Liberty Advocate
Christian Rock ‘n’ Roll:
by Karen Pansler-Lam, J.D.
The modern Church has gone a-whoring after the devil’s music and polluted the holy sanctuary with “Christian” rock ‘n’ roll. But there is no such thing as Christian rock ‘n’ roll.
A quick Internet search of secular sources reveals the devilish roots of rock ‘n’ roll…
Since Elvis shook his
pelvis on "The Ed Sullivan Show" in 1956, rock 'n' roll has been
inextricably linked with sex. In fact, the
term "rock 'n' roll" is 1950s black slang for the sexual act itself.
So…how can rock ‘n’ roll be “Christian” when it’s black slang for sex?
Those who defend Christian rock music also defend secular rock music and idolize rock stars. This is idolatry of the wicked and profane who show contempt and irreverence toward God and sacred things...
The rock and roll
lifestyle was popularly associated with
sex and
drugs. Many of rock
and roll's early stars (as well as their
jazz and
blues counterparts) were known as
hard-drinking, hard-living
characters. During the 1960s the lifestyles of many stars became more
publicly known, aided by the growth of the underground rock press. Musicians
had always attracted attention of
"groupies" (girls who followed musicians)
who spent time with and often
performed sexual favors for band
Rock stars live depraved lives: sex, drugs, booze and other wickedness. They live for the devil...and sing to the devil. Therefore, Christians cannot sing secular rock songs - praises to the devil - and sing praises to the Lord.
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? James 3:10,11
We cannot bless and curse the Lord out of the same mouth.
We cannot sing praises to the Lord, and out of the same mouth sing praises to the devil.
We cannot sing praises of holiness, and out of the same mouth sing praises of wicked rebellion.
Moreover, the origin of rock ‘n’ roll was raunchy blues music…
Heralding this new sound were disc jockeys such as Alan Freed of Cleveland, Ohio, Dewey Phillips of Memphis, Tennessee, and William (“Hoss”) Allen of WLAC in Nashville, Tennessee—who created rock-and-roll radio by playing hard-driving rhythm-and-blues and raunchy blues records that introduced white suburban teenagers to a culture that sounded more exotic, thrilling, and illicit than anything they had ever known. In 1954 that sound coalesced around an image: that of a handsome white singer, Elvis Presley, who sounded like a black man.
African Americans
had used the term
rock and roll
as a euphemism for sex, and Presley’s music oozed sexuality.
Presley was hardly the only artist who embodied this attitude, but he was
clearly a catalyst in the merger of black and white culture into something
far bigger and more complex than both.
Undeniably, the intent of rock music was to cause teens to rebel against morality and authority. And the heavy beat and loudness of rock ‘n’ roll was used to further the rebellion against morality and authority…
The primary instruments of early rock 'n' roll were guitar, bass, piano, drums, and saxophone. All aspects of the music—its heavy beat, loudness, self-absorbed lyrics, and raving delivery—indicated a teenage defiance of adult values and authority.
In the 1960s music
mirrored the tensions of the Vietnam War era and played an important role in
American culture. The verbal content of
rock songs turned toward rebellion, social protest, sex, and, increasingly,
drugs. Many groups, among them Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful
Dead, tried to approximate in music the
aural experience of psychedelic drugs, producing long, repetitive,
occasionally exquisite songs with surreal lyrics (known as "acid rock" or
"hard rock").
All aspects of rock music – its heavy beat, loudness, self-absorbed lyrics, and raving delivery – is intended to incite rebellion against morality and authority.
Likewise, all aspects of
Christian rock ‘n’ roll – its heavy beat, loudness, self-absorbed lyrics,
and raving delivery – is intended to incite defiance of Biblical morality
and Biblical authority. And any
music that incites rebellion against Biblical morality and Biblical
authority is the devil’s music. And we cannot offer the devil's music as worship
music to a holy God...
But I say, should have fellowship with devils.
Ye cannot
drink the cup of the Lord,
Rock music is a sacrifice to devils.
Rock music is fellowship with devils: Christians cannot have fellowship with devils.
We cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils.
We cannot eat of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
We cannot sing praises to the Lord, and sing praises to devils.
There is no such thing as Christian rock 'n' roll. Therefore, rebellious churches that profane the holy sanctuary with unholy rock music are synagogues of Satan. These synagogues of Satan rebel against God's command to be separate from the wicked and profane.
Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers:
And what
concord hath Christ with Belial?
come out from among them,
And will be
a Father unto you,
What communion hath light with darkness – the dark music of devils?
We must not join with them in their wicked and profane music that shows contempt and irreverence toward God and holy things.
We cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit while singing rock ‘n’ roll – music dedicated to Satan and his devils.
Christians are the temples of the living God: we cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be filled with the spirit of rebellion.
Years ago, ministers warned us about the dangers of rock music. They explained that it’s not just the words; it’s also the beat. It’s the beat of rebellion. But we wouldn’t listen. We listened to it anyway and became enslaved to its heavy beat, loudness, self-absorbed lyrics, and raving delivery. Consequently, the rock ‘n’ roll rebellion produced a cultural revolution in the Church: we rebelled against the Biblical command of holiness in the sanctuary and demanded our “style” of music – rock ‘n’ roll.
The modern Church must repent for going a-whoring after the devil’s music and polluting the holy sanctuary with unholy, Christian rock ‘n’ roll. Indeed, there is no perfect church on earth. But just as we are to be earnestly perfecting our body in holiness, we are to be earnestly perfecting the Church body in holiness.
Clearly, the perfecting of the Church is the will of Christ as revealed in Revelation 2 and 3. For example, Jesus rebuked the church at Pergamos for being impure. Instead of the Church protesting against the world, the world was creeping into the Church…and corrupting it.
Jesus warned Pergamos…
Professing Christians who have polluted their hearts and minds with rock ‘n’ roll must repent and be cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.
Let us
cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the
Let us perfect holiness in the fear of God: a reverence for his holy character, respect for His holy law, and a fear of offending Him - “the consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28,29).
Let us cleanse ourselves of all rock ‘n’ roll - filthiness of the flesh and spirit – including Christian rock ‘n’ roll.
Let us lift up our voices and sing wholeheartedly unto the Lord the hymn "Cleanse Me"...
Search me, O
God, and know my heart today;
I praise thee,
Lord, for cleansing me from sin:
Lord, take my
life, and make it wholly Thine:
O Holy Ghost,
revival comes from Thee:
Let us cry out in repentance…
O God, search me!
O Lord, cleanse me!
O Holy Ghost, send a revival – start the work in me!
September 2016