came to his right mind. No one
fed him. No one provided his basic needs.
16 And he
would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and
no man gave unto him.
17 And when
he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have
bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
18 I will
arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned
against heaven, and before thee.
Let sinners
suffer the consequences of their waywardness in hopes they will repent...
I will
arise and go to my father, and will say unto him,
Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee.
The Homeless Are
Not Harmless: A Mafia of Criminals
Homeless Are Not Harmless (libertyadvocate.com)
A few weeks ago, a bum threatened
me with bodily harm. So, I sent the following email to city
Bums threaten Lakeland’s public health and safety.
Recently, bums threatened me with bodily harm. When I walked out of
a Lakeland store, a bum asked for money. A woman squatted on the
ground beside him. I said, “No. I’m going inside to report
you.” He came into the store and threatened his “old lady” was going
to beat me up...
My hometown of Lakeland, Florida,
is invaded by bums. Of course, the politically correct word is
"homeless." But a bum by any other name is still a bum: freeloader,
scoundrel, tramp, hobo, vagrant, idler, drifter, loafer, and so forth.
Why do bums come to Lakeland?
Social gospel
ministries - Talbot House and Lighthouse Ministries - invite them here offering free food, free shelter, free clothing, free medical care and other
My dear friend,
Communism has
infiltrated the church. There is no Biblical command to feed the lazy
and criminals.
We are not
commanded to do this...
We are commanded to do this...
Make America
America cannot be a great
nation again until America is Christian again.
The Bible offers the gospel
message of salvation, and it also offers practical political and familial
and church principles. And when a nation follows Biblical principles in
civil government and family government and church government, the nation and
family and church will prosper.
America was built on Biblical
laws and principles as evidenced by our Godly heritage. But liberal
Americans show open contempt for the Bible and work to undermine America’s
Christian foundation.
Above all, America needs a
revival. We need true men of God who aren’t afraid to preach the gospel
message of salvation: repentance and holiness. But there can be no true
revival if the true Gospel is not preached. Any preacher that denies God
demands holiness is a false preacher.
Because it is written,
Be ye holy; for I am holy.
1 Peter 1:16
When America repents and truly
honors God, then we will be a great nation again.
We must cry out to God, “Revive
After a great spiritual
awakening, then we must strive to be a holy people.
The sanctifying power of
the Holy Spirit cleanses us and transforms us, but we must also actively
walk in the paths of holiness.
And be renewed in the spirit
of your mind;
And that ye put on the new
which after God is created
in righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:23,24
The Church Is
the Lord's House
was dumbfounded!
was grieved!
few months ago, many professing Christians argued on Facebook that the
church is not the Lord’s House!
Since when has the church stopped being the Lord’s House?
guess when modern Christians started declaring Christianity is not a
religion, then they started declaring the church does not belong to the Lord
So, if the church is not a religious institution (because Christianity is
not a religion), then why is it tax exempt?
And why do ministers demand we pay tithes? They bully us by threatening that
if we don’t pay tithes, offerings, special offerings, and other church
taxes, then we are robbing God. But at the same time, they declare the
church is not God’s House!
The modern church is full of the devil’s disciples - theologians and other
heretics. And one of their devilish heresies is the church is not God’s
House, or the Lord’s House.
So, what is the definition of “church”?
The first definition of church in Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the
English Language is…
1. A house
consecrated to the worship of God, among Christians; the Lord’s house. This
seems to be the original meaning of the word.
The word
was probably derived from the Greek adjective kyriakon
(the Lord’s), and referred originally to the building in which Christians
met for worship (kyriakon doma,
the house of the Lord).
The Encyclopedia Americana,
(Gk. kyriakon,
“the Lord’s House”; ekklesia,
“assembly of citizens called out”).
Harper’s Bible Dictionary,
Remember those folks on
Facebook that argued the church isn't the Lord's House? They're right.
Their worldly church isn't the Lord's House. It's filled with the
carnal spirit of man, not Spirit-filled.
Born-again Spirit-filled
Christians know the truth about the church.
The church is the Lord’s House.
Jesus Did Not Descend into Hell
The false teaching that Jesus descended into hell
after His crucifixion is a doctrine of devils.
Certainly, if Jesus first descended into hell before His resurrection,
God’s Word would have clearly told us.
Specifically, the Bible tells us in plain words
about Christ’s birth, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
So, God’s Word would have told us in plain language
if Jesus descended into hell.
But nowhere in the Bible is it expressly stated or implied.
More important,
this devilish doctrine refutes Jesus’ last words
on the cross:
It is finished.
Beware of False Prophets!
Beware of Wolves!
Beware of Evil Workers!
Beware of Dogs!
Jesus warns us...
Beware of false prophets,
which come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15
Enemies of the Cross of Christ
We are surrounded by the enemies of the Cross of Christ.
Some enemies of the Cross are professing sinners.
Some enemies of the Cross are professing Christians.
Sinners and false Christians are enemies of the Cross of Christ
because the Cross crucifies the lusts of the flesh.
The life of a true Christian demands a life of holiness.
The Gospel preaches the gratification of sinful passions
to be inconsistent with salvation.
Our sins are crucified; our sins are nailed to the Cross.
We have
replaced “Christ crucified” with man glorified.
of glorying in the Cross, we glory in man's efforts.
For example, the false gospel of Christian Humanitarianism
preaches that mankind may become perfect without Divine aid.
Christian Humanitarians talk about Christ,
but distort His mission as coming to crusade against social evils.
Christian Humanitarians preach and teach
the life of Christ as a reformer instead of our Redeemer.
This is a manmade doctrine!
This is a fable!
This is a lie!
The heart of the gospel is that God sent His Son
to die on the cross for sinners.
Without the Cross of Christ,
there is no reconciliation between God and sinful man.
Without the Cross of Christ, there is no redemption.
Without the Cross of Christ, there is no salvation.
Without the Cross of Christ, there is no sanctification.
Crucifying Christianity
Day after day, religious leaders incite the multitude to shout,
"Crucify true Christianity!
Crucify true Christianity!"
Day after day, false religious leaders lead Christians
further and further astray from true Christianity.
False religious leaders preach a false gospel
that causes a contempt and hatred of the true gospel.
False leaders such as Rick Warren
despise the true Gospel of salvation
and preach their own man-made religion:
the Gospel of Christ vs. the gospel of Rick Warren.
These religious leaders are no different from
the scribes and Pharisees
who incited the multitude to
"Crucify him, crucify him!"
Every man-made doctrine you believe,
you drive another nail in Jesus' hand.
Every irreverent song you sing in the holy sanctuary,
you drive another nail in Jesus' hand.
Every dollar you give to support
false teachers and false preachers,
you drive another nail in Jesus' hand.
When you crucify true Christianity, you crucify Christ.
Exposing the New Church Order Mafia
Shocking Evidence of the Wickedness
of Corrupt Church Officials
Jesus exposed and condemned the corrupt church officials
of His day - the scribes and Pharisees.
In fact, Jesus uttered His strongest words of
condemnation against corrupt church officials.
So... they crucified Him.
Today, under a cloak and pretence of religion,
ambitious and greedy corrupt
church officials make merchandise of men;
and use them as pawns in the political game of building the New World
a one-world religion and one-world government.
These ambitious and greedy church officials band together
in separate groups and corporately to aggressively seize and devour
our money and property;
and force the New Church Order/New World Order on
resisting Christians and churches.
These ambitious and greedy church officials who commit spiritual violence
against resisters are the New Church Order Mafia.
They are ravening wolves.
They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The New Church Order Mafia uses intimidation, bullying, extortion,
threats and other persecution to get professing Christians
to submit to the New Church Order that will lead to a one-world religion
headed up by false Christian leaders such as Rick Warren.
This is the spirit of anti-Christ.
preaches the gospel of reconciliation – promoting reconciliation
among diverse religious groups
such as Christians and Muslims to establish
the one world religion of religious humanism.
The modern apostate
is the Great Whore of Babylon
Are you attending an apostate church?
This is a warning:
If any Christian attends an apostate church,
he is committing spiritual fornication.
And professing Christians who attend an apostate church
will be destroyed
with the apostate portion of the Church
because they have joined hands
with the enemies of Christ.
Rick Warren and corrupt church leaders
are committing spiritual harlotry
by finding excuses for conforming
to the worship of the image of the
beast as prophesied in
the Book of Revelation.
No true Christian will attend an apostate church.
Shame on Loran
Some Evangelical pastors are ignorant of
America's Christian heritage and history.
And they are ignorant
of Scripture.
Charlotte, North Carolina,
Pastor Loran Livingston of Central Church of God, drew national attention when he gave a
sermon denouncing the Trump Bible as "blasphemous" and "disgusting" for
tying the Bible to American politics.
Shame on Livingston!
America's founding
ministers understood God's Word commands government be founded on God's Law.
They thundered
political sermons from the pulpit...
Here are some of the
Government the Pillar of the Earth [1730]
The Essential Rights and Liberties of Protestants [1744]
Civil Magistrates Must be Just, Ruling in the Fear of God
Scriptural Instructions to Civil Rulers [1774]
The Republic of the Israelites An Example to the American
States [1788]
Those who attend
Livingston's church should leave immediately. No Christian should sit
under the teaching of a minister who is ignorant of the influence of the
Bible in America.
God and Government
Should America have a Godly
Government is an ordinance of
God, and rulers are the ministers of God.
For he is the minister of
God to thee for good.
But if thou do that which is
be afraid;
for he beareth not the sword
in vain:
for he is the minister of
a revenger to execute wrath
upon him that doeth evil.
Romans 13:4
The Apostle Paul explains those
in authority over us are ministers of God. Just as God ordained ministers of
the Gospel, God ordained ministers of the government. In other words, a
minister is an ambassador of Christ in any office. A minister is an agent
appointed to transact or manage business under the authority of Christ.
Civil rulers act as God’s agent and have God-given authority to administer
justice. It is their God-given duty to protect life and property, repress
crime, determine quarrels, right the wrongs, punish offenders, preserve
national peace and order, and so forth.
Instead of being vigilant
watchmen, many professing Christians are asleep. And these sleeping citizens
are bringing our nation to confusion and ruin.
Now is the time to awake…
And that,
knowing the time,
that now it is high time to
awake out of sleep:
for now our salvation is
nearer than we believed.
Romans 13:11
Knowing the time…it is high
time to awake!
Christians must awake from their
Christians must awake from their
Christians must awake to the fact that
because they are asleep our nation is destroyed.
Government is an ordinance of
God, and rulers are the ministers of God. We must do all we can to elect
government officials who will be faithful ministers of God. We must unite to
secure Christian representatives for our nation that was founded as a
Christian nation.
It is time to put God back into
Wise Men at the Manger: Truth or Myth?
Some Christians
allege the Wise Men did not visit Baby Jesus in a manger or stable, but in a
house. They base this on Matthew 2:11...
And when
they were come into the house,
they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped
and when they had opened their treasures,
they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.
And they claim
He was about two years old when the Wise Men visited Him based on Matthew
Then Herod,
when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth,
and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem,
and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under,
according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.
Others say the
Wise Men visited Jesus while a baby in a manger in a stable.
Were the Wise
Men at the manger?
Yes, Virginia,
there is a Jesus Christ
The following is a modification of the
famous editorial, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” by Francis P.
Church, first published in The New York Sun in 1897.
Dear Liberty Advocate:
I am 8 years old.
Some of my little friends say there is no Jesus
Papa says, "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God."
Please tell me the truth; is there a Jesus Christ?
Virginia O'Doubting
115 New Generation Way
My dear Virginia,
Your little friends are wrong.
They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age.
They do not believe except they see.
They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their
little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are
little. In this great
universe of ours man, is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as
compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the
intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge...
Ye Must Be Born Again
Christmastime, I
urge every church, every Christian school, every Christian organization, and every Christian home around the world to put up an
outdoor nativity scene to proclaim that Jesus Christ was born a Savior so
that we can be
born again...
Ye must be born again.
must not be ashamed of proclaiming the true meaning of Christmas...Jesus
Christ was born a Savior so that we can be born again.
I am not ashamed of the
of Christ.
False Christians politely refer to Jesus at Christmas, but deny He
came to save us from our sins. They
claim Jesus came to save us from the penalty of sin, but He did not come
to give us liberty from sins. In
other words, they deny that we are able by the power of the Holy Spirit to
live holy and righteous. But
the Bible clearly proclaims:
she shall bring forth a son,
thou shalt call his name JESUS;
he shall save his people from their
Jesus Christ is our Savior.
He came to save lost sinners.
He came to save us from
our sins.
But false Christians portray Christ as a social reformer, not a
Savior. According to their
false gospel, Jesus came to bring social justice, not salvation.
They deny His divinity and focus on His humanity: Jesus Christ
was born to bring social justice, not deliver us from our sins.
But true
Christians must boldly and loudly proclaim a Savior was born so that we
can be born again. Jesus declares:
Ye must be born again
(John 3:7). Notice, Jesus says we must be born again, not we
should be born again. It is a requirement, not a suggestion.
It is absolutely necessary if we are to be called one of His own.
Modern Christians replace being good or holiness with doing good
or good works. In other words, they reject Christ's teaching that we must
be born again and deny the power of the Holy Spirit. My dear friend,
do not be deceived. Regeneration is absolutely necessary to salvation.
The Rebellious Church
I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t even sing or speak. I sat silent and still
on the church pew.
Last month, my husband and I went to Victory Church, an Assemblies of God
church in Lakeland, Florida. We were so upset by what we saw and heard that
we refused to stay for the sermon. Before the Sunday morning service
started, large projection screens flashed information about upcoming
Christmas church events to Bobby Helms singing “Jingle Bell Rock,” Michael
Jackson singing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” and other secular
songs. Now, listen, my dear friend, this was in an evangelical church!
On the platform – stage – were drums, electric guitars, and
other instruments that produce loud sounds more like noise rather than
sacred music. When the musicians played, if I had closed my eyes, I would
have thought I was at a secular rock concert. The “worship” songs were
poorly written and wholly inappropriate for congregational singing. The only
Christmas song I recognized was “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” But I was so
grief-stricken by what I was seeing and hearing that I sat like a rock. I
sat silent. I could not even join in singing this old beloved Christmas hymn
that was being debased by a church rock band. Now I know how Ezra felt when
he was told that the people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, had
not separated themselves from the heathen: “And when I heard this thing, I
rent my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my
beard, and sat down astonied” (Ezra 9:1 - 3).
Yes, my dear friend, I was grief-stricken.
There was no sanctity.
There was no reverence.
There was no difference between holy and unholy worship.
God Bless America
The Duty of
Christian Patriotism
Patriotism is not a sin.
Nationalism is not a sin.
“America First” is not a sin.
Patriotism is our
Christian duty.
America is our homeland - “the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
Patriotism is a love of our
nation. There were many patriots in the Bible – men and women – who loved
their nation, and zealously supported and defended it and its interests.
Jesus was a patriot.
The true patriot serves his country best by serving God first. He
understands that if America is to be blessed with political, economic, and
religious prosperity, then we must first seek God's face
and act in accordance with His will. Then we will enjoy His blessing.
Blessed is
the nation whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 33:12
My dear fellow
Christian American...
It is not a sin to prayerfully sing "God
Bless America."
Strangers in Our Land;
The Duty of Christians to Possess America
America is in danger of being
overthrown by strangers.
God gave our forefathers this
land to possess as a Christian nation, and they founded America on Biblical principles.
But modern Americans turned our
backs on God. In the names of “diversity” and “interfaith” and
“multiculturalism” we became a polytheistic nation. False
Christians and their pagan allies formed a devilish confederacy for
strangers in our land to overthrow true Christianity and replace it with
polytheism, or idolatry.
When the Israelites went up out Egypt a large,
mixed multitude
of foreigners, or strangers, accompanied them. But the heathen had to comply with
certain regulations.
Strangers shall not blaspheme the name of
Jehovah (Lev. 24:16).
Strangers shall not indulge in idolatrous worship (Lev. 20:2).
Strangers shall not commit acts of indecency
(Lev. 18:26).
Simply put, the Hebrews held
dominion over strangers. They were not allowed to come
into the land and trample on or overthrow the Hebrew culture.
And before entering Canaan, God
commanded the Israelites:
Go in and possess the land
the Lord God of your fathers gave to you.
Deuteronomy 4:1
In other words, God gave the
Israelites dominion over Canaan. They were given rightful ownership of the
Promised Land.
Likewise, God gave the
Christian Pilgrims and Puritans dominion over this country. Christians are given
rightful ownership of America. However, we are allowing strangers to come to
America and wrest our land away from us. Strangers are robbing us of our
Christian culture and our Christian heritage. Christians are losing dominion
over America because we are allowing strangers to rob our children of their
It is not Biblical for our land
to be devoured by strangers who invade America to overthrow our Christian
heritage and Christian culture.
God gave our forefathers
America to possess as a Christian nation.
As Christian patriots, it is
our godly duty to “possess the land” that God has given us.
