Homeless - New Hippies


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Liberty Advocate



The Homeless Are the New Hippies
Rebellion Against God




Karen Pansler Lam, J.D.


The homeless are the new hippies.


The political anti-God Homeless Movement is rooted in the 1960s hippie movement of rebellion and rock music and drugs. Like the old hippies, the new hippies reject familial, societal, and ALL responsibility; and hate law and order.


For example...


The homeless hate clean residential neighborhoods that are God-fearing and quiet.

The homeless love drug-centered communal living in filthy conditions that spread disease.


The homeless hate the Biblical family of a married man and woman and children.

The homeless love their mafia “families” - criminal associates.


The homeless hate the Biblical work command.

The homeless love idleness.


The list could go on and on...


The evil mission of the Homeless Movement is to move America toward the New World Order of Global Communism: anti-Christian, anti-American, and anti-capitalism.

The Homeless Movement is a war on God, morality, and the Christian religion. And any church or Christian who excuses and encourages and supports the new hippies defiantly shake their fists at God's Law. And they do not understand the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which will be discussed later in the article.




The New Hippies Hate God and Moral Law Just Like the Old Hippies

The new hippies – the homeless – hate God. They hate the Ten Commandments, the Biblical work command, and any other restraints of the freedom to live according to their own wicked imaginations and desires. They are their own gods.


This started in the 1960s rebellion against God under the demonic teaching of English occultist Aleister Crowley who preached, "Do what thou wilt." Over the years, many rock bands and musicians have cited Crowley's works as an influence. He appears on the cover of The Beatles' album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.


David Bowie's 1983 hit single, "Let's Dance" paraphrases Crowley's 1923 poem “Lyric of Love to Leah."


The satanic message of chaos and rebellion in rock music created the hippies in the 60s and the hippies of today, including the homeless: Rebel! Rebel! Rebel! Undeniably, rock music encourages and glorifies rebellion against God.


The old hippies created the devilish “hip” slogan “Don’t judge.” Unfortunately, “hip” Christians – false Christians – adopted this unbiblical babbling and we see its rotten fruit in the church. For example, like the homeless and other hippies, many professing Christians hate God’s institution of marriage and family, and prefer to live in sin or be free to be sexually immoral with many (free love). Many professing young Christians stay single moms so they can collect welfare. And the church refuses to rebuke those in the congregation who despise the sacredness of marriage and family.

Of course, the homeless and other deadbeats are dishonest and pretend to love God and use it to deceive Christians. They stand on street corners and beg for money with signs saying, “God Bless.”


The homeless are haters.


The homeless hate God.


They despise God and openly rebel against His laws.

The homeless hate me.


The homeless hate you.

They despise God-fearing, law-abiding citizens. And they show it in many ways: stealing our private property, shoplifting resulting in higher prices for us, defecating/urinating on public and private property, and other ways of endangering public welfare.


But instead of speaking out against this rebellion, including sloth and idleness, many churches contribute to the chaos, crime, health hazards, and other dangers in the community caused by the politically correct "homeless." But a bum by any other name is still a bum: tramp, loafer, hobo, riffraff, hoodlum, criminal, junkie...you know the names.




Talbot House and Lighthouse "Ministries" and Communist Jim Jones


It is the duty of churches to contribute to making their communities clean, wholesome, orderly, safe, and happy. However, many churches contribute to making their communities unclean, unwholesome, disorderly, unsafe, and unhappy by excusing and encouraging the homeless and other deadbeats.


Churches must follow Biblical law in all matters.


And the Bible is very clear about the lazy.


For even when we were with you,
this we commanded you,
that if any would not work,
neither should he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10


You don't need a theology degree to understand this Scripture. It is plain and simple language.


But many modern "Christians" believe they are more righteous than Paul and more righteous than God: they ignore this Biblical command. These self-righteous do-gooders give deadbeats free clothing, free medical care, free shelter, free food and other handouts.


Shame on social gospel churches!


Shame on social gospel - socialist - missions!


Years ago, a Salvation Army captain told me she quit trying to help the "homeless" men in their community because these men didn't want a helping hand - they wanted a handout. They refused the Army's efforts to help them get back on their feet.


And in a local murder trial I observed years ago, the victim was a "homeless" man who lived in his van. He and the defendant met at Talbot House Ministries - a local "ministry" to the homeless in my hometown of Lakeland, Florida. The ministry provides free food, free medical and dental services, free clothing, free shelter and other necessities to freeloaders. The victim was robbed of a huge roll of cash and murdered. At the trial, it was brought out that the victim was on welfare and dealt drugs; and since his necessities were provided by this "ministry" he spent his money on drugs, prostitutes, and other sins.