But let me make one thing
perfectly clear...nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to take dominion
over the land, and return to Old Testament judicial law in order to prepare
it for the Second Coming of Christ. This is one of the false teachings of Dominionists.
Christian America?
Was America Founded As a Christian Nation?
Recently, someone wrote
Liberty Advocate challenging the founding of America as a Christian
"After stumbling across one of your posts
I felt the need to educate and inform you...
...To say that America was founded as a Christian nation is incorrect,
ignorant, and prideful...I see no proof that America was based on
Christianity only senseless ramblings about the
name God in a couple of documents."
In Trump We Trust:
The Duty of Presidents and Government Officials
to Be God's Shepherds;
and Our Duty to Be God's Sheep
President Trump is clothed
with an important trust - he is elected to administer the government of
the United States. And it is his duty to be God’s shepherd: lead,
protect, govern, and provide for our welfare. And like a shepherd, he
must watch the entrance of the fold throughout the night, acting as
porter. He must be ever watchful of protecting us from our
enemies who wish to destroy us.
And what is true respecting
President Trump is true respecting every government official – high or low
level. Every person who fills an office of rule is a shepherd, acts in the
position of God and is under obligation to safeguard the interests of the
Every government official,
including President Trump, is required by God to act as a good shepherd.
Every good shepherd seeks the
best interests of American citizens, including protecting them from internal
and external enemies.
But a bad shepherd fails to
seek the best interests of American citizens.
A bad shepherd welcomes
ravenous wolves into the fold to attack the sheep and lambs.
When things go wrong in
America, the sheep put all the blame on bad government officials - the
bad shepherds.
But the sheep also have their
share of the blame. Past presidents and government officials could not have
done so much harm if we had not been so indifferent and passive.
Bad citizens – bad sheep –
promote division and the destruction our American and Christian heritage.
They hate Christian America and promote a New America. They despise laws of
morality based on Biblical law, and demand immoral laws based on their
wicked imaginations. Bad citizens demand a land of licentiousness, instead of a
land of liberty. The whining cry, or bleating, of bad sheep is “Don’t
judge,” a corrupt misinterpretation of Matthew 7:1 cried by hippies and
other spiritual rebels who demand we tolerate, sanction and legalize wicked
acts. Of course, they judge us for upholding God’s moral laws! O ye
Beware of bad sheep!
In other words, beware of
citizens who are American, but hate America. They do not care about the
safety and welfare of their fellow Americans. Shockingly, they demand
America’s enemies – ravenous wolves - be welcomed into the flock to attack
the sheep and the lambs. They protest all efforts to safeguard America.
Foreign aliens who
refuse to assimilate are enemies of America.
They do not seek to bring their best to
America, but seek to
take the best from America. They do not come to be
a blessing to America; they come to oppress America: demand welfare,
refuse to learn English, demand Sharia law, and other acts of malicious
See also the following sermon...
Jan 22, 2013 - The
first, entitled Scriptural
Instructions to Civil Rulers, and all Free-born Subjects
(1774), is one of the most famous of all Revolutionary War ...
the truth about Christian America...
The early political culture of the American republic was
deeply influenced by the New England preachers.
Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730–1805
Read this book free online...
Political Sermons of the American Founding Era. - Online Library
The Online Library of Liberty is provided in order to encourage the study
of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals by making
freely ...
Liberty Advocate is not affiliated
with Liberty Fund, Inc.
Liberty Advocate note:
Modern preachers are weak and ignorant. Once
you read these sermons, you'll understand why the early political culture of
the American republic was deeply influenced by the New England preachers. In
the early republic, preachers wielded much influence and power in American
society: intelligent men preached from the pulpit. Today, ignorant preachers
dumbed-down by anti-establishment indoctrination (instead of a true
education) preach humanist "sermons" from the "stage." This is all part of
the plot to destroy the power and influence of Christianity in American
society, and usher in the one-world religion.
The Republic of the
Israelites an Example to the
American States
Ellis Sandoz, Political Sermons of the American Founding
Era: 1730-1805, 2 vols, Foreword by Ellis ... THE
United States—Politics and government—Sermons.
Stand Your Ground
Multiculturalism is not just another name for anti-American.
Multiculturalism is another name for
Multiculturalism is another name for
America was founded by
Christians and for Christians.
America is one nation under God - the Christian God.
We are in danger of becoming a polytheistic nation,
and religious leaders are ignorantly joining hand-in-hand
with the enemy.
Multiculturalists plan to submerge Christian culture
in the rising tide
of diverse and rival cultures and religions.
The Bible Is
Clear: Our Appearance Matters
Today, modern
Christians insist that God looks on the heart and we are not to judge by
the outward appearance. They insist our appearance doesn’t matter. This
devilish lie is rooted in the 1960s hippie rebellion.
Before the
1960s, men acted like men, and women acted like women. And you could
readily tell them apart by their dress and mannerisms.
But hippies
rebelled against the Biblical command of feminine women and masculine
men. They glorified the androgynous model Twiggy, the long-haired
Beatles, and others glorifying the mixing of masculine and feminine
characteristics. Jeans were used to promote a sexless and classless
society – a new social order. And, unfortunately, many listened to the
anti-establishment beat of rebellion against Biblical commands,
including distinct dress of men and women.
The Bible
instructs women to dress in modest apparel. But Rev. W.M. Statham
explains modest dress does not mean renouncing adornment:
In like
manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.
adornment. "That women adorn themselves in modest apparel." The gospel
never permits asceticism. As God is the God of beauty, and nature is
clothed with garments (like the high priest of old) of glory and beauty,
so here we have the true idea carried out in religion. Women are "to
adorn themselves." God's most beautiful work in creation, the human
frame, is to be fitly appareled; for, to this day, art knows no higher
subject than the human face and form.
There is no
specific Scripture addressed to men on how to dress. But based on
Biblical principles, every Christian man should dress well. Why? Man is
made in the image of God.
For a
man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image of and glory of God.
If you are a
born-again Christian, then your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost…
What? know ye
not that your body is
the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have of God,
and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your body,
and in your spirit, which are God's.
1 Corinthians 6:19, 20
If we truly
believe our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost, then we will clothe
them with holiness and beauty.
The Spirit of Jezebel:
The Seducing Doctrine of Unconditional Eternal Salvation
The seducing doctrine of unconditional eternal security
is spreading like wildfire.
Many false prophets preach this damnable heresy.
For example, this is Jimmy Swaggart's "new" revelation
of the cross.
Wicked seducers who teach us to disobey God’s Word and commit
fornication and other abominations with the false promise of eternal
salvation are the spirit of Jezebel.
The Truth is... eternal security is promised only for true believers - those who
obey Him...
And being made perfect,
He became the author of eternal salvation
unto all them that
obey Him.
Hebrews 5:9
Thou sufferest that woman Jezebel,
which calleth herself
a prophetess,
to teach and to seduce my
servants to commit fornication,
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication;
and she repented not.
Revelation 2:20, 21
Beware of the spirit of Jezebel - wicked seducers - who teach and
seduce you into
grave sins that condemn you to eternal damnation - hell.
Holiness is not legalism.
It's sanctification.
Only true saints - sanctified believers - will not have their names
blotted out of the Book of Life.
Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled
their garments;
and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.
He that overcometh,
the same shall be
clothed in white raiment;
and I will not
blot out his name out of the book of life,
but I will confess
his name before my Father,
and before his
Revelation 3:4,5
Religion, Reading, 'Riting
and 'Rithmetic :
A Defense of
the Bible in Public Schools
We are
witnessing the devastating moral destruction of America. And much of this
can be blamed on public schools. Prayer and the Bible were removed from
public schools and replaced with psychobabble, polytheism, and other pagan
Public schools
are not neutral toward Christianity. Public schools are anti-Christian. They
indoctrinate students with multiculturalism, another name for polytheism –
the worship of many gods, or idolatry. Public schools teach Christianity is
not the one true religion; all religions are equal with Christianity:
Buddhism, Hinduism, Mohammedanism (Islam), and other false religions. Public
schools teach idolatry.
When the Bible
was removed from public education, the liberals replaced Biblical truths
with relativism, atheism, communism, socialism, activism, ecumenism and
other anti-God isms. Now public schools teach students there are no
standards, including no moral standards.
And we wonder
why youth suicide is at an all-time high?
And we wonder
why youth destroy themselves with drunkenness, fornication, drugs, and other
self-destructive acts?
And we wonder
why youth commit school massacres and other violent acts?
America’s youth
are schooled in immorality and rebellion against God. Consequently, America
is in moral chaos.
What’s the
There is only
one answer: America must be moral again. And you cannot separate morality
from religion. Therefore, we must demand the Bible be restored to its
rightful place in our public schools… Religion, Reading, ‘Riting, and
little children to come unto me” has an authority which no one can
supersede, not even the United States Supreme Court.
little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me:
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14
Easter Is a Holy
Years ago, Christians wore new clothes,
“Easter finery,” on Easter Sunday symbolizing the resurrection of Christ and
our new life as a born-again Christian. Women and girls bought
new dresses, shoes, spring coats in a pastel color as well as gloves,
purses, and new hats to wear to church. Men and boys got new suits, shoes,
shirts and ties.
Today, we don't dress
up on Easter. We dress down...way down.
Some people argue that
God doesn’t care how you dress for church – appearance doesn’t matter. Well,
He cared about the appearance of the animals Israelites presented for a
Thou shalt not
sacrifice unto the Lord thy God any bullock, or sheep,
wherein is blemish, or any evilfavouredness:
for that is an abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Deuteronomy 17:1
So, why would we
present ourselves in God’s house as a living sacrifice with tattoos
(Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any
marks upon you: I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:28); jeans (rebellion against the Old Church Order
of reverence); tennis shoes, shorts, flip flops,
other play clothes; and other sinful or disrespectful “blemishes.”
We must always offer
our best to God, and therefore we should offer our best appearance when we
present ourselves in His holy house.
Don’t let any pastor
or religious leader deceive you…
It is not the sin of
vanity to dress in our Sunday Best for the Lord’s Day, or to dress in Easter
finery for Easter Sunday.
God is the God of beauty. And it is
not a sin for women to adorn themselves with beautiful dresses. And it is
not a sin for men to clothe themselves with beautiful suits.
Wear new
clothes, “Easter finery,” on Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of
Christ and our new life as a born-again Christian.
Lent Is an Abomination
Many churches spend Lent
focusing on mourning and suffering, including the crucifixion of Jesus
Focusing on Christ’s
crucifixion – the cross – denies the glory and power of the Gospel. Focusing on the Crucifixion – the cross - instead of the
Resurrection makes the suffering of Christ the heart of the Gospel. But the
true heart of the Gospel is the triumph of Christ - the Resurrection.
Christ was crucified, but He arose.
His resurrection must never be divorced from His crucifixion.
The atoning cross and the empty tomb are inseparable.
And the cross must never overshadow the empty tomb!
And this is the abomination of Jimmy Swaggart’s false gospel.
His “message of the cross” denies the power and glory of Christ.
Swaggart’s false gospel of the cross clearly contradicts Paul’s
message of the Risen Savior. In
other words, Swaggart focuses on the cross, the Crucifixion.
On the other hand, Paul focuses on the Resurrection.
And this is why Swaggart wickedly slanders and libels the Apostle
Paul, alleging that Paul did not fully understand the Gospel.
Swaggart and others allow the Crucifixion to overshadow the Resurrection.
This is an abomination.
Beware of Bible
Release Time!
Released Time
Religious Education in Public Schools
I was
glad to hear of Bible Release Time offering parents in Union County,
Georgia, an opportunity for their elementary children to receive Biblical instruction
during school hours.
I've changed my mind after
corresponding with Gary Meier who is involved with Bible Release Time and
the Appalachian Christian Leadership Council.
Meier has been seduced by
gnostics and other heretics - seducing spirits.
Meier, a retired HCJB World Radio "missionary," believes doctrines of
devils: Adam was standing beside Eve when she was tempted by the serpent
(feminist theology); and
Satan did not appear to Eve in the form of a snake.
The Bible
warns us Satan has ministers...
And no marvel; for Satan
himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great
thing if his ministers
also be transformed as the ministers of
whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:14, 15
Released Time Religious Education states...
Released Time programs are designed as religious education to
teach the religious beliefs and practices of the religion of the sponsoring
program. Some programs may
also choose to teach specific doctrines or beliefs of a specific church or
denomination. The programs are responsible for selecting curriculum
and implementing the instruction.
Bible Release Time
does not teach Biblical Truth. Under the guise of
“Christianity,” Bible Release Time is a devilish children’s program of lies, deception,
ecumenism, indoctrination – heresy! Programs may teach social justice,
feminist theology, LGBTQ theology, social gospel, unconditional eternal
security, or any other false gospel.
Beware of Bible Release Time and other Released Time Religious Education
O Christian Pilgrim, "Be Ye Separate"
The Bible tells us that true Christians are “strangers and pilgrims on
the earth” (Hebrews 11:13).
True Christians do not feel at home in this wicked world because they
are strangers and pilgrims.
In the days of old, the colonial Pilgrims fled to the New World to
separate from a church corrupted by impure worship.
And today modern Pilgrims are separating from churches corrupted by
impure worship.
The colonial Pilgrims were strangers in the New World.
Today, true Christians are strangers and pilgrims in a New World…the New
World Order, including the New Church Order.
O Christian Pilgrim, obey God’s command: “Be ye separate.”
VCY America presents the May 13, 1995, rally with Jeff Godwin entitled
"Voodoo Roots Of Rock & Roll." Jeff Godwin details the satanic
influences that are present in Rock and Roll music and its culture.
There is one rule we should never forget.
Rock is Rock is Rock is Rock. Whether it's called "Soft" Rock, "Acid" Rock,
"Punk" Rock, or "Christian" Rock, we are still dealing with music more
ancient than the classics. Rooted in the Druid demon worship of Celtic
England, and baptized in voodoo ceremonies of Africa and the Caribbean,
Satan's rock rules the world.
- Jeff Godwin, Dancing with Demons: The
Music's Real Master
Public Schools and the
Downfall of America
Every day this school
year, over 56 million
children will be marched off to elementary and secondary public schools for
a dumbed-down curriculum and indoctrinated with socialist/humanist
Who’s to blame?
We are…American taxpayers.
dollars fund the public education that is causing the downfall of America.
But we remain
We remain
silent as multiculturalism – another name for polytheism, or idolatry – is
taught in schools.
We remain
silent as sexual perversion, licentiousness, and the anti-Biblical family is
taught to our children as alternative lifestyles: living “outside the box”
and other “progressive” life choices.
We remain
silent about “progressive” propaganda indoctrinating our children to replace
American patriotism with globalism.
We remain
silent about the $654 billion that will be wasted this year on low academic
standards to make everyone intellectually equal at a low level. Yes,
$654 billion - taxpayer dollars!
And the list of
public education’s diabolical warfare to cause the downfall of America goes
on and on and on…
Admittedly, the
entertainment industry and false Christian leaders like Rick Warren are also
to blame for the downfall of America. But we're talking about our taxpayer
It’s time for
God-fearing Christians to speak up and demand our politically-correct
schools be reformed before it’s too late.
Before it’s too
socialist/humanist propaganda of schools must be stopped.
public education on a Biblical foundation is of profound national importance
for the safety and welfare of our country.
Secular Humanism Is a Religion:
Religious Humanism
Secular humanists declare religion - Christianity - is outdated and
and deny secular humanism is a religion.
But secular humanism is a religion.
In fact, the signers of the 1933 Humanist Manifesto
called themselves religious humanists.
Later when religious humanists began to push their non-theistic agenda in
the public schools,
they called themselves "secular" humanists.
But let’s call them what they are...religious
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Religious Scoundrels on
don’t watch many “Christian” YouTube videos anymore. Why? There are too many
religious scoundrels.
Let me explain…
First, most go a whoring after money and interrupt their programs with ads.
It’s not only annoying…it’s irreverent. If you are discussing God’s holy
Word, then why would you interrupt a holy discussion for financial gain?
This is like interrupting a sermon or Sunday school lesson with ads.
Secondly, some “Christian” YouTube channels practice cancel
culture. My comments have been deleted several times.
For example, I watched Becca Eller Bowen’s video
Why is Christian worship music often so shallow? -
YouTube I agreed with her. So, I posted
a comment agreeing and links to two of my articles.
My comment was deleted!
Recently, I watched Long For Truth video
Lakeland: The Godless Revival - YouTube
rebuking Todd Bentley. Even though there was ad after ad after ad, I watched
the entire video. I agreed with what Daniel and Robin Long said and posted a
comment explaining my hometown is Lakeland, attended the false revival, and
wrote what I saw and heard. And I posted a link to my article, “Todd Bentley
Revival: Rebellion Against God’s Law”
Todd Bentley (libertyadvocate.com).
Within minutes my comment was deleted!
Christian Radio Chris Rosebrough uses a pirate logo and lingo. He has robbed the word “pirate” of its true meaning. The true
definition of
pirate radio or a pirate radio station is a radio station that broadcasts
without a valid license. But Rosebrough
made up his own definition as a radio station
broadcast from outside of 'the system' so
he can use a pirate flag for his logo. A pirate flag? Yes, a pirate flag.
Thirdly, some religious scoundrels make merchandise of men: "And through
covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you" (2 Pet.
2:2). Becca
Bowen and Chris Rosebrough sell overpriced merchandise: coffee mugs, T-shirts, and other
They profit from ads and merchandise. They are
covetous. They are no different from the prosperity gospel preachers they
Beware of religious scoundrels on YouTube.
No Reverence in God's House
If we were invited to a state dinner
at the White House, naturally we
would wear our best clothes
to the President's house.
So, why do we wear whatever makes us
"feel comfortable" when we are invited to
feast at God's House?
Why do professing Christians show
disrespect for God's House by wearing
casual clothes, with no
proper physical or spiritual preparation to
"come and dine" with the Lord?
And when the king came in to see the
guests, he saw there a man which had not
on a wedding garment:
And he saith unto him,
Friend, how camest thou in hither not having
a wedding garment?
And he was speechless.
Matthew 22:11, 12
We must not make light of the sanctity of God’s house
by showing disrespect in behavior or dress.
It is an insult to
Self-willed behavior and inappropriate dress
show contempt for the house of the Lord.
What would Jesus do if He went into
our church and looked around?
Would He see and hear carnal reveling,
dramas and other entertainment, sports,
and other profanation?
Or would He see and hear praying, sacred songs,
Bible reading, gospel preaching,
and reverent worship?
Would Jesus angrily rebuke us:
“My house shall be called the house of prayer;
but you have made it a den of entertainment”?
There must be a revival of reverence in the house of God.
Rick Warren’s Religious Communism
Why doesn't Rick Warren
openly admit
he's a communist?
And why doesn't he openly admit his
PEACE plan is a
religious communist manifesto?
Like Jim
Jones, Rick Warren has beguiled and bewitched many professing Christians
into blindly joining his cult of religious communism.
When a
man persuades millions of professing Christians into following his
corrupted communist interpretation of the Bible…
it’s a
religious cult.
When a
man persuades millions of professing Christians to rebel against
evangelism and replace it with communist activism…
it’s a
religious cult.
When a
man persuades millions of professing Christians to rebel against
righteousness and holiness and replace it with communist good works…
it’s a
religious cult.
In years past, persons worshipped diabolical men disguised as saviors...
Hitlerism, Stalinism, Leninism, and so forth.
And now
we have another diabolical man disguised as our savior – Rick Warren.
And many professing Christians worship him and his PEACE plan that
promises to bring peace on earth.
Hence...Warrenism: the worship of Rick Warren and his religious
Undeniably, Warren’s devious master plan is to transform the church into
a militant religious army to destroy nationalism and help build an
international communist government.
Warren is brainwashing professing Christians into becoming militant
activists of Global Communism.
Clearly, Rick Warren sees Bible Christians who hold to the basic
foundational doctrines of the faith as enemies. And he has instructed
pastors and other church staff to bully and demean congregations into
submission to religious communism or deal with them harshly.
Just as Hitler had his Gestapo, Warren has his Gestapo.
Transitions, an associate of Saddleback Church in California, trains the
Warren Gestapo - church leaders - initiating the change:
1. Identify those who are resisting the changes;
2. Assess the effectiveness of their opposition;
3. Befriend those who are undecided about the changes;
4. Marginalize
more persistent resisters;
5. Vilify
those who stay and fight; and
6. Establish
new rules that will silence all resistance.
At the
end of this message, go to the link to
hear the audio of Warren admitting he learned how to
develop campaigns for his church from the communists.
To begin
this series, we will compare Warren with another cult leader who used
religion to preach communism...Jim Jones.
to Church: Public
Worship Is Biblical
More and more “Christian”
videos on Youtube allege the Bible does not teach public worship.
Many say the early church met to worship in houses only – private worship;
therefore, Christians should not attend public worship in a church building.
Many posting these videos
either are ignorant of or deliberately ignore early Christians were
persecuted and were not allowed to build public church buildings.
We should attend the Lord’s house on the Lord’s Day, the first
day of the week, to be observed in remembrance of the resurrection of
many Christians are disgusted with greedy pastors who beg and beg and beg
for money for big mortgages, the latest technology, a large unnecessary
staff, and other wasteful spending. These are not Biblical churches. These
are greedy and corrupt churches.
And it is
almost impossible to find a church that teaches and preaches sound doctrine
in sermon and song.
If you can find
a Biblical church – attend it faithfully.
Listen Christians. . .
Holiness separates the true Christians from the false Christians.
Be ye holy; for I am holy.
1 Peter 1:16
Be Ye Holy
ye holy; for I am holy.
1 Peter 1:16
God’s Law commands holiness:
“Because it is written,
Be ye holy; for I am holy.”
Church attendance does not make us holy.
Even hypocrites and sinners attend church.
Good works do not make us righteous and holy.
Even atheists do good works.
Belief in God does not make us Christians.
Even demons believe in God.
We have substituted organized good works (social causes
and social works) for righteousness and holiness.
The Bible declares that true Christians are a holy people.
A true Christian is a holy temple.
A true Christian school is a holy campus.
A true church is a holy sanctuary.
Is My Story: The
Lord Saved Me from the Depths of Despair
This Is My Story: The Lord Saved Me From Despair (libertyadvocate.com)
my mid-twenties, I was sinking in the stormy waves of depression.
I even seriously contemplated suicide.
the Lord saved me from drowning in the depths of despair!
He put a new song in my heart!
Apostate Songs?
Get Up and Walk Out!
Apostate songs are just as wicked as
apostate sermons. Songs
are sermons…they preach a message. Making sure that all songs
in the church are doctrinal and holy is just as important as making sure
that all sermons are doctrinal and holy. Even if the sermons are sound, but
there are profane “Christian” songs in the sanctuary, the church is being
If you are in a church service that
sings an apostate song...get up and walk out!
Walk out and speak out...confront
the music director and pastor.
And if the church continues to sing
apostate songs...stay out!
Recently, I walked out of a church
service when a soloist sang the false Christian song, "Here I Am to
Worship." This was the second time I walked out of the church. And I
refuse to go back since apostate songs are offered as worship.
Here is the e-mail I sent to the
Dear Rev. X,
Kenny and I left the
Sunday morning service…we won’t be back.
Someone at the Florida Holiness Campground recommended your church. When
I explained we are not interested in contemporary Christian music, he
exclaimed, “Oh, we don’t put up with it.” Of course, this is not true.
A few weeks ago, a man
and his grandson sang a worldly, “Christian” contemporary song. I got up
and went into the lobby. And there I was bombarded with the loud,
raucous “Christian” music of the contemporary service. It grieved my
spirit. But after the “special” I returned to the sanctuary for the
sermon. After the service, Kenny and I discussed the music, and agreed
we would not return.
However, we decided to give the church another chance. But Sunday
morning when John(?) was singing “Here I Am to Worship” my spirit was so
troubled that Kenny and I left.
Just as there are
counterfeit Christians, there are counterfeit Christian songs.
Christian Rock ‘n’ Roll:
A-whoring After the Devil’s Music
The modern
Church has gone a-whoring after the devil’s music and polluted the holy
sanctuary with “Christian” rock ‘n’ roll. But there is no
such thing as Christian rock ‘n’ roll.
quick Internet search of secular sources reveals the devilish roots of rock
‘n’ roll…
Since Elvis shook his
pelvis on "The Ed Sullivan Show" in 1956, rock 'n' roll has been
inextricably linked with sex. In fact,
term "rock 'n' roll" is 1950s black slang for the sexual act itself.
So…how can rock ‘n’ roll be “Christian” when it’s black
slang for sex?
Undeniably, the intent of rock music was
to cause teens to rebel against morality and authority.
And the heavy beat and loudness
of rock ‘n’ roll was used to further the rebellion against morality and
The primary instruments
of early rock 'n' roll were guitar, bass, piano, drums, and saxophone.
All aspects of the music—its heavy beat,
loudness, self-absorbed lyrics, and raving delivery—indicated a teenage
defiance of adult values and authority.
In the 1960s music
mirrored the tensions of the Vietnam War era and played an important role in
American culture. The verbal content of
rock songs turned toward rebellion, social protest, sex, and, increasingly,
drugs. Many groups, among them Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful
Dead, tried to approximate in music the
aural experience of psychedelic drugs, producing long, repetitive,
occasionally exquisite songs with surreal lyrics (known as "acid rock" or
"hard rock").
All aspects of rock music – its
heavy beat, loudness, self-absorbed lyrics, and raving delivery – is
intended to incite defiance of morality and authority.
Undeniably, the
intent of rock music is to incite rebellion.
Likewise, all aspects of
Christian rock ‘n’ roll – its heavy beat, loudness, self-absorbed lyrics,
and raving delivery – is intended to incite defiance of Biblical morality
and Biblical authority. Christian rock ‘n’ roll incites rebellion against
the Biblical church: holy worship to a holy God.
Any music that incites
rebellion against Biblical morality and Biblical authority is the devil’s
music. And we cannot offer as worship the devil's music to a holy God.
Rock music is a sacrifice to
music is fellowship with devils: Christians cannot have fellowship with
We cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and
the cup of devils.
We cannot eat of the Lord's table, and
of the table of devils.
We cannot sing praises to the Lord, and sing
praises to devils.
Christians who have polluted their hearts and minds with rock ‘n’ roll must
repent and be cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
perfecting holiness.
Let us
cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the
flesh and spirit,
perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
2 Corinthians 7:1
Let us cleanse
ourselves of all rock ‘n’ roll - filthiness of the flesh and spirit –
including Christian rock ‘n’ roll.
Let us cry out
in repentance…
O God, search
O Lord, cleanse
O Holy Ghost,
send a revival – start the work in me!
Read David Wilkerson's article about
"Christian" rock music...
May 24, 2002 - At
first, I couldn't believe what I was seeing on stage. I said out
loud, "This
can't be happening at a Christian festival - they can't do this to
my ...
Jan 27, 2015 - Bethel
Music is the work of
Bethel Church, a notorious cult church that .... get it back once it
is lost in the final deception, delusion, and apostasy.
Jan 26, 2016
- Today we'll
be taking a look at “No
Longer Slaves” by Bethel Music ... This is undoubtedly
designed as one of their worship songs…
how it's ...
Peace on
Peace in Your Heart
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27
You must not yield to
overwhelming worry and grief and fear
over evil in the world.
You must not yield to
overwhelming worry and grief and fear
during your trials and tribulations.
Over and over again,
Jesus rebuked His disciples for having little faith:
“O ye of little faith.”
We often say that we trust in the Lord,
but at the same time yield to overwhelming worry and grief and fear.
Are you a Christian of little faith?
You must be Christian of great faith.
You must be a Christian of great hope.
Peace on Earth
Pt. 2
Ecumenism: Unholy
The Ecumenical Movement is
an unholy union with false
Ecumenism is worldwide
unity among religions.
This is the foundation of a one-world religion.
This is the spirit of anti-Christ.
"Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers:
for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?...
and be ye separate..."
False Christians claim Jesus’ mission was to bring peace on earth.
But Jesus never preached world peace and unity.
In fact, Jesus declared the Truth would divide families and nations:
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
I came not to send peace,
but a sword.
The truth is sinners will be offended and hate us for preaching in
Jesus’ name.
The truth is hypocrites will be offended and hate us for preaching in
Jesus’ name.
The truth is Muslims and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists and
all other unbelievers will be offended and hate us for preaching in
Jesus’ name.
Those who hate the Truth are offended by the Truth.
True Christians can never be in true unity with false Christians and
True Christians and false Christians and infidels are not
one spirit.
True Christians are of
the Holy Spirit.
False Christians and infidels are the spirit of antichrist.
Listen…the apostate church
- the Great Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation –
is seducing Christians with the devilish doctrine of unholy unity
with those who hate Jesus Christ.
This religious reconciliation is the unity of all religions into a
one-world religion.
And this one-world religion headed up by the apostate church will usher
in the Antichrist!
Take heed…if you support this unholy unity,
you are a partaker of their evil deeds -
including ushering in the Antichrist.
Now Available on YouTube...
The Children's Illustrated Bible Primer with Commentary
has been made into a colorful free video.
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children's Sunday school, or other Christian settings.
Children will be blessed each time they hear or read it.
The Children's Illustrated Bible Primer
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May 10, 2021 · Uploaded by Karen
Pansler Lam
Beware of BBN and
Moody Church!
Beware of BBN & Moody Church (libertyadvocate.com)
Beware of
BBN (Bible Broadcasting Network)!
Beware of
Moody Church!
Over the
years, I occasionally listened to the sacred music on BBN radio.
But the
past few years I noticed a change.
the songs sound Hollywood: like show tunes from a Hollywood musical.
sometimes they throw in more contemporary sappy songs.
And some of
the radio announcers seem to lean toward a social gospel.
So, I
stopped listening to BBN.
I mentioned
Moody’s apostate worship in
Cancel Culture: Canceling the Old Church Order (libertyadvocate.com)
and sent them
an email denouncing their worldly worship.
And I sent BBN
an email expressing my surprise that it aired an old service on Easter.
Here is the
reply I received from Rob Ferguson...
Thank you for contacting
BBN. Our ministry's association with Moody is with Erwin Lutzer's tenure
as senior pastor at Moody Church, as well as other programs associated with
Moody Media.
I have not kept up with
the intricate details since their congregation has selected a senior pastor
to succeed Pastor Lutzer due to him retiring from those duties. He still
serves as Pastor-Emeritus. Â
It is BBN's understanding
that while Moody may have strayed from their roots on more-subjective issues
(which by the way we would not be in lock-step with), their practice of
sound Biblical Doctrine is still intact. Â
We hope that you continue
to listen to our station and that BBN is a blessing and an encouragement to
you. May the Lord bless you.
I replied…
Worldly worship is NOT a
subjective matter. Color lights, "Christian" rock music, and other
worldliness is an abomination in God's house.
I wonder how many
souls in Moody Church believe they are saved,
but are on the road to
hell because the church has surrendered to the apostate New Church Order?
Evangelical Cancel
Canceling the Old
Church Order
Evangelicals are hypocrites!
They cry out against cancel culture,
but where was their outcry when cancel culture madness swept
through Evangelical churches years ago?
In the 1980s, leaders of the New Church Order demanded
canceling the culture of the Old Church Order claiming it offended the
They pushed church political-correctness under the guise of evolving
cultural attitudes
and increasing church membership.
They declared the doctrines of holiness and righteousness
were offensive and must be canceled, along with preaching against sin.
The beloved doctrinal hymns? Canceled.
To justify their cancellation, the New Order lied saying the old hymns
were not doctrinal.
The King James Bible? Canceled.
Wearing our Sunday best to the Lord’s house?
Sanctity in the sanctuary? Canceled.
And so forth…
The New
Church Order hates sound doctrine, even in songs. That’s one reason they
hate the church hymnal.
Of course,
another reason is they lust after a carnal beat in songs – even church
songs. So, they devised a devilish strategy to turn Christians against
sacred hymns: boldly lie and declare the old hymns are not Scriptural.
I heard Pastor
Phil Stephens tell this lie from the pulpit (now “stage”) at Southside
Assembly of God in Lakeland, Florida.
That’s one of
several reasons I left that church many years ago, and refuse to attend AG
What a
When I visited Moody Church’s Facebook page,
much to my
dismay I discovered the service on the radio was an old Easter service!
Mary, Queen of Heaven
There is a dark mystery about
Catholicism’s meaning of Lent and Easter.
And the secret to unveiling this dark mystery
is found in the ancient Babylonian liturgical wailing for Tammuz,
and the ancient pagan worship of the Queen of Heaven.
article on Tammuz in The Encyclopedia Britannica (1938)
sheds light on the dark mystery of Catholicism:
There is a strange inconsistency in
the hymns of these wailings concerning the mother goddess to her lover, Tammuz.
In the early Sumerian texts she is his sister, but soon the Semitic
view is that she is his mother prevails…It is obvious
that a cult which is based upon the death and resurrection of a propitiating
god, and upon the love of a divine mother who wails for her son, has
direct connection with the facts and theological views based upon them,
which gave birth to Christianity.
The cult
of Tammuz did not give birth to Christianity.
The cult
of Tammuz gave birth to Catholicism.
The love of a divine mother who wails for her son
is not Christianity…it’s Catholicism.
Movement Catholic Church vs the Bible 12/17 by Susan ...
My guest is Karen Pansler-Lam of the website Liberty
Advocate. What is the Ecumenical movement and does it have any
place in the true ...
Paula White
Pt. 4
Paula White:
Why is Paula White wearing a white wedding
Paula White has gone a
whoring after numerous married men...
Randy White
Benny Hinn
Rick Hawkins
Jonathan Cain
...and more...?
And in
spite of her whoredom, some Evangelicals adore her and praise her: Kenneth
Copeland, Steve Strang, Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, and others. This
marks them as false preachers and false teachers because God condemns
adultery in language that cannot be misinterpreted or misunderstood…
Thou shalt
not commit adultery.
Exodus 20:14
Paula White has repeatedly rebelled against God’s command to respect the
bond on which the family is based. Marriage, according to the original
institution, made the husband and wife “one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). But White
repeatedly coveted married men and broke in upon this sacramental union and
stole another woman’s husband! And yet Evangelicals wink at her adultery and
Thou shalt not
commit adultery
applies to everyone...including Paula White.
The Bible makes it
very clear...
There is no
such person as a Christian adulteress.
Paula White is not a
Paula White is an adulteress.
The Dirty
Hiding Biblical Truth
Beware of dirty apologists and
dirty apologetics!
Did “Apologist” Chaffey reply to my first comment?
He refused to approve it and decided to hide it!
It is my understanding that while comments on blogs are awaiting approval,
the submitter will see the message “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”
Once it’s approved, the comment will show as normal, without the
message. But there never was a message that my comment was awaiting
moderation. Undeniably, Chaffey
refused to approve my comment or reply, and decided to ignore
and hide my comment from public view.
He wickedly decided to hide
the Biblical Truth about national blessing from you and others!
What a dirty apologist!
So, I posted another comment…
Clearly, you don't
understand Old Covenant Scriptures and their application to the New
Covenant. The New Covenant is a better covenant with better promises.
Now all peoples and all nations may call upon the Lord for personal and
national blessings. The Gospel message of salvation is for all nations:
“Go into all the world ...” And just as salvation is offered to all
nations, personal and national blessings are promised to all persons and
nations that exalt the Name of the Lord.
You blaspheme God by
declaring He refuses to bless believing nations. “Blessed is the nation
whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12). “And that repentance and remission
of sins should be preached in his name among all nations” (Luke 24:47).
All nations who own God for theirs and are owned by Him are of the
spiritual seed of Abraham, and entitled to God's promises and blessings.
Finally, Get thee behind me,
Satan: For it is written, “But now hath he obtained a more excellent
ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a BETTER covenant,
which was established upon BETTER promises” Hebrews 8:6.
Did “Apologist” Chaffey
reply to my second comment?
Again, he decided to hide it from public view.
If he didn’t want to reply, why didn’t he just approve my comment and
leave it posted?
Instead he acted cowardly and dastardly – he hid my comment!
For the second time, he devilishly hid Biblical Truth from you
and others!
This is dirty apologetics!
After I exposed his
cowardice in the October Liberty Letter and posted it on his blog, then he posted my comments and
lied about me.
So, I replied. Again,
he hid my replies rebuking his lies. If he did not want to reply, he
could've left my comments posted for others to read and decide for
themselves who is telling the truth.
Hiding comments is
low-down, despicable, devious, deceitful, dishonest, and
Hiding comments
defending Biblical Truth is dirty apologetics!
Chaffey refuses to post my
comments exposing his false teachings and corrupt apologetics...
Beware of dirty apologists
and dirty apologetics!
Paula White
Pt. 3
Paula White:
Greedy Dog
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough,
and they are shepherds that cannot understand:
they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from
his quarter.
Isaiah 56:11
God declares, “When you come into the
land which I give you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of
the first fruits of your harvest to the priest” (Leviticus 23:10 NIV). --
This divine establishment of God’s order is actually the root, the
foundation that governs the rest. “For if
the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so
are the branches” (Romans 11:16 NKJV). The first represents the total.
In other words, whatever you do with the first governs what happens to the
rest. By presenting all firsts
to God during this first month of the year
you are establishing His
redeeming covenant for it! All firsts
belong to God! -- “Honor
the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your
increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will
overflow…” (Proverbs 3:9–10 NKJV).
We have provided you several convenient methods in which you can donate to
Paula White Ministries. Please feel free to choose one of the additional
methods below:
For text giving send the text message to 45777 and enter "PWM"
Call our customer service number at 1-800-PAULA-17 to give a donation
You can
use a credit card or PayPal to
complete your donation on the next page!
Paula White tries to con people out of
their January paycheck
as a First Fruits seed!
Paula White is a greedy dog...she can never
have enough of our money!
Paula White
is a greedy dog…
She does
not feed the flock, but fleeces it. She has a worldly and covetous
spirit – and she covets the best. She is bent upon using lies and
deception to get more and more money for mansions, plastic surgery, and other
vanity. She dishonors God and brings contempt on Christianity.
Yes, Paula
White is a greedy dog who wants more and more of our money!
After Randy
and Paula divorced, she went a whoring after other married men: Benny Hinn, Rick Hawkins, Jonathan Cain, and probably some we don’t know
about. This is part of White’s greed – she covets other women’s
Paula White
Pt. 2
The Downfall of Without Walls Church
Now that
Paula White has
President Trump’s endorsement, she has a diabolical plot to plant 3,000
occult Charismatic churches, provide demonic
oversight for “pastors” to spread Dominionism and other doctrines of
devils, and launch a university that will instruct students in the
occult theology and other occultism of the Charismatic cult.
What makes Paula White
believe she can successfully plant 3,000 churches when she planted two
churches that failed?
And one was in my hometown
of Lakeland, Florida.
Now, when
Randy and Paula White’s Without Walls bought Carpenter’s Home Church,
the buildings were in good condition. But they were bad stewards. The buildings were
vandalized and deteriorated, and the main building had to be demolished.
In 2012, I visited
the abandoned and neglected church and reported the sad situation on
Prophetic News with Susan
Puzio. The following photos are irrefutable evidence Paula White is unqualified
to plant 3,000 new churches...
White is not just spiritually and morally unfit to plant churches, she is
spiritually and morally unfit for the White
Wake up,
We must
work and pray to get Paula White and her coven of fake preachers and demon-possessed
heretics out of the White House!
Paula White
Pt. 1
Paula White:
Evil Spirit in the White House
A big black
mark against President Donald Trump is the appointment of Paula White as an
official member of the White House staff. It is bad enough that she is
considered his key spiritual adviser.
White is not
only a heretic – she's a kook!
And her
demonic ranting and babbling are deeply troubling.
I wonder...
How did
Paula White bewitch President Trump into choosing her as his key spiritual
And how
did White bewitch Trump into appointing her as the Advisor to the Faith and
Opportunity Initiative?
Paula White is
part of the spiritual cult the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), which is
the New Church Order. They are false apostles – seducing spirits – who
thrust themselves into the apostolic office declaring God wants to do a “new
thing.” They say “hear the word of the Lord” when they have neither seen nor
heard any “new thing.” They pretend to be His messengers, but the Lord has
not sent them, has not given them any orders for a New Church Order.
These false
apostles despise the Bible as divine revelation. They pretend to have new
and greater personal revelations that supersede the Bible. They pretend to
have instructions from God but He never revealed any “new thing” to them.
God never spoke any such thing.
The New
Apostolic Reformation is a rebellion against true Christianity. It is
actually the New Apostolic Rebellion. And it’s promoted as a “new thing” by
demon spirits.
Under the guise
of Christianity, Dominionists are trying to set up a government of demons,
or demonomy. And they are trying to gain control of America’s governmental
and social institutions. Paula White is a key player in setting up this
dominion of demons. Never underestimate the diabolical and devious trickery
of the Devil in getting Trump to make Dominionist Paula White the Advisor to the Faith and Opportunity Initiative.
The word
“devil” is a diminutive from the root “div,” from which we get the word
“divine.” It means “little god.” And one lie preached by Dominionists,
including White, is that we are “little gods.”
Paula White declares...
have every right and authority to declare the White House as holy ground
because I was standing there and where I stand is holy.”
Wake up,
Paula White
must be ousted from the White House!
Jesus Loves the
Little Children
children being taught the Bible at church?
I’ve heard
story after story of children not being taught God’s Word in church after
church after church…
One wise mother
took her children out of a local church because the children played games in
the church gym instead of being instructed in the Word. The church
leadership justified this as being “creative” to bring “unchurched” boys and
girls to church hoping they will get saved. How can children get saved
without hearing the Word of God? And what about Christian parents who bring
their children to church for Bible lessons?
A true church
offers a Christ-centered children’s program, not a sports-centered one.
Besides, we
should be bringing boys and girls to Christ…not to church.
How can
children increase in the knowledge of God, and excel in sound judgment
and spiritual understanding if they don’t learn the Bible?
We can’t count
on churches training up children in the ways of the Lord. We have to train
up children at home. And we have to revive child evangelism.
is why I wrote The Children’s Illustrated Bible Primer with Commentary:
to bring children to Christ by teaching them that Jesus loves the little
Let's commit ourselves to child
bringing boys and girls to Christ in
America and around the world.
little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me:
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Buy this book for your
children, grandchildren, Sunday school,
children's church,
neighbors, schools, orphanages,
home and foreign missions, and so forth.
Barnes and Noble
The Bible! No other book in the
world has the power to nourish and inspire, to mold and to guide, the life
of a child. Even the youngest child,
who hears or reads Scripture, is drawn toward our loving heavenly Father,
and our tender and affectionate Savior who loves little children and calls
them to come to Him.
Children’s Illustrated Bible Primer with Commentary is an
alphabet of lessons for young children who are beginning to read, and
children beginning to read the Bible. The book uses the fine arts to
teach the Bible with beauty and reverence. Through
pictures, comments, stories and music children are taught to understand and
appreciate the Word of God.
Each letter of
the alphabet has a Scripture followed by a brief commentary in plain and
simple words. Scriptures are from the King James Bible because it is praised
as a literary masterpiece. The commentary is illustrated by a beautiful
color picture. It is a fact that children become more interested in and
remember longer information that is illustrated. The comments include some
of the fundamental doctrines of the Gospel, and practical application to
young children’s lives. At
the end of each lesson is a suggested song to reinforce the teaching of the
The Bible
Primer with Commentary encourages children to love God, and lovingly
obey his Word. It is full of sound guidance for everyday life, and hope and
joy. It is valuable not only as a book for teaching children to read or
beginning to read the Bible, but also as a children’s devotional or a book
that may be read aloud at family worship. It is also valuable as a beginning
textbook for home school or Christian school, children’s Sunday school, or
other Christian setting. Children will be blessed each time they hear or
read it.
Here is a sample lesson...
Satan, the Fake Pandemic,
and the Modern Church
Satan and his
devils laugh and laugh and laugh at Americans. The shout of one word caused
intense fear resulting in reckless and foolish decisions causing devastating
destruction in America.
And the Chinese
and every other God-hating communist country laugh and laugh and laugh at us
because with the shout of one word, we ran like scaredy-cats and locked down
our homes, closed our churches, and destroyed our economy.
What was the
one word?
They didn’t
shout “Boo!”
They shouted,
This one word –
“the shot heard round the world” – started the war against America to bring
us into submission to the Communist New World Order. Just think, not one
shot from a weapon was fired to start the war against Americans. The weapon
was the terrifying word “pandemic”! Words are powerful weapons.
And we didn’t
even stop to consider the World Health Organization agenda is a Communist
New World Order, or one-world communist government.
And we didn’t
even look up the definition of pandemic to see if the Communist World Health
Organization was intentionally misusing the word to deceive and destroy
The World
Health Organization shouts “Pandemic!” and we panic and run in fear, and
imprison ourselves in our homes.
We ran scared
and practiced social distancing – distanced ourselves from each other.
Churches didn’t
question the government. Cowardly pastors immediately agreed to shut down
their churches. Some pastors on social media patted themselves on the back
for following CDC guidelines. One Assemblies of God pastor boasted: “We’re
following CDC guidelines.” Too bad this pastor doesn’t follow the Biblical
guidelines for keeping the church pure. His church welcomes sinners with
open arms. And his church is infected with worldly worship.
Churches brag about
social distancing, but...
Too bad
churches don’t distance themselves from sin.
Too bad
churches don’t worry about keeping pure. They are not concerned with sinners
spreading the contagious disease of sin among the congregation.
Sadly, the
modern church is more afraid of being infected with the Chinese flu, than
being infected with sin!
Satan and his devils laugh and laugh and laugh…
The Church Is
the Lord's House
was dumbfounded!
was grieved!
few months ago, many professing Christians argued on Facebook that the
church is not the Lord’s House!
Since when has the church stopped being the Lord’s House?
guess when modern Christians started declaring Christianity is not a
religion, then they started declaring the church does not belong to the Lord
So, if the church is not a religious institution (because Christianity is
not a religion), then why is it tax exempt?
And why do ministers demand we pay tithes? They bully us by threatening that
if we don’t pay tithes, offerings, special offerings, and other church
taxes, then we are robbing God. But at the same time, they declare the
church is not God’s House!
The modern church is full of the devil’s disciples - theologians and other
heretics. And one of their devilish heresies is the church is not God’s
House, or the Lord’s House.
So, what is the definition of “church”?
The first definition of church in Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the
English Language is…
1. A house
consecrated to the worship of God, among Christians; the Lord’s house. This
seems to be the original meaning of the word.
The word
was probably derived from the Greek adjective kyriakon
(the Lord’s), and referred originally to the building in which Christians
met for worship (kyriakon doma,
the house of the Lord).
The Encyclopedia Americana,
(Gk. kyriakon,
“the Lord’s House”; ekklesia,
“assembly of citizens called out”).
Harper’s Bible Dictionary,
Remember those folks on
Facebook that argued the church isn't the Lord's House? They're right.
Their worldly church isn't the Lord's House. It's filled with the
carnal spirit of man, not Spirit-filled.
Born-again Spirit-filled
Christians know the truth about the church.
The church is the Lord’s House.
Jesus Did Not Descend into Hell
The false teaching that Jesus descended into hell
after His crucifixion is a doctrine of devils.
Certainly, if Jesus first descended into hell before His resurrection,
God’s Word would have clearly told us.
Specifically, the Bible tells us in plain words
about Christ’s birth, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
So, God’s Word would have told us in plain language
if Jesus descended into hell.
But nowhere in the Bible is it expressly stated or implied.
More important,
this devilish doctrine refutes Jesus’ last words
on the cross:
It is finished.
Keep your eyes on
Christ, not on the storm.
And he arose, and
rebuked the wind, and said
unto the sea,
Peace, be still.
And the wind
and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39
Dirty Rats
in the Evangelical Church
Spreading the Socialist Plague
There is a deadly plague being
spread by dirty rats in the Church…the socialist plague.
The socialist plague spreads by
dirty rats scurrying from denomination to denomination
preaching and teaching a false gospel of socialism.
Dirty church rats such as Rick
Warren scurry from
the headquarters of the Southern Baptists...
...to the Assemblies of God...
...to the Church of God...
...to the Church of the
...and other denominations.
Then infected denominational
leaders - like fleas - carry to their churches
the socialist disease from the sick rats.
This false social gospel is
causing Black Spiritual Death all across America and around the world.
And, if not stopped, will cause
the death of America.
Dear friend…
Put on the whole armor of God!
Don’t become a victim of the
Spiritual Black Death sweeping Evangelical churches!
Many spiritually-healthy Evangelical
congregations have succumbed to the socialist disease and no longer
preach the true Gospel.
Beware of dirty rats in the
Evangelical Church spreading the socialist plague!
Rebuilding the Tower of Babel
Here is an e-mail about
Rick Warren and Christian Humanitarianism
from a professor at the
Assemblies of God
Theological Seminary ...
I need to inform you that we at AGTS have similarly "slid down the slippery
slope" of emphasizing social justice in several classes, and I want to take
partial responsibility for that. . .
The course in Pentecostal Perspectives on Justice,
the Church and Society has been so popular among our students that it has
now become a requirement for ALL M.Div. students!!!
I'm sure that this should be a cause of great concern to you!
But even more!
We now have a concentration in our PhD in Intercultural Ministries
that focuses on Relief and Development.
My response rebuked him for boasting:
Christian Humanitarians replace “Christ crucified” with man glorified.
And your e-mail is a perfect example of this.
You glorify yourself and AGTS.
You glory in man's efforts; you do not glory in the Cross.
You substitute “man glorified” for “Christ crucified.”
Your boasting, or self-glorification, is not good.
that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord” (I Corinthians 1:31).
Foolish men glorify their efforts and boast they can save the world.
Warren is not concerned about building the Kingdom of God;
he is concerned about building the kingdom of Satan:
a global community of a one-world government
and the one-world religion of religious humanism.
He ignorantly believes that his PEACE strategy will bring peace on earth.
Unquestionably, Warren is
helping rebuild the Tower of Babel.
No true Christian will ever join hands to rebuild the Tower of Babel.
Mr. Mostert, are you making bricks to rebuild the Tower of Babel?
AGTS, are you making bricks to rebuild the Tower of Babel?
If you are teaching and preaching the false doctrines of religious
then you are making bricks to rebuild the Tower of Babel.
Repent and build the Kingdom of God!
Rick Warren proclaims he can bring
peace on earth...
Wake Up, Evangelicals!
Time magazine proclaims Rick Warren is
"America's most powerful religious leader."
Liberty Advocate proclaims Rick Warren is
most dangerous
religious leader."
Warren - the Pied Piper of Christianity - is charming Evangelicals
with his delightful tune of world
and lulling us into a deep sleep of destruction.
Wake up, Evangelicals!
Clearly, Warren’s purpose-driven mission is to replace the
true Gospel with the gospel of reconciliation -
religious humanism, or secular humanism.
Warren imagines there will be peace on earth
if we all work together to build
a new world religion – religious humanism.
Warren is rebuilding the Tower of Babel.
In fact, Warren used the Tower of Babel as the major symbol
of his 2004 “40 Days of Community” program to represent
the goal for his agenda to build a global community of churches.
The glitter, the glamour, the pomp, and the prestige have dazzled Warren
his connection with international organizations and
intoxicated him
with thoughts of his magnificence and power.
Warren is heading up the apostate Evangelical church
with his false gospel of reconciliation, or religious humanism
– the new one world religion.
If the Church allies itself with an ungodly world power for
support and prestige, it commits spiritual fornication.
Warren is committing spiritual harlotry by finding
excuses for conforming to the worship of the image
of the beast as
prophesied in the book of Revelation.
Wake up, Evangelicals!
See also:
Also, please read the following:
Rick Warren
Pt. I
Rick Warren's books,
The Purpose Driven Life and The Purpose Driven Church,
have sold millions of copies.
His man-centered business methods and strategies
to build the Church are idolized by
national and international church leaders of many denominations.
Warren's purpose-driven movement
has moved into the Church and
driven out sound doctrine and holy worship.
Rick Warren
Pt. II
We won’t take the time now to discuss how Warren
causes Christians to violate the Christian Sunday
by forcing them to attend church on Wednesday
so the “unchurched” can attend
a pagan “Christian” service on Sunday.
Sunday is the Lord’s Day.
Warren wrests the Christian Sabbath from believers
and hands it over to unbelievers.
This is heresy.
Never, never, never, never –
never submit to heresy.
See also:
The Black Plague of Paganism
An Open Letter to
Evangelical Churches in America
Dear Evangelical Churches in
Greetings in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ and Savior.
It is reported commonly that
there is fornication among you. And you are puffed up, and have not
Specifically, there are unwed couples in your churches living in sin.
But you remain silent.
For example, in a newspaper
article about the first baby born in 2020 in a small rural county in the
North Georgia mountains, the unwed mother calls her son a miracle baby
because she supposedly could not get pregnant. She thanks God that now she
has a family with her boyfriend! She says her faith gave her a blessing – a
baby. But God never blesses sin. God never blesses fornication! A baby born
out of wedlock is a bastard, not a blessing. God commands that children be
born in lawful wedlock.
Jesus loves children. And He
intends that they be given the best home – a true Christian home. And a true
Christian home is a man and a woman united in holy matrimony.
Listen, Evangelicals…
God never condones and blesses
God never condones having
bastard children!
This is not a true Christian
But many “Christian” unwed
couples proudly announce the birth of their illegitimate babies in the
And instead of counseling these
couples to repent and marry, you wink at sin and give them baby showers!
You prefer to offend God rather
than offend rebellious false Christians who openly defy the divine
institution of marriage. These unsanctified couples are sacrilege in the
Born-again Christians are not whores.
Born-again Christians are not
There is no such thing
as a Christian whore
There is no such thing
as a Christian fornicator.
But Rick Warren and other false
Christian leaders have hoodwinked you into winking at sin – including
fornication among you!
Woe unto you, Evangelicals!...
You have made your churches
sanctuaries for sin and sinners – fornication and fornicators!
You have made your churches
synagogues of Satan!
Fornication may be acceptable
in your church.
And fornication may be
acceptable in Evangelical churches in America.
But fornication is not
acceptable in the kingdom of God.
He that hath an ear, let him
hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Make America
America cannot be a great
nation again until America is Christian again.
The Bible offers the gospel
message of salvation, and it also offers practical political and familial
and church principles. And when a nation follows Biblical principles in
civil government and family government and church government, the nation and
family and church will prosper.
America was built on Biblical
laws and principles as evidenced by our Godly heritage. But liberal
Americans show open contempt for the Bible and work to undermine America’s
Christian foundation.
Above all, America needs a
revival. We need true men of God who aren’t afraid to preach the gospel
message of salvation: repentance and holiness. But there can be no true
revival if the true Gospel is not preached. Any preacher that denies God
demands holiness is a false preacher.
Because it is written,
Be ye holy; for I am holy.
1 Peter 1:16
When America repents and truly
honors God, then we will be a great nation again.
We must cry out to God, “Revive
After a great spiritual
awakening, then we must strive to be a holy people. The sanctifying power of
the Holy Spirit cleanses us and transforms us, but we must also actively
walk in the paths of holiness.
And be renewed in the spirit
of your mind;
And that ye put on the new
which after God is created
in righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:23,24
Hope for Homosexuals
Contrary to what "progressives"
the United States Supreme Court is not
the highest law of our land.
God's Law reigns supreme!
And according to God's Law,
marriage is the holy union of
one man and one woman:
Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother,
and shall cleave unto his wife:
and they shall be one flesh.
Genesis 2:24
The Bible never sanctions
same-sex marriage.
Same-sex marriage is an unholy union;
it's an abomination!
Unquestionably, the Catholic doctrine of devils
forbidding priests and nuns to marry
is against the law of nature
and against the Law of God.
Forbidding priests and nuns to marry is
a seducing spirit that helps bring about sexual perversion.
But there is hope for homosexual Catholic priests!
And there is hope for all homosexuals!
And that hope is Jesus Christ!
They can be set free from the bondage of filthy sexual perversion.
Christ came to save all sinners from the bondage of sin, including
Gimme That Old-Time Religion
Christianity Is a Religion
Modern Christianity declares
Christianity is not a religion - it's a personal relationship.
So, what they're saying is that
for over 2000 years the church was wrong to call Christianity a religion.
And what they're saying is the
godly Bible commentator Matthew Henry and the writers of
The Pulpit Commentary and other ministers were wrong to call
Christianity a religion.
And what they're saying is the
Bible is a lie...
If any man among you seem to
be religious,
and bridleth not his tongue,
but deceiveth his own heart,
this man's religion is vain.
James 1:26
In the 1960s, hippies and
liberal theologians declared, “God is dead.”
Today, wicked Evangelicals
declare, “Religion is dead.” They declare Christianity is not a religion,
it’s a personal relationship with God. And this relationship is
unconditional. If we just say we believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God,
then we are unconditionally covered by His grace. There is absolute freedom
from holiness and righteousness because these are religious beliefs that
restrict our personal freedom. In a personal relationship with God, there
are is no moral law to obey because our relationship is a personal
arrangement between us and God.
But the New Church Order
is right...
Modern Christianity is
not a religion
because it’s not
Christianity – the one true and holy religion. Modern Christianity is
irreligion – contempt of religion.
And since modern Christianity is irreligion, then modern Christians are
Christians. They are irreligionists – despisers of religion.
And since modern Christians are
irreligionists, then they are not part of the family of God.
God is not a Father to them, and they are not His sons and daughters. And
Jesus does not call them brethren. For only the sanctified are His brethren.
But the old-time religion teaches us the
If we are
obedient children, then we are part of the family of God.
And Christ is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters!
Gimme that old-time religion.
Psychedelic Christianity:
The Hippie Gospel
Pt. 1
"Progressive" Christianity portrays Jesus as a hippie.
Hippie theology has corrupted Christianity:
universal love,
destruction of the organized church,
rejection of Christian morals and traditions and manners,
and other rebellious and destructive doctrines of the hippie gospel.
Much of contemporary Christian music is psychedelic rock or folk rock
music. Folk rock combines elements of rock n' roll and folk music,
often conveying themes of social protest. The shallow repetitive
songs of contemporary Christian music are social and religious protests
against doctrinally sound hymns and sacred music that glorify God, not
the flesh.
As for psychedelic "Christian" rock, some churches use multiple bright
color lights similar to those seen in drug-induced hallucinations. The
music worship of progressive Christianity is more like a psychedelic
Clearly, the music worship in many progressive churches is a psychedelic
festival in an effort to unite the participants in a communal
psychedelic experience.
The purpose of psychedelic Christian rock music is to induce a
psychedelic experience including changes of perception, altered states
of awareness or focused consciousness, variation in thought patterns,
trance or hypnotic states, mystical states,
and other mind alterations.
Psychedelic Christian rock music emphasizes pacifism, ecumenism,
hedonism, and "love" (toleration of sin).
Psychedelic Christianity:
The Hippie Gospel
Pt. 2
According to psychedelic theology, Jesus’ mission was to teach the
message of peace, love, and freedom. Hence, Jesus is portrayed as a
radical that rejected authority, existing institutions and conventional
attitudes toward morality. It portrays Jesus as an effeminate pacifist
whose mission was to feed the poor and do other good deeds. And it
teaches Jesus condemned judging others and preached tolerance. In other
words, Jesus is portrayed as hip – a hippie.
"Hippie" comes from "hip." Hip means embracing and practicing "advanced"
tastes and attitudes. And a hippie is "a member of a loosely
knit, nonconformist group generally characterized by emphasis on
universal love, withdrawal from conventional society, and a general
rejection of its mores, especially regarding dress, personal appearance,
and living habits" (American Heritage Dictionary, 1980).
this sound like "progressive" Christians
preaching "advanced" tastes and attitudes:
universal love (ecumenism/polytheism),
rebellion against conventional society
(hatred of Biblical church/family),
and a general rejection of its mores (don't judge),
especially regarding dress (no modesty; dress like a slob, even for
personal appearance (sissy preachers with spiked hair),
and living habits (again, don't judge homosexuals, whores, or other
doesn't this sound like "progressive" Christians who hate " religion"
but claim they have a "personal relationship" with Jesus?
This "progressive" or "evolved" Christianity is merely the
intermarriage of hippieism and Christianity.
Christianity has married a whore.
And the result is Psychedelic Christianity, a perversion of Christianity.
Psychedelic Christianity:
The Hippie Gospel
Pt. 3
Feeling Awesome: Psychedelic Experiences
Psychedelic theology preaches we must liberate our minds from ordinary
thinking and established doctrines and gain spiritual understanding from
personal revelation and enlightenment.
And these new states of revelation and enlightenment are reached most
commonly by the use of psychedelic experiences, including psychedelic music
and dance and drama, and even hallucinogenic drugs such as marijuana.
Among psychedelic Christians there is a deep dissatisfaction with the
present world order and the present church order. And the communal religious
psychedelic experience is a way to express their feelings, their protests,
and their vision of the world and the church. The communal religious
psychedelic experience is generally a church program including “Christian”
rock or folk rock or folk music and a sermon-lecture about love, peace, and
Actually, the communal religious psychedelic experience is a festival
rebelling against the traditional church service. It is a psychedelic festival or psychedelic celebration.
Like psychedelic music and dance, religious drama performed on a stage is
used to protest the Old Church Order of sound doctrine, reverence, and
solemn church worship.
And drama subtly indoctrinates under the guise of entertainment.
This includes psychedelic musicals.
For example, the musicals Godspell
and Jesus Christ Superstar became part of pop culture in the
1970s to preach a different Jesus.
Godspell, Jesus’ costume bears resemblance to a clown’s. He teaches parables only, and never preaches the gospel
message of sin and repentance.
Jesus is portrayed as a clown who playfully teaches about love, peace, and
freedom. This Jesus never
“Ye must be born again” (John 3:7).
Incidentally, the word godspell is the Old English for “good
news.” And the good news of the
Jesus in Godspell is that you do not have to repent or be born again.
Jesus and his hippie playfellows irreverently sing and dance and frolic as
they teach another Gospel through catchy songs and frivolous play-acting.
It is highly irreverent.
In fact, it is blasphemous.
Clearly, psychedelic musicals are about spreading hippie doctrines through
songs to a wide audience. The songs are intended to be sermons to
indoctrinate as many listeners as possible. Therefore, many of the popular
or pop “Christian” songs in psychedelic musicals are choruses or simple
songs that are repetitive and easy to remember.
More important, these choruses are ecumenical so they appeal to everyone and
offend no one.
However, ecumenical songs may be spiritual, but not Christian: the “Lord”
praised is not the Lord Jesus Christ. For instance, the “Lord” in Beatles
George Harrison’s spiritual song “My Sweet Lord” is Hare Krishna (Buddha),
not the Lord Jesus Christ.
Likewise, the “Lord” in many ecumenical songs may not be the Lord Jesus
Beware of
psychedelic experiences. . .
experiences are sacrifices to devils.
experiences are partaking of the table of devils.
experiences are fellowship with devils.
Psychedelic Christianity:
The Hippie Gospel
Pt. 4
Unconditional Grace
Partying with the Devil:
Christians Just Wanna Have Fun
Modern Christians replace holiness with hedonism.
Surprisingly, many professing Christians indulge in hedonistic pleasures:
drugs, pornography, fornication, adultery and
other debauchery.
They consider themselves "awesome" or "cool" or “progressive” Christians.
They protest they are no longer under the law.
They proclaim they are covered by grace.
Many beatniks and hippies spewed forth their
hatred of established Christianity and love for licentiousness.
But rebellion against God’s Law by any other name is still rebellion:
communism, hippieism, socialism, humanism, religious
and all other –isms.
Listen to the lyrics of the hippie songs,
then read the Communist Manifesto.
Same agenda.
read the Humanist Manifesto.
Same agenda.
hippie contempt for God’s Law concerning
sexual conduct is clearly expressed in the Humanist Manifest II:
In the area of sexuality,
we believe that intolerant attitudes,
often cultivated by orthodox religions and puritanical cultures,
unduly repress sexual conduct…
The many varieties of sexual exploration
should not in themselves be considered “evil.”
Unfortunately, hedonism infiltrated seminaries
and other “Christian” schools through
the false doctrine of unconditional grace.
This perverted theological belief asserts that
God’s love and grace is so great,
all people who claim to be Christians will be
even if we party with the Devil.
In other words, we do not have to be born again.
We do not have to become new creatures in Christ.
In short, they deny the doctrine of
and preach all those who profess to be
will be forgiven their gross sins and granted
eternal life.
This is a corrupt doctrine of grace.
Partying with the Devil is
covered by grace.
The Hippie Gospel
Pt. 5
All You Need Is Love...
Hippie Love vs. Biblical Love
Modern "Christians" embrace hippie love,
not Biblical love.
Hippies preached "don't judge" and advocated
immorality and perversity.
And modern "Christians" - false Christians - preach "don't judge"
and acceptance of immorality and perversity.
Hippie love refuses to warn sinners of the
wrath of God.
Hippie love urges sinners to remain
estranged from God.
Hippie "love" hates
Biblical love...
Biblical love - Godly love - reaches out to
sinners and warns them
God is angry with the
God judgeth the righteous,
and God is angry with the wicked every day.
Psalm 7:11
Biblical love urges sinners to reconcile to God.
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ,
as though God did beseech you
by us:
we pray you in Christ's stead,
be ye reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:20
True Churches Will
Make America Great Again
America is only
as great as the communities within it.
And communities are only as good as
the moral character of their people.
And the foundation of great communities
and great nations is true churches bearing good fruit – true Christians.
Every true
church makes America a better nation.
Every false
church makes America a worse nation.
A true church
preaches and teaches holiness and righteousness bearing the good fruit of
holy and righteous Christians.
And holy and
righteous Christians make good citizens.
And good
citizens make good communities.
And good
communities make a great nation.
What will make America great again?
A nation of true churches bearing good fruit - true Christians.
Doctrine matters.
And a true church preaches and teaches sound doctrine.
The doctrine of Christianity – Jesus Christ – is repentance, regeneration
and sanctification.
Only born-again believers
are true Christians.
Jesus declares:
Ye must
be born again.
John 3:7
No Reverence in God's House
If we were invited to a state dinner
at the White House, naturally we
would wear our best clothes
to the President's house.
So, why do we wear whatever makes us
"feel comfortable" when we are invited to
feast at God's House?
Why do professing Christians show
disrespect for God's House by wearing
casual clothes, with no
proper physical or spiritual preparation to
"come and dine" with the Lord?
And when the king came in to see the
guests, he saw there a man which had not
on a wedding garment:
And he saith unto him,
Friend, how camest thou in hither not having
a wedding garment?
And he was speechless.
Matthew 22:11, 12
We must not make light of the sanctity of God’s house
by showing disrespect in behavior or dress.
It is an insult to
Self-willed behavior and inappropriate dress
show contempt for the house of the Lord.
What would Jesus do if He went into
our church and looked around?
Would He see and hear carnal reveling,
dramas and other entertainment, sports,
and other profanation?
Or would He see and hear praying, sacred songs,
Bible reading, gospel preaching,
and reverent worship?
Would Jesus angrily rebuke us:
“My house shall be called the house of prayer;
but you have made it a den of entertainment”?
There must be a revival of reverence in the house of God.
The Unbiblical Doctrine of
Unconditional Forgiveness
False Christianity throws out
the Biblical doctrine of repentance.
False Christianity preaches
unconditional forgiveness.
False Christianity preaches
salvation without repentance.
But this is contrary to the
Word of God.
Repentance precedes
Repentance precedes salvation.
Except ye
ye shall all likewise perish.
Luke 13:3
And false Christianity preaches
we should unconditionally forgive those who wrong us.
But the Bible teaches if
a brother repents, then forgive him.
If thy
brother trespass against thee, rebuke him;
and if he repent, forgive him.
Luke 17:3
Those who preach unconditional
forgiveness pervert the doctrine of God’s grace. Essentially, they condemn
God and declare they show more grace and mercy than God because they forgive
evildoers who do not repent.
False Christianity throws out
the doctrine of repentance. This is true even in churches that identity
themselves as “holiness” churches. Holiness-movement churches are defined by
John Wesley’s doctrine of a second work of grace leading to Christian
perfection. However, many holiness churches today are as apostate as the
other churches because they no longer preach repentance, sanctification, and
other Biblical doctrines.
My husband and I visited a
Wesleyan church a few weeks before Easter. Sadly, we were greatly
disappointed. Here is the e-mail I sent to the pastor. The first part of the
e-mail rebukes the church for singing Christian folk/folk rock songs. The
second half rebukes the pastor for denying the doctrine of repentance.
Dear Pastor Diaz,
Worship in song is such an important part of the service. We attend the Florida Holiness
Campground because of the reverent Sunday morning service, including singing
sacred hymns.
The old hymns do not just teach doctrine. Indeed, they teach us how to
praise and worship with reverence and majesty. Holy music is consecrated or
set apart to a sacred use; it fosters unity. It is immediately
distinguishable from worldly music in word and spirit. The writers of sacred
songs are godly men and women inspired by the Holy Spirit. Certainly, every
Christian feels the presence and power of the Spirit in the following hymns:
“Praise the Lord,” “It Is Well with My Soul,” “How Great Thou Art,” and
“Holy, Holy, Holy.” When sung as intended by the writers – with reverence –
no one confuses them with rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, show tunes, pop, folk, folk
rock, and other worldly music...
As for the sermon…
Jesus’ last words in Luke 23:34, “Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do,”
was forgiveness for all who repent and believe the gospel. You did not
mention the word “repent” or variations (repentance, repented, etc.) even
once in your sermon.
Sinners in the Sanctuary:
Changing the Church of God into
the Synagogue of Satan
Modern man-made theology teaches sinners must
be welcomed into the church....
We must make them feel comfortable.
Listen...the church is for the saints.
The church is a holy sanctuary for a holy people
to offer holy worship to a holy God.
The church is a sanctuary from the sinful world.
Do you really want pedophiles in the congregation
sitting next to your children and grandchildren?
Do you really want lewd men in church lusting after
your daughters and granddaughters,
or your wife?
The church is a house of worship.
And sinners cannot offer worship to God
because they are in rebellion against God's Law.
Therefore, sinners are not in one accord with the saints.
Sinners and saints are not like-minded.
Sinners and saints are not one heart.
Sinners and saints are not one mind.
And to welcome sinners into the church
destroys the sanctity of the sanctuary.
Neither Jesus nor His disciples ever brought
sinners into the church.
The purpose of evangelism
is to go out
into the world and win souls to Christ...then
bring them into the church for discipleship.
We must revive evangelism.
Remember the old tent crusades that
traveled from town to town
calling sinners to repentance?
We must revive evangelistic crusades.
We must revive personal evangelism.
We must go out into the world in search
of lost sinners and bring them first
to Christ before bringing them
into the church.
Stand by Your Man
Honky-tonk Theology
In the late
1960s, country music legend George Jones bought a 1902 plantation-style mansion
in my hometown – Lakeland, Florida – for a vacation spot. The mansion was on
several acres in the country. After he wed Tammy Wynette in 1969, the couple
made Lakeland their full-time home for a while.
In the early
1970s, my dad built our home about a mile from the Jones estate.
Occasionally on Sunday afternoons, the Jones’ would give outdoor concerts
and we could hear them singing. But I never went to one of their concerts.
I was in high
school and two of their young daughters rode the school bus. They were the
saddest-looking girls I’ve ever seen. They never smiled and never laughed,
and, to the best of my knowledge, they never talked to anyone and no one
talked to them. Even though their parents were country music legends, I felt
sorry for them.
Back then, I
didn’t know anything about the Jones’, but now I know that the old country
mansion was filled with drunkenness, heartache, and heartbreak. And Tammy
Wynette and George Jones expressed their painful lives in the words,
expressions, and emotions of their songs. And their daughters expressed
their painful lives in silent sadness.
Tammy Wynette’s
biggest hit was “Stand by Your Man” released as a single in 1968. The song
encourages women to stand by their husbands and overlook their faults and
shortcomings if they truly love him because “after all, he’s just a man.
This is not Biblical.
I wonder…
How many women
over the years have listened to this song and stood by a beating, lying,
cheating, drinking man?
And I wonder
how many of these women were professing Christians?
How many women have been influenced by evil honky-tonk theology?
Biblical Business
The Virtuous Employer and the Virtuous
Employee and the Idler
touches every area of life; none is left out – not even the work
relationship of employer and employee.
God has
entrusted employers with the administration of certain duties in the
development of the nation. And God has entrusted certain men and women to
physically work for the welfare of the nation. But there is a need for both
intellectual and physical labor – exerting one’s powers of mind or body. The
man in the office who does nothing but think and give orders is just as much
a laborer as the man who works in a factory.
The employer
and employee relationship is one of mutual benefit: the employer is
dependent upon the employee, and the employee is dependent upon the
employer. A good employer provides well for its employees, and the good
employee does his part well in the business.
Sadly, there
are employers who pocket big profits to the neglect of the real welfare of
their employees and the community – and try to cover up this sin with
charity. In other words, they use the cloak of charity to hide their greed.
For example, Publix Super Markets denies many employees full time hours so
they won’t have to give them benefits. Many of their employees are on
welfare. Yet, Publix boasts of its generous philanthropy in the community!
Charities donated $5 million to Habitat
for Humanity affiliates, homeless
shelters, and other nonprofits providing
housing to those in need. The donation
is funding 40 new home builds across the
Southeast, and Publix is stocking the
pantry of each home.
individual or family should have to
worry about the basic needs of food or
shelter,” said Carol Jenkins Barnett,
President of Publix Super Markets
Charities. “I am honored our Foundation
is continuing my father’s legacy of
supporting the communities Publix
serves. And I am so proud of our Publix
associates for giving their time and
talents to building houses and providing
hope to those in need.”
Publix employees are on public welfare, but it boasts of its charity!
While their own
employees are struggling and on welfare, Carol Jenkins Barnett
hypocritically says, “No individual or family should have to worry about the
basic needs of food or shelter.” And Publix associates are asked to give
their time and talent to build houses for “those in need” when many of their
fellow workers are in need!
O ye hypocrite!
Even so ye
also outwardly appear righteous unto men,
but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Matthew 23:28
On Judgment Day, the cloak of
Publix Charities will be ripped off and expose the heart of greed that
grasped after large profits at the expense of employee welfare.
Businesses - especially big
businesses like Publix - play a major role in the welfare of the community. If they pay fair wages and
provide good benefits, the employees are able to prosper and live with
dignity. However, if they are underpaid
with no benefits, the employees are robbed of their dignity, and unable to
provide for their basic needs.
Of course, employees must give an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. They are not
entitled to good pay for poor work. But they are entitled to good pay for
good work.
If we want our
community and nation to prosper, then we must practice Biblical business
virtues – moral business duties from a sincere love of God and His Word.
In America,
there are millions who shirk their responsibility to be good citizens and
refuse to labor and contribute to the welfare of the community. These idle
and dishonest people are unwilling to earn their own living and expect the
workers in the community to support them. They receive a living without
earning it. They are usually strong physically and perfectly able to look
out for themselves, but deliberately prey upon the community in one manner
or another without giving anything in return. They are thieves and swindlers
living on “disability” and other public welfare, church welfare, corporate
welfare (“charity”) and other handouts. These willful and habitual idlers
are burdens on the community and the nation. To desire what your neighbor
has worked for, and you are unwilling to work for, is covetousness – a sin
(Exodus 20:17).
And it is a sin
for government and church welfare and other charities to deliberately
disobey the Biblical command “this we commanded you, that if any would not
work, neither should he eat.” In defiance of the express language of the
Bible, do-gooders shake their fist at God’s command to work, and in order to
make themselves feel good, they reward the lazy.
Everyone has a
duty to God, their family, the community, and the nation to work. No one is
called to idleness.
There is no
such person as the virtuous idler.
The Rebellious Church
Today religious leaders preach a false prophecy
that God is dissatisfied with old-time religion
and wants to do a “new thing.”
They preach that old-time religion is old-fashioned.
This new thing makes Christianity
more appealing to the general public.
One aspect of this new worldly worship is
polluting the church with “Christian” rock music.
The main purpose of Christian rock music is to act
as a popular medium for false Christians
to advance their rebellion
against established Biblical doctrines.
Christian rock is really rebellion against the
established Biblical doctrines of reverence and sanctity.
The real message in Christian rock is a contempt and
hatred and fierceness toward true worship.
Christian rock music and worldly worship is rebellion
against the command to be separate from the world
preached by Jesus and His disciples.
Earth Day
Creation Day
Mother Earth or God the Father?
contemporary pagan groups began in the 1960s – the hippie era.
embraced Eastern philosophy, preached sexual promiscuity, vegetarianism,
ecology, and praised psychedelic drugs.
Hippies preached against the established order.
hippies rejected Biblical doctrines and preached their own hippie
Hippie doctrines have polluted Christianity.
Unfortunately, hippie doctrines deceive many Christians into believing the
hippie gospel: universal love ("Make Love, Not War"), environmentalism
("Save Mother Earth"; man is a parasite on the earth); animal rights (God
did not give man dominion over animals; animals have equal rights with man);
kill unborn children, but save the whales and manatees, etc. and other false
doctrines. The hippie doctrines of humanitarianism, environmentalism,
socialism, globalism and other -isms are part of the New World Order that
will usher in the Antichrist.
Many Christians pride themselves on their “progressive” views, including
environmentalism. Environmentalism, or nature worship, is not progressive.
It is regressive…regressing back to primitive heathen worship.
The pagan doctrine of environmentalism worships the mother goddess, or
Mother Earth, as Mother Nature, the Creatress of all life. The earth is
personified as a fertile and sustaining mother by using the words Mother
Earth and Mother Nature. Environmentalists feel a duty to protect the
sacred earth through activism and preach rainforest protection, organic
farming, animal rights and so on.
Environmentalism is just another name for nature worship.
Modern pagans are actively evangelizing for a revival…
a revival of ancient Celtic paganism, including Druidism.
Druidism is Baal worship.
Just as the oak tree was the sacred tree of Baal, the oak was the sacred
tree of ancient Celtic paganism, including Druidism.
The Druids were sorcerers who were the priests of the ancient Celtic
peoples, especially those of Britain and Gaul. So, the Celtic religion
was rooted in witchcraft or sorcery – black magic. Druidism was a
pre-Christian religion that worshipped wells and fountains, and trees
and standing stones.
True Christians must never
celebrate Earth Day.
Christians, proclaim the truth: "This is my Father's world!"
20, 2008 - 2 min -
One of my favorite hymns . I hope that you
enjoy it as much as I do. Peace be with you
Worldly Churches and Why They Grow
4 min
- Aug 8, 2007 -
Uploaded by BrokenMan777
OldTruth.com See link above for more videos. This video
demonstrates why some of the largest churches
today grow and appeal to the ...
A Church Divided
I want to share with you my correspondence with the
Superintendent of the Assemblies of God
Peninsular Florida District Council.
Last month, I wrote him about
the current trend of Victory Church and other
Assemblies of God churches:
entertaining and worldly worship to please man,
not sacred worship to please God.
the once
conservative evangelical denomination
has embraced a
liberal theory of Scriptural evolution.
Scriptural evolution alleges that interpretations of the
Bible evolve or undergo transformation due
to the changes in man’s environment.
Scriptural evolution is the progressive development
of Biblical interpretation.
In other words, Biblical interpretation evolves
with man’s evolving culture:
Christianity adapts to man; man does not adapt to Christianity.
Unfortunately, today in evangelical churches,
true Christians are oppressed in their home church.
True Christians are bullied, chastised, intimidated, and persecuted
for holding fast to reverent and sacred worship.
True Christians are bullied, chastised, intimidated,
and persecuted for holding fast to preaching the Gospel to
men and women and children of all ages, not just youth.
False prophets with false visions of God’s new thing
are dividing churches all across America.
And a church divided cannot stand.
The Downfall of Christian Culture
Christians decry the downfall of Christian culture,
but we are the enemy.
Surely secular humanists rejoice because we are destroying
our own Christian culture.
We have been hoodwinked into throwing out
Christian traditions such as sacred hymns
and replacing them with secularized religious songs.
And the more Christian traditions you destroy,
the more you destroy the entire Christian culture.
The New Church Order
We are witnessing one of the darkest periods
in Evangelical church history.
Alarmingly, many professing Christians are
fiercely warring for a New Church Order.
In 2008, I rebuked Victory Church
in Lakeland, Florida,
for its profane worship in
The Rebellious Church
A Church Divided
"Progressive" pastors are
progressively and aggressively
forming the New Church Order.
And the New Church Order is the synagogue of Satan.
And the synagogue of Satan is the New World Order Church,
or the apostate Church.
And the apostate church is the Great Whore of Babylon.
Exposing the Hypocrisy of "Hate Has
No Home Here"
The Anti-Christian
Hate Behind the "Hate Has No Home Here" Sign
O ye hypocrites!
One of founding members of the Hate Has No Home
Here project contacted me.
In my reply, I expose their hypocrisy...
...your website lies about the project: “the
project, itself, does not align with, nor does it support, fundraise for, or
allow attribution to any campaign, ideology,
party, candidate, faith-based organization, religion or other special
interest.” https://hatehasnohomehere.org/faq/
Really? Your website states under “What else is there?” that “The expressed
purpose of this project is to promote just and inclusive communities.”
Inclusion advocates multiculturalism, or polytheism, and includes sexual
perversion. So, it is a lie that the project doesn’t align itself with any
ideology. The truth is that you align yourself with the ideologies of
polytheism and perversion.
Clearly, the ideology of your
polytheistic/perversion campaign is the destruction of American heritage and
American culture, specifically Christian heritage and Christian culture.
Your so-called message of anti-hate is actually hate speech against
Christian Americans.
And your hatred of Christian
America is evidenced in “Placards for peace: Anti-hate signs broadcast
message of inclusion in Lakeland” where you acknowledge that the group
emerged as a protest against Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims
entering the country.
But, as you well know, “Hate Has No Home Here” is an attack on Christian
Americans. The intent of the sign is to label the cause of preserving
Christian America as hate speech and bully Christians into submission to
polytheism and perversion.
ye hypocrites!
Has No Home Here” is a hate sign…it hates our American heritage and American
culture, and is trying to transform America into a polytheistic and
perverted globalist nation.
Has No Home Here” is actually hate speech against Christian America. Its
message advocates open borders to enemy cultures and false religions who
hate Christian America and want to destroy it. (See “Dancing in the Streets”
The message is clear…“Hate Has No Home Here” hates Christian Americans.
ye hypocrites!
In the tradition of Martin Luther, consider
The Sixty-Two Theses on the
Prophecy of Popular Christianity
as posted on the door
of the Evangelical church...
Open Letter to Evangelical Leaders
The Sixty-Two Theses on the
Prophecy of Popular Christianity
open letter to church officials of the
Assemblies of God,
Church of God,
and other Evangelical leaders around the world:
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
who is worthy of reverence and highest honor and praise!
There is a prophecy circulating in your name that God
is dissatisfied with old-time religion and wants
to do a
"new thing" because old-time religion is
Worship pleasing to sinners instead of worship pleasing to God
has been prophesied as God's new thing to reach
the "unchurched" - lost souls.
Therefore, the people are no longer separate from the heathen
but have wed the profane and holy,
and the hand of the church officials have been chief in this trespass.
You, church officials, have committed spiritual adultery
against the Church - the Bride of Christ- by
going a-whoring after the heathen.
Like the rebellious Israelites in the days of old, we have
taken "strange wives" of the people of the land.
We must be ashamed.
We must rent our garment.
We must fall on our knees.
Reach Out!
Sinners who attend church are not true believers.
Consequently, sinners are not part of the body of Christ.
Jesus boldly proclaims to sinners:
“Ye must be born again.”
Sinners are lost souls who
need salvation.
We are all called to be home or foreign missionaries.
We are all called to obey the Great Commission and
spread the Gospel abroad and at home – even in our hometown.
If you have true compassion for the homeless begging on the street corner,
you won’t give him money to buy booze, drugs, and cigarettes.
You won’t financially support his sins!
If you have true compassion, you’ll witness to him!
We must reach out and preach the gospel message
of salvation and deliverance to all slaves of sin.
We must bring lost souls to Christ.
The Cowardly Pastor
On Facebook, a pastor friend of
of my relative George was too
cowardly to post a comment, and sent an
anonymous message to me via George.
Here's my reply:
George, why didn’t your pastor friend post a comment?
Why is he hiding behind you?
For your pastor friend to send me an anonymous response through you is a cowardly act.
Since I don’t know the name of your pastor friend who is too cowardly to post a comment,
I will address my response to Cowardly Pastor:
Dear Cowardly Pastor:
Sadly, you are no different from the other church officials
who have disputed me.
Not one of you has ever quoted a single Scripture.
Sadly, instead of the church transforming the world,
the world is transforming the church.
The church is the melting pot of different cultures.
In other words, Christians of different ages, races,
socio-economic and educational levels,
and so forth - diverse
backgrounds - selfishly
put aside their personal preferences (“styles”)
to unite in one accord in sanctified worship.
Woe unto church officials who market Christianity
and make merchandise of men!
“And through covetousness shall they with feigned words
make merchandise of you:
whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not,
and their damnation slumbereth not”
(2 Peter 2:3).
little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me:
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14
The King James Bible:
The Greatest Book in History
Why do infidels and false Christians hate and reject
the King James Version of the Bible?
In the past, Christian homes treasured their copy of the King James
and read it often: aloud and silently.
Today, Christian homes trash their King James Bible and favor
"progressive translations" (actually, modern politically-correct
Why do “progressives” hate and reject the King James Bible?
Is it because the King James Bible is the greatest book in English
Is it because infidels and false Christians reject knowledge?
Is it because the Holy Spirit inspired the translators of the King James
and the King James Bible has transformed more
hearts and minds and lives than any other book in history?
Modern "translations" (actually, interpretations) pervert the Gospel
into a bible of humanist propaganda and doctrine.
Billy Graham:
America's Apostate Pastor
Billy Graham was idolized as
"America's Pastor."
And countless Evangelicals mourn his
death proclaiming he was "a great man of God."
Some televangelists are prophesying
that because this "great man of God" died, God is going to pour out His
wrath on America.
The truth is...
Graham was America's Apostate
In interview after interview, Graham
said you don't have to be a Christian to be saved.
Listen to him say it with own
Mar 30, 2011 - Uploaded by amy2x
He's on record supporting homosexuality,abortion,his disbelief in a
literal hell,supports practice of infant ...
Graham advocated apostate ecumenism -
universal salvation.
The Godly
Housewife: A Forgotten Ministry
The godly housewife is a forgotten
The godly housewife ministers to the
needs of her family: sacred and secular. She looks after their spiritual,
mental, emotional, and physical welfare. No one can replace her in the home.
On the other hand, a secretary, accountant, lawyer, or other job can be done
by any qualified woman. No one is irreplaceable. But a godly housewife is
O, what a
sacred ministry entrusted to housewives!
A godly housewife is a great blessing
to a family.
And godly housewives are a great
blessing to our nation.
As a nation we rise or fall as the
character of our homes, presided over by woman, rises or falls.
The ministry of godly housewives
preserves our homes…and preserves our Christian homeland.
Who's to Blame?
Who's to blame for the Newtown massacre and
other increased violence in America?
Who's to blame for the soaring adultery rate?
Who's to blame for the widespread epidemic
of sexually transmitted diseases?
Who's to blame for the plague of lazy Americans who refuse to work
and demand church and government welfare?
Who's to blame for the evil moral decline of America?
False preachers are to blame...
Rick Warren
Joel Osteen
Jimmy Swaggart
...and every other false preacher who refuses to preach against sin
is to blame for the increased violence
and other evil in America and around the world.
And if you sit week after week in a church that
refuses to preach against sin,
you're to blame for the increased violence and other evil
in America and around the world.
There is a spirit of rebellion in churches.
Now is the time to repent.
Now is the time to return to righteousness and holiness.
Now is the time to walk out of churches that
refuse to preach against sin.
Now is the time to walk out of churches that deny
the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify us unto holiness.
Now is the time to walk out of churches
that rebel against Jesus' words:
"Ye must be born again."
Dancing in the Streets
Look, in
America today, we are surrounded by false religions. And they
celebrate boldly
in the streets. They dance and chant with joy because they are
infiltrating Christian America. Yes, pagan religions dance with joy in
the streets because they
are witnessing the downfall of Christian culture in America.
Listen, there is an intense spiritual battle raging for the heart and the mind and
the soul of America. Eastern and Western heathens are fighting to
conquer and drive Christianity out of America. And we must not join
hand in hand with pagan religions that worship false gods by celebrating multiculturalism. Remember another name for multiculturalism is
Heathens and false
Christians call for “tolerance” of every religion. But this is a trick
of deceit and hypocrisy! It is not universal tolerance. They
hate Christianity! And enemies of Christ advocate tolerance of every
religion except Christianity. And the more polytheistic diversity is
encouraged, the more true Christians are persecuted.
Do not forget, as I told you
before, secular humanists, atheists, and all others who are anti-Christ
do not have power enough to drown out the influence of Christian culture, so
they’re attempting to oppress and suppress it. They plan to submerge
Christian culture in the rising tide of diverse and rival cultures and
religions. In other words, multiculturalists introduce rival cultures
and false religions to cunningly and gradually lessen Christian culture’s
influence, and eventually suppress it. And the most important part of their
strategy is to deceive us so we will join in destroying Christian culture by
accepting the false gospel of multiculturalism. We are in danger of
becoming a polytheistic nation. And Christians are ignorantly dancing in the streets
hand in hand with the enemy to celebrate
multiculturalism, or polytheism.
Ecumenism: Unholy
The Ecumenical Movement is
an unholy union with false
Ecumenism is worldwide
unity among religions.
This is the foundation of a one-world religion.
This is the spirit of anti-Christ.
"Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers:
for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?...
and be ye separate..."
False Christians claim Jesus’ mission was to bring peace on earth.
But Jesus never preached world peace and unity.
In fact, Jesus declared the Truth would divide families and nations:
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
I came not to send peace,
but a sword.
The truth is sinners will be offended and hate us for preaching in
Jesus’ name.
The truth is hypocrites will be offended and hate us for preaching in
Jesus’ name.
The truth is Muslims and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists and
all other unbelievers will be offended and hate us for preaching in
Jesus’ name.
Those who hate the Truth are offended by the Truth.
True Christians can never be in true unity with false Christians and
True Christians and false Christians and infidels are not
one spirit.
True Christians are of
the Holy Spirit.
False Christians and infidels are the spirit of antichrist.
Listen…the apostate church
- the Great Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation –
is seducing Christians with the devilish doctrine of unholy unity
with those who hate Jesus Christ.
This religious reconciliation is the unity of all religions into a
one-world religion.
And this one-world religion headed up by the apostate church will usher
in the Antichrist!
Take heed…if you support this unholy unity,
you are a partaker of their evil deeds -
including ushering in the Antichrist.
Victims of Christianity
Secular and false "Christian" universities require
to read Frank James' "suppressed"
The evil intent of corrupt university doctors is to
cause students to
the Pilgrims were savages
who wrongfully possessed America.
The hippies spread this anti-Christian propaganda
in the 1970s…and it continues today.
Like Frank James,
I am also descended from Indians.
First, I'm a Christian.
Second, I'm an American...
not a Native American,
or German American,
or Irish American, etc.
just because I am descended
from these peoples.
I am unashamedly an American.
Indians are not victims of the white man.
Indians are not victims of Christianity.
Indians whitewash their laziness with the cry of victimology.
And this victimology –
blame others for your laziness and failure –
was not only the war cry of Indians,
it was the war cry of hippies.
Both declared war on white America – specifically, Christian America.
If God willed that America be taken away from Indians
and given to Christians...
Who are we to question God?
To have been delivered at Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1970
Marijuana and Demons
Even though this vintage poster
uses "it's" incorrectly (should be "its"),
it clearly gets the message across that marijuana is the devil's harvest.
Marijuana bears evil fruits:
sin, degradation, vice, debauchery, and insanity.
Some “progressive Christians” -
false Christians - smoke pot
and demand its legalization.
Simply put, false
Christians argue that we can expand
our spiritual experiences by smoking
This is wizard Gnosticism, or sorcery.
Oh, yes, you’re communicating
with spirits…evil spirits!
When you use a mind-altering
drug, you open your mind to demons.
No true Christian will
condone medical or recreational marijuana.
In fact, those who advocate its use,
God will hold them accountable for the lives it destroys.
The hunger for peace cannot be satisfied by using a hallucinogenic
…opening the door of
your mind to evil spirits.
The choice is yours...evil
spirits or the Holy Spirit?
The Christian School:
Train Up a Child
Our children do not
belong to us; they are God’s
children to be trained for Him.
And we must train them
up in righteousness and holiness.
Unquestionably, educating children is a solemn
and immense responsibility for which
we are accountable to God because He
has entrusted us with His children.
Christian parents may
send their children to a Christian school to help them with child training,
but a godly school teaches more than academics.
More important, the
godly school teaches God’s children holy thinking and holy living.
Indeed, a Christian
school that does not teach holy thinking and holy living
is a false Christian
Instruction in a Christian school must
be dominated by a holy purpose.
And that holy purpose is holiness.
Beware of Dominionism
Pt. 1
The New Apostolic
Reformation's Occult Theology
The Dominionist Papacy
Simply put, the new “apostles”
and “prophets” of the Dominionist New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) claim full
and supreme jurisdiction over church matters. Through their dreams, visions,
and other alleged divine revelation, they claim to have special revealed
knowledge that the ordinary Christian dare not question. This “new” thing is
an old thing - Gnosticism.
According to the Bible, God has
ordained preachers and teachers of the Holy Scriptures. That is, they preach
and teach the Bible alone. They do not preach new truths outside of the
Bible that are revealed to them in dreams and visions. This is the occult
“science of religion.” This is theology, not Biblical Truth. Avoid
theologians and their occult theology.
Paul warns us
in 2 Corinthians:
13 For such are
false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles
of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as
the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their
We must not blindly follow
false apostles and false prophets who deny the authority of the Bible as the
complete Word of God.
And that is what the NAR
prophets and apostles do…deny the Bible as the complete word of God. They
claim to get their knowledge of God and His plan and purpose for the Church
from dreams, visions, trances, and other occult experiences.
But this is one of their
strategies to set up the New Church Order: denigrate the “old
thing” – authority of Scripture alone, doctrines, and other Biblical
instructions to the true Church. Instead, claim special revealed knowledge
from trances, visions, and other occult experiences as a way to know God
instead of Bible knowledge.
Beware of the New Apostolic
Reformation's occult theology.
Beware of
Pt. 2
Cultural Mountains: Doctrine of Devils
One false teaching of Dominionism
is the doctrine of 7 Cultural Mountains. According to Os Hillman on his website 7
Cultural Mountains...
There are 7 Mountains
of Influence in Culture...
In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, and
Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission, had lunch together in
Colorado. God simultaneously gave each of these change agents a message to
give to the other. During that same time frame Francis Schaeffer was given a
similar message. That message was that if we are to impact any nation for
Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains
of society that are the pillars of any society.
These seven mountains are business, government, media,
arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion. There are many
subgroups under these main categories. About a month later the Lord showed
Francis Schaeffer the same thing. In essence, God was telling these three
change agents where the battlefield was. It was here where culture would be
won or lost. Their assignment was to raise up change agents to scale the
mountains and to help a new generation of change agents understand the
larger story.
This website is designed to help educate those who
wish to become change agents in culture for Christian values and to connect
like-minded men and women for a common vision.
Understand the larger story?
Change agents in culture?
A common vision?
Irrefutably, the 7 Mountains
Commission is unbiblical and replaces the Great Commission given to
us by our Lord Jesus Christ to impact every nation and every person for Jesus Christ
by preaching the Gospel.
Go ye into
all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature.
When hearts and
minds and lives are transformed by the purifying power of the Holy Spirit,
then nations will be transformed. Preaching the Gospel is building the
Kingdom of God, not taking dominion over the 7 cultural mountains.
The Bible warns
us not to believe every spirit.
Beloved, believe not every
but try the spirits,
whether they are of God;
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1
Try the spirits. Put the
spirits to the infallible test of truth, trying them by the unfailing
criteria of the Word of God.
Beware of the 7 Cultural Mountains Commission. It is a doctrine of
This is not an endorsement of David Barton,
but an affirmation of the irrefutable historical evidence
presented in this video of the influence
of the Bible on America.
Every Christian should watch and share this video...
The Bible's profound
influence on America, widely understood by previous generations, is largely
unrecognized today. For years, Americans saw the Bible as a practical
guidebook for directing every aspect of daily life, and it therefore shaped
American government, law, and education as well as our free enterprise
system, our views of private property, our social services, and so much
more. This inspiring video presentation documents the dramatic impact of the
Bible on American life and culture over the past four centuries.
Influence Of the Bible
Sep 29, 2012 ... The Bible's
profound influence on America, widely understood by previous
generations, is largely unrecognized today. For years, Americans ...
Open Letter to the President and Mrs.
My dear Mr. President and Mrs. Trump,
America is in crisis: economically,
spiritually, and politically. Who will deliver us?
Woe unto us! for we have changed from
a nation of righteousness to a nation of unrighteousness.
Woe unto us! for we have changed from
a nation of virtue to a nation of vice.
Woe unto us! for we have changed from
a nation of liberty to a nation of license.
Professing ourselves wise, we have become
fools and ruined our nation.
If we want to make America great again, we must
become a true Christian nation again.
As America’s
First Family, you must be the first to humble yourselves and call upon the
name of the Lord. America’s
First Family must be the first to acknowledge that without Divine guidance
our great nation is doomed for destruction. The White House must be known as
a house of fervent prayer and supplication.
The First Family must openly and unashamedly declare the words of
Joshua 24:15:
And if it
seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will
serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other
side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell:
but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
have forsaken the Lord God of our forefathers, which brought us out of the
land of Europe; and brought us through starvation, sickness, poverty, wars,
and countless other troubles.
If we want to make America great again, then
our nation must return unto the Lord.
And let it begin in the White House.
President and Mrs. Trump, unashamedly proclaim:
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Corrupt Church
Many Evangelicals believe
Donald Trump’s victory is a promise the Lord will restore Christian
America, and God will use the President as an instrument in His plan.
Undeniably, Christian America
has become Apostate America. In the name of “diversity” – multiculturalism,
inclusion, inter-faith, ecumenism, pluralism and other words
cloaking idolatry – America has become a polytheistic nation. And some
professing Christians sanction idolatry by proudly participating in the
worship of false gods. In other words, so-called Christians join hands with
unbelievers and dance around golden calves – false gods. They have
been seduced by the devilish doctrine of diversity, or “inclusion.”
Even churches have been seduced
by the devilish doctrine of “inclusion,” or making everyone welcome. Now,
churches are no longer exclusive places of worship and fellowship for the
saints, but "inclusive" and welcome sinners into the sanctuary. Inclusion
means we have to welcome everyone into the church, even those who are not in
one accord. No one must be excluded.
No wonder there is no moving of
the Holy Spirit in our churches today!
Bible doesn’t teach “inclusion.” The Bible teaches churches must be united
in one accord, or singleness of heart (Acts 2:47; Romans 15:5,6; 1
Corinthians 1:10). We are “churches of the saints” and “holy brethren (1
Corinthians 14:33; 1 Thessalonians 5:27). Only the sanctified are Christian
brethren (Hebrews 2:11).
we are concerned with lost souls. Every Christian is commissioned to convert
sinners outside the church, then bring them into the churchfold. Or, we may
invite sinners to evangelism services to hear the Gospel message of salvation and
sanctification. Converts are then welcome to join the church for discipleship and fellowship with holy brethren, or the
America is a cesspool of sin
because the Church of God, Assemblies of God, Southern Baptist Convention,
Church of the Nazarene, and other Evangelicals have gone a whoring after Rick Warren’s false god of
religious communism.
we want to cleanse America, we must first cleanse our churches. Again, it is
hypocritical of Christians to demand that President Trump cleanse our
corrupt civil
government when we refuse to cleanse our corrupt church government.
We cannot be a holy nation if
we are an unholy people.
A “Christian America” of unholy Christians - false Christians - is a false Christian nation.
America: A Nation Divided
Is legal and illegal Mexican immigration a just concern for
Christian Americans?
And does the Bible give us any guidance about this issue?
The Bible doesn’t command us to love our neighbors
more than ourselves.
To love our neighbors more than ourselves or our family
is foolishness and self-destructive.
There are Christians who feel an
emotional notion of love toward Mexican immigrants.
The judgment of these Christians is blinded by favoritism:
they favor the poor.
And this is a violation of Biblical law.
These Christians sin because they are unrighteous in judgment:
they favor the Mexican immigrant because he is poor.
God Is Not a Cheater
God is not a cheater. God did
not supernaturally change Clinton votes to Trump votes on election night.
That is cheating…and God does not cheat.
Evangelicals give God the glory
for Trump’s victory. But Dominionist televangelists and their followers
declare that during the election count, when the race was very close,
they began to pray more fervently causing the electoral votes to go
to Trump.
Think about what they are
claiming…that God is a cheater. In other words, they are claiming that
during the election count, either God supernaturally changed Clinton votes
to Trump votes, or that God caused the votes to be counted incorrectly. They
are calling God a cheater. This is blasphemy.
Didn’t Hillary defy the Lord
God in her words and actions?
Didn’t Hillary express disdain
for “deplorables,” including Evangelicals?
And didn’t Hillary express
disdain for Trump because he was not a career politician?
And didn’t Hillary essentially
curse Trump and declare she would “give his flesh to the fowls of the air,
and to the beasts of the field”?
Of course, Trump is not a
Christian. So, it was not Trump’s reply, but the votes of Evangelicals that
replied: “I come unto thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the
armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.”
Like Goliath, Hillary was
brought down hard.
Hillary’s best human counsels
were turned into foolishness. The Hillarites wisest measures were upset. The
greatest preparations were brought to nothing, and the cunning politicians
were befooled.
On the other hand, the most
improbable met with the greatest success: Trump was victorious. God
confounded the devices of the Invincible Hillary and the Hillarites.
Truly, God works in mysterious
ways…but God is not a cheater. God did not supernaturally change the ballots
on election night to give Trump the victory.
A National Call to
The answer to violence in
America is
not psychology.
The answer to violence in
is not gun control.
The answer to violence
in America is
national repentance
and righteousness.
Righteousness exalteth
a nation:
but sin is a reproach
to any people
Proverbs 14:34
Any nation whose God is the Lord
is God's chosen people.
Christians Are God's Chosen People
Did the Church replace Israel
as God's chosen people?
The Bride of Christ is the Church,
not the nation of Israel.
The Jews rejected Christ.
The "elect" - the "saints" -
are Abraham's spiritual but not
physical descendants.
he is not a Jew,
which is one outwardly;
neither is that circumcision,
which is outward in the flesh.
he is a Jew,
which is one inwardly;
circumcision is that
of the heart, in the spirit,
and not the letter;
whose praise is not of men,
but of God.
Romans 2:28,29
Christians: Rejoice!
Christians are a chosen generation.
Christians are a royal priesthood.
Christians compose one holy nation.
Christians are a peculiar people.
The New Testament supplanted Israel with the Church.
Christians are God's chosen people.
The Spiritual Battle for America
One Christian armed with the
power of the Holy Spirit is
than an army of a thousand atheists.
Just as the Hebrews tried to prevent witchcraft and sorcery from
polluting the Promised Land by establishing laws against witchcraft,
New England Puritans tried to prevent witchcraft and sorcery from polluting
- the New
Promised Land - as evidenced by the Salem witchcraft trials.
Salem is an ancient name for Jerusalem.
The Assyro-Babylonian form of the name is
Uru-Salim or Ur-Salimmu, or city of peace.
The spiritual battle for the heart and soul of America continues.
But, Christianity hasn’t been exterminated from America. . .yet.
However, if we aren’t vigilant;
if we aren’t determined;
if we aren’t equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit,
we will be robbed of our physical and spiritual inheritance –
Christian America.
Listen to American Ann Barnhardt read sections of the Koran.
Her Youtube videos are
causing a stir in the UK...
15 min -
Apr 5, 2011
Uploaded by panzerdealer
added by Ann Barnhardt
This video could start a revival
in your heart,
your family, your church,
your community, and beyond...
Please share this with your
pastor, family and friends!
Incidentally, our dear brother in Christ,
James Sundquist, is a guest...
20, 2012 - 119 min -
Uploaded by ElliottNesch
This film is non-profit and FREE, not to be bought or sold,
but you do have permission to make copies and ...
Judge Not?
The American church continues to give evidence of its
ever-deteriorating state. No longer can we, without rebuke,
"equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body
of Christ" (...
Shame on
Southeastern University!
this is the new face of Southeastern, my alma mater...
Shame on Southeastern
University of the Assemblies of God!
What would Southeastern’s godly founders think of this worldly marketing
What was originally consecrated as holy ground for the holy purpose of
bringing glory to God has become an amusement ground for a cheap publicity
Southeastern President Kent Ingle awarded the “Chewbacca Mom” and her family
full, tuition-free scholarships. The reason? According to Ingle, “Since
you’ve been bringing joy and laughter and great inspiration to a lot of
people around the world.” Joy? True joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit
(Galatians 5:22). Ingle should have said “fun” instead of “joy.”
Inspiration? What is inspiring about a woman’s fake hysterical laughter
while wearing a bizarre toy mask?
This is a disgrace.
But, once again, this foolishness shows the true worldly heart of
In 2014, Polk Life
interviewed seven
top educators in Polk County, including Ingle. He never mentioned the Bible,
God, prayer, or made any Christian references.
four of the seven heads of schools referred to their Christian faith.
But not Ingle.
Not one word.
This is a disgrace.
Shame on
Clearly, the School is led by the spirit of man, not the
Spirit of Christ
The true Christian school is a
Spirit-led school.
school that is led by the spirit of man and not the Spirit of God is a dead
school - a false Christian school.
The Bible
declares that true Christians are a holy people led by the Spirit of God:
For as many
as are led by the Spirit of God,
they are the sons of God.
Romans 8:14
The true
Christian school is a holy people led by the Spirit of God.
The true
Christian school is a holy school.
Apr 16, 2016 - Uploaded by christianvoiceuk
The European
Union's Woman on the Beast ... Stephen
Green, National Director of Christian Voice ...
Mar 22, 2016 - Uploaded by christianvoiceuk
Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice,
traveled to Strasbourg in ... Also view 'The European ...
An Open Reply to Dominionist
Gary North
Futility: Shouting
Endless False Doomsday Prophecies
to a Dwindling Audience
Why would Gary North waste his
time writing an outrageous and senseless public attack on me?
To explain, Gary North was a
prominent promoter of the Y2K scare which earned him the nickname “Scary
Neo-Confederates and Paleo-Confederates also want to take dominion over
society. Interestingly, Dominionists and Confederates share some views. For
example, both want to impose certain Old Testament civil laws on us,
including stoning.
North ridicules
me: “She speaks with absolute authority.” Unquestionably, the Bible is the
authoritative Word of God. Just as a lawyer in the
courtroom cites man’s law with authority, Christians speak God’s Law with
authority. Paul exhorts Titus:
These things speak, and
and rebuke with all authority.
Let no man despise thee.
Titus 2:15
A true Christian’s authority to speak, exhort, and rebuke false teachings
comes from God, not man.
Extremists want
Biblically ignorant followers. So, they try to create doubt and confusion
with various “translations” - actually perverted interpretations – to make
us insecure in our knowledge of Biblical truths. Doubt and confusion make us
vulnerable to false teachers and false preachers who prey on our weakness
and ignorance. They want to manipulate us. They want us to bow down in
absolute, unquestioning submission to their professed authority. They want
dominion over us.
Of course,
extremists are afraid of Christians who are firmly grounded in the Word and
boldly proclaim the Truth. It is the Holy Spirit that gives true Christians
the power to speak the Truth with boldness.
North and other
extremists are afraid of Spirit-filled Christians.
North and other
extremists are afraid of Christians who are mighty in Scripture.
Extremists want
Biblically ignorant followers. So, they try to create doubt and confusion
with various “translations” - corrupt interpretations – to make us insecure
in our knowledge of Biblical truths. Doubt and confusion make us vulnerable
to false teachers and false preachers who prey on our weakness and
ignorance. They want to manipulate us. They want us to bow down in absolute,
unquestioning submission to their professed authority. Certainly, true
Christians desire to know the Word to know the Truth.
After decades of shouting endless false doomsday prophecies and scaring
people, now North is the one who is scared.
North is scared of losing the rest of his dwindling audience.
North is scared more of his followers will learn the truth about Dominionist
ideology and be set free.
North is scared that some of his followers will read Liberty Advocate
and other websites preaching and teaching the Gospel. So, he commands his
followers: “Decline the invitation.”
Listen. . .
We must heed Jesus’ warning . . .
Beware of
false prophets,
which come
to you in sheep’s clothing,
but inwardly
they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets who hunger for dominion over us.
“Jesus” Do You Worship?
Emergent Jesus
Youth Pastor Jesus
New Age Jesus
Roman Catholic Jesus
False preachers worry about offending men...
they don't worry about offending God.
Prissy pastors prattle on and on and on
preaching psychology and other humanist nonsense,
to preach the true Gospel.
They justify their weak, emotional babbling
by claiming we shouldn't offend anyone.
But Jesus was not a gentle and sweet sissy.
And neither were His disciples.
They were rugged men preaching
a rugged gospel...
Ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended,
and shall betray one another,
and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise,
and shall deceive many.
And because iniquity shall abound,
the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end,
the same shall be saved.
Matthew 24:9-13
And the Apostle Paul encourages us...
Watch ye,
stand fast in the faith,
quit you like men,
be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Matthew Henry comments:
He advises them to act like men, and be strong: "Act the manly, firm, and
resolved part: behave strenuously, in opposition to the bad men who would
divide and corrupt you, those who would split you into factions or seduce
you from the faith: be not terrified nor inveigled by them; but show
yourselves men in Christ, by your steadiness, by your sound judgment and
firm resolution.’’ Note, Christians should be manly and firm in all their
contests with their enemies, in defending their faith, and maintaining their
integrity. They should, in an especial manner, be so in those points of
faith that lie at the foundation of sound and practical religion, such as
were attacked among the Corinthians: these must be maintained with solid
judgment and strong resolution.
C.S. Lewis Was Not a True Christian
C.S. Lewis is idolized among Evangelicals.
Should Evangelicals worship this man?
Lewis' own words prove he was a professing Christian,
but he was not a true Christian.
For example, Lewis prayed for the dead.
And Lewis never wholly abandoned his fascination with the occult.
Clearly, this is evidenced in his fantastical books of magic and spells.
Irrefutably, Lewis neither believed nor practiced true Christianity.
He practiced a corrupt Christianity
based on man-made doctrine and his fanciful imagination,
not the Bible.
Unclean! Unclean!
Imagine the leper's terrible
Looked upon with horror,
forced to leave his family and friends,
and cast out of the camp.
People fled when they heard his cries, “Unclean! Unclean!”
Leprosy was the most loathsome disease in Biblical times. It was caused by
unclean habits. Leprosy was a foul, spreading, and usually incurable
disorder and was looked upon with disgust. If anyone touched a leper, he was
almost sure to get the hideous disease.
Leprosy symbolizes sin, which infects our moral nature and spreads throughout
our body and defiles our life. The moral leper is unfit for the company of the
pure in heart, and unworthy of a place in the Church. God makes it
perfectly clear that sin is a foul disease only He can cure. And unless
divinely cured, moral leprosy must run its fatal course. Moral
leprosy ends in spiritual death and eternal separation from God.
Evil Spirits in Colonial America
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
is a
highly acclaimed book that is required reading in
public, private and Christian schools across America.
Did this book help sow the seeds of the
hippie rebellion in the 1960s?
The Witch of Blackbird Pond is set in 1687
and tells the story of a young girl, Kit, who leaves
Barbados for a colony in Connecticut.
There in Wethersfield - a Puritan community -
Kit rebels against all the Puritan beliefs and customs.
She befriends an old Quaker woman known
as the witch of Blackbird Pond and,
as a result, is accused of witchcraft.
Was the Quaker a witch?
In their meetings for worship,
the Quakers would sit together in quiet
until the "inner spirit" within moved some one.
This would often result in trances,
convulsions and other demonic manifestations.
Quakers and 60s hippies shared the
quest for altered states of consciousness -
the “inner light.”
Hippies often sought the “inner light”
using techniques intended to achieve
altered states of consciousness: drugs, color lights,
and music…including dance.
Quakers and hippies were led into
trances and other demonic manifestations.
Unquestionably, the early Quakers were a
demonic cult determined to disrupt and destroy
Puritan colonies seeking to establish
a Bible commonwealth.
from page to page.
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
malicious anti-Christian propaganda.
It is written with open contempt
for God-fearing Christians.
It is the spirit of anti-Christ.
Elizabeth George Speare wrote with a
poisoned pen to corrupt youth with contempt
for the early God-fearing Puritans...
and contempt for all Bible-believing Christians.
Being Too Gracious?
In our endeavors to be ‘Christ-like’ are we being too gracious?
In fact, being overwhelmingly nice to everyone,
are Christians actually being Christ-like at all?
Listen to this hypocritical
hippie gospel "pastor"...
he is the "hater"!
O ye hypocrite!
He hates true Christians -
those who defend holiness and
and Bible study and sound
And notice...
he is preaching the hippie
not the true Gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
And notice...
he pretends to preach love,
peace, and kindness...
but openly ridicules and
true Christians.
This is an evil strategy to
belittle and bully
true Christians into submission
to the
hypocritical hippie gospel,
or belittle and bully true
into silence.
The truth is...
these hypocrites hate God's Holy Word...
they hate the true God.
So, they've created their own god...
a hippie god.
The hippie gospel is the gospel of hell.
Watch this video from hell...
Mar 1, 2011 - Uploaded by elevationchurchvideo
Cremation or Burial?
Does it matter?
The burning of bodies
was very rare in the Bible.
However, human sacrifices (infants) were offered
to the idol Molech. The victims were slowly
burnt to death in the arms of the idol.
Samuel informs us that the men of Jabesh-Gilead burned the bodies of Saul
and his sons. However, he does not record how long the bodies were
hanging before they were taken down. But they were probably
putrefying, therefore, it was impossible to embalm them in the normal
manner. So, for sanitary reasons, their bodies were burned. But
notice that their bodies were not entirely burned to ashes, and their ashes
were not scattered over the earth, or enshrined in a container. The
bones were buried under a tree at Jabesh.
Americans are obsessed with the occult.
And many professing Christians feel there is nothing
wrong with occult movies and TV shows:
Harry Potter, vampires, familiar spirits, and other
dark and mysterious powers.
Are they merely harmless and entertaining stories?
The Bible warns us not to go a-whoring after evil spirits…
And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits,
and after wizards, to go a-whoring after them,
I will even set my face against that soul,
and will cut him off from among his people.
Sanctify yourselves therefore,
and be ye holy:
for I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 20:6,7
My dear friend, seek only the Holy Spirit,
and do not go a-whoring after evil spirits...
Separate yourself from the occult.
Sanctify yourself and be holy.
Shame on the Idle Poor!
Last year, a Salvation Army captain told me she quit trying to help the
"homeless" men in their community because these men didn't want a
helping hand...they wanted a handout. They refused the Army's efforts to
help them get back on their feet.
The 1937 encyclopedia The Book of Knowledge states:
All right-minded Americans have always taken pride in their vocations.
All decent men and women expect to make their own way in the world by hard
and faithful work. Our people have always looked down upon any
so-called "leisure classes." Honest, faithful work has always been
respected and appreciated in this country...
Today, America has a new leisure class - the idle poor.
These dishonest folks don't want a helping hand...
they demand a handout.
So, the government hands out
money to them so they can waste their days in idleness.
the other hand,
many modern churches encourage and
reward freeloading by offering church welfare.
the name of "compassion," churches hand out food and clothing and other
necessities to the idle poor.
These handouts allow the idle poor to spend their money on
cigarettes, booze, drugs, prostitutes, the latest technology, and so forth.
Many years ago, I observed a murder trial. The victim was a local
"homeless" man who lived in his van. He and the defendant met at a
local ministry to the "homeless." The ministry provides free
breakfast, free lunch, free dinner, free medical services, free
clothing, and other necessities to freeloaders. The victim was
robbed of a huge roll of cash and murdered. At the trial, it was
brought out that the victim was on welfare and dealt drugs; and since
his necessities were provided by this "ministry" he spent his money on
drugs, prostitutes, and other sins.
The Lazy Poor in America
America is an asylum for all who refuse to labor.
America has become the land of the free –
free food, free housing, free medical care, free . . . .
America has become a nation of freeloaders.
In II Thessalonians, Paul writes:
“For even when we were with you,
this we commanded you,
that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”
The lazy poor oppress hardworking Americans.
To support the undeserving poor is to destroy the work ethic
– rooted in our Christian culture.
The destruction of the Christian work ethic
is an attempt to hasten
the downfall of Christian culture in America.
The Lazy Poor in America
Pt. 2
The New Testament warns the lazy...
"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own
house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel" (I
Timothy 5:8).
"The Lazy Poor" does not condemn the lame, the blind, the orphan or any
other person who is unable to work. There is a difference between those who
cannot work (sick, injured, orphans, aged, infirm, handicapped, those
needing temporary help through no fault of their own, and so forth) and
those who are lazy and refuse to work. Truthfully, many of the so-called
"poor" spend their money on cigarettes, booze, gambling, drugs, cell phones,
costly cable/satellite television packages, and other extravagances.
Christians have no Biblical duty to provide the lazy poor with necessities
so they can spend their money on extravagances and sinful habits.
More important, why do you willfully ignore Jesus' stern rebuke of the
slothful servant in the parable of the talents?
Thou wicked and slothful servant...take
therefore the talent from him,
and give it unto him which hath ten talents...
cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness:
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew 25:26-30
Irrefutably, Jesus
condemns the lazy.