Unfortunately, Lakeland has two homeless shelters that harm our community: Talbot House Ministries and Lighthouse Ministries. Over the years, I have been outspoken and written letters to the editor expressing my concern about bums in Lakeland.



These letters clearly express my concerns about Lakeland's bum community and their course of conduct to force their idleness, filthy habits, theft, disorderly conduct, and other crimes and harmful acts on us to disturb the peace and quiet of persons and our community. They do not contribute to Lakeland. Instead, they rob us of the quiet enjoyment of Lakeland living and waste hard-working, law-abiding, taxpayers' dollars.


Talbot House and Lighthouse "ministries" and cult leader Jim Jones have something in common - a communist gospel. Jim Jones was bewitched by communism and purposed in his heart to demonstrate his love for Marxism.  In his own words, Jones’ explained in a biographical recording…“I decided, how can I demonstrate my Marxism?  The thought was, infiltrate the church.  So I consciously made a decision to look into that prospect.”



In 1956, Jim Jones opened his first Pentecostal church and named it Wings of Deliverance.  But later that year he renamed it the Peoples Temple Full Gospel Church. In order to increase publicity, the Temple organized large religious “conventions” with other Pentecostals to disguise the fact that he was using religion to further social goals, not preach the true Gospel.


In 1959, Jones’ church joined the Disciples of Christ, and was renamed the Peoples Temple Christian Church Full Gospel.  And in the same year, Jones began his “us versus them” message.  And he carefully wove in the message that the Temple’s home for senior citizens was established on the basis of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” quoting Karl Marx’s “Critique of the Gotha Program.”  He knew that Christians would recognize the similarities with Acts 4:34-35 stating “distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.”  Jones repeatedly cited that Scripture to paint Jesus Christ as a communist, while at the same time attacking much of the text of the Bible.

In 1960, the Temple opened a soup kitchen for the poor, and expanded their social services to include rent assistance, job placement services, free canned goods, clothing, and coal for winter heating. Later, Jones and his church were praised for aiding the cities’ poorest citizens, drug addicts, and the homeless. 


Are you beginning to see the numerous similarities between Jones and social gospel ministries like Talbot House and Lighthouse?


But, you argue, "The homeless are getting saved."


Are they truly getting saved?


Are they born-again Christians living holy and righteous lives?


Born-again Christians obey Jesus' command...

Go and sin no more.
John 8:11


Are the homeless are being indoctrinated with a Marxist gospel?




Are they indoctrinated with the devilish doctrine of unconditional eternal security - once saved, always saved?

The Truth is...

Eternal security is conditional and promised for faithful believers only. Eternal salvation is promised only to the faithful - those who obey Him...

And being made perfect,

he became the author of eternal salvation

unto all them that obey him.

Hebrews 5:9


Irrefutably, the Bible clearly warns us of the consequences of backsliding unto apostasy:


For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth,

there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,


But a certain fiery looking for of judgment and fiery indignation,

which shall devour the adversaries.

Hebrews 10:26,27


Now the just shall live by faith:

but if any man draw back,

my soul shall have no pleasure in him.


But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition:

but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

Hebrews 10:38, 39


Who knows what false gospel they are being converted to?


Talbot House and Lighthouse and other Marxist missions promoting redistribution of wealth disguised as Christian missions will be discussed more in depth in an upcoming article.


Jesus repeatedly said: "Follow me." So, if we follow Jesus through the Scriptures, clearly even though the disciples had a money bag, neither Jesus nor His disciples ever went about feeding the poor, including the lazy. Unquestionably, Jesus could have done so as evidenced by feeding the multitudes more than once. In other words, Jesus Christ could have miraculously fed all the poor and hungry.


In fact, John 6 records Jesus rebuking the people for seeking Him for bread:


26 Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.
Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for the meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.


Clearly, Jesus reproved the multitude for following Him because He fed them on several occasions. Jesus made it very clear that His ministry did not consist of handouts. His ministry was concerned with their spiritual needs, not their physical needs.


Moreover, Jesus did not set up church welfare programs. In fact, the early church set up qualifications for those receiving charity. In his first letter to Timothy addressing the Church’s duty to support widows, the apostle Paul explains the Church should give money to deserving widows only because families should be the primary provider (5:8-16). In other words, if the widow has family, they should provide for her, not the church: "If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed" (5:16).


Finally, the Great Commission is not to go into all the world and feed the lazy. The Great Commission is a spiritual mission....


Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:15


We are called to give the world the living bread - the Bread of life.


Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.


I am that bread of life.


Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
This is the bread which cometh down from heaven,
that a man may eat thereof, and not die.


I am the living bread which come down from heaven:
if any man eat of this bread,
he shall live forever:
and the bread that I will give is my flesh,
which I will give for the life of the world.
John 6:47-51


The Great Commission is to preach repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ. True faith will result in good fruit: obedience to the faith, or righteousness and holiness. To pervert the Gospel into a Marxist doctrine of humanitarian good works is a false gospel.


And let me repeat the harm Talbot House and Lighthouse and other socialist missions cause to our community.


Lighthouse boasts in its mission statement...


Lighthouse Ministries is set apart by the Spirit of God to communicate
the Gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the physical, emotional,
and other needs of the poor and at-risk population.



"Set apart by the Spirit of God"? 


This is blasphemy!


The Spirit of God will never, never, never "set apart" a ministry that burdens and harms a community.


It is unbiblical for churches and Christians to financially support these so-called ministries that are guilty of attracting and harboring criminals and other riffraff that endanger the community.


If a church or Christian does any act that endangers the health, safety, and welfare of the community - including financial support of "ministries" to criminals and other social outlaws - it is sin.


It is evil to aid and enable evildoers.


It violates Biblical law...


Love worketh no ill to his neighbor:
therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. 

Romans 13:10


No ministry of God ever harms neighbors and communities.




Homeless Camps Endanger Public Health

The Homeless Movement has moved from 1960s drug-centered rural hippie communes on private property...


...to today's downtown drug-centered communes on public property...


The new hippies demand to take over and live on public property: no taxes, no rent, no mortgage, no maintenance – in short, no responsibility. They are social outlaws who are willing to degrade themselves and live in squalor so they can live drug-centered criminal lives. It’s free for them, but taxpayers foot the bill for cleanup, extra police patrols, and other costly burdens on hardworking taxpayers.

The homeless hate the general community and prefer to live in a filthy community of criminals.


Homeless camps cause problems for cities in a number of ways, including...


1. Public Health Risks:

The homeless pose serious health risks to our community. The risks include:

a. Infectious diseases like COVID, hepatitis A, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other infections

b. Diseases spread by fleas and lice and rats and flies

c. Respiratory diseases like pneumonia

Rebellion Against God's Health Laws

Health depends not only upon a person's own cleanliness, but on that of his neighbors and even the whole community. But the homeless hate God's law of cleanliness.


The Old Testament law instructs the Israelites to be clean people. Shortly before the nation of Israel entered the Promised Land, God said that He would protect them from “terrible diseases” (Deuteronomy 7:15). One way He accomplished this was by giving them specific instructions on hygiene.


God gave the Israelites health laws about...


Bathing and washing clothes – Leviticus 15:4-27


Where to go to the bathroom to relieve yourself – Deuteronomy 23:12-14


Fighting against infectious diseases – Leviticus 14:8-9


Handling a dead body – Leviticus 5:2-3 & Numbers 19:16


...and many other health laws instructing the Israelites to separate from all uncleanness.


The Israelites benefited and remained comparatively healthy by following the standards set out in God’s Law.


But the homeless want to live in filth and squalor and total disregard of their health - and ours.


Their defiant disregard of protecting our health is an act of open contempt for us and their desire to harm us.


2. Fire Hazard: Homeless camps frequently use open flames or makeshift heating devices for warmth and cooking. The proximity of tents and flammable materials significantly increases the risk of accidental fires. These fires can quickly spread to nearby structures, posing a threat to neighboring properties and residents.


According to Biblical law, the homeless are responsible for paying restitution for any fire damage they cause: "If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field, be consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution." Exodus 22:6


3. Hostile Takeover of Public and Private Property. The homeless disregard public and private spaces. Homeless camps set up on public and private property (without the owner's permission) are littered with trash and other items which are health and fire hazards. They also disregard the needs of law-abiding, God-fearing taxpayers who want to use public spaces. In other words, they rob taxpayers of public property and claim it for their private use.


And the homeless urinate and defecate on public and private property exposing the general public to potential health hazards.


The homeless do not own the property, but through a hostile takeover steal public and private property to live on for free. Of course, this breaks the commandments, "Thou shalt not covet" and "Thou shalt not steal." And they often set up their own lawless community threatening police and others with knives and guns who venture into their takeover territory.



4. Alcohol and Drug-induced Demonic Behavior. Booze and drug use is rampant among the homeless. When you use booze and drugs, you open your mind to demons and demonic acts of hatred against society.



The Word of God is clear...


Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption;
 but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Galatians 6:7,8


Matthew Henry explains this warning...


If we sow to the flesh, we shall of the flesh reap corruption. If we sow the wind, we shall reap the whirlwind. Those who live a carnal sensual life, who instead of employing themselves to the honour of God and the good of others, spend all their thoughts, and care, and time, about the flesh, must expect no other fruit of such a course than corruption—a mean and short-lived satisfaction at present, and ruin and misery at the end of it. But, on the other hand, those who sow to the Spirit, who under the guidance and influence of the Spirit do live a holy and spiritual life, a life of devotedness to God and of usefulness and serviceableness to others, may depend upon it that of the Spirit they shall reap life everlasting—they shall have the truest comfort in their present course, and an eternal life and happiness at the end of it.

Image result for marijuana the drug from hell

The homeless and other deadbeats choose to sow to their flesh and will reap corruption.

5. Crime and Safety Concerns: Homeless camps and "Christian" homeless ministries attract criminal activity, including drug trafficking, prostitution, violence, theft, and other crimes. This crime endangers the safety of residents and businesses and creates an environment of fear and discomfort. Homeless hoodlums urinate and defecate on public, residential, and business property. And hoodlums vandalize businesses. Those who try to make an honest living are despised by lawless riffraff.


No Constitutional Right to Burden and Oppress Communities


Image result for constitution of the united states


Fools cry deadbeats have a Constitutional right to be homeless. But nowhere does the Constitution give a person the right to be homeless and a burden on society, including endangering public health, safety, and welfare.


To argue otherwise is contrary to the original intent of the Founders. In fact, the Preamble of the Constitution declares "promote the general Welfare." The lazy and lawless homeless do not promote the general Welfare. They endanger the general Welfare.


And the Preamble proclaims "secure the Blessings of Liberty." This isn't license to cause harm to the community or nation. The Constitutional Framers did not intend for the Preamble to have any substantive legal effect. It was foundational text for what followed.


To argue the homeless have a Constitutional right to burden and oppress a community is unfounded and ignorant. It is political hogwash!


Strict laws must be enacted and strictly enforced to protect law-abiding citizens against the lawless homeless. This includes local and state nuisance laws. Unfortunately, many judges go soft on homeless criminals and give them a slap on the wrist. This is contrary to Biblical law...


Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
Exodus 23:3


Matthew Henry explains the Bible cautions judges not to pervert judgment: "They must not pervert judgment, no, not in favour of a poor man, v. 3. Right must in all cases take place and wrong must be punished, and justice never biased nor injury connived at under pretence of charity and compassion. If a poor man be a bad man, and do a bad thing, it is foolish pity to let him fare the better for his poverty, Deu. 1:16, 17."


When a homeless person is arrested for committing a crime, he must be punished to the full extent of the law, not only to punish him, but also to deter him from committing another crime. If he is dealt with firmly, then hopefully he will come to his right mind and understand law and order.




Unless a deadbeat repents and returns to right living, he will continue to hate man's and God's Law.


In short...


The homeless hate God’s Law. They hate God’s command to work. They are lazy and drift in drugs, idleness, and crime.


The homeless hate righteousness. They are lawless and steal what they want: shoplift, property theft, and other criminal acts. They rebel against right living.


The homeless show open contempt for Biblical sanitation laws. They refuse to bathe and wash their clothes. Their clothes and hands are unwashed and filthy, but they go into Publix and other stores handling food and other items they don't intend to buy, contaminating them with germs for us to pick up and endangering our health. And by many other disgusting, filthy, unwholesome, and unsanitary deliberate acts they show open contempt for public health - our health.


Of course, hippies and socialists and communists and other God-haters refuse to blame the individuals for their homelessness. They point the finger at capitalism.



Hippie/Communist Propaganda


Hippie/communist propaganda has infiltrated churches - including Evangelical churches - to make us feel guilty if we do not give handouts to those who hate God and rebel against His laws for a Godly society: the work command, individual accountability and responsibility, Biblical family, and other Godly laws.


Deadbeats spend their money on drugs, body piercing, booze, tattoos, lottery and other gambling, vaping and cigarettes, expensive technology, and other sinful and wasteful spending. And they expect us to provide them with free food, free clothing, free medical care, and free housing. This is pushed by hippie/socialist/communist missionaries - secular and religious.


For instance...


Homeless communist propaganda demands that we need affordable housing. The Communist declares...

Socialist Revolution has a different solution, one that would guarantee quality housing to everyone. This has been laid out in our program which includes capping rent at 10% of wages and nationalizing vacant housing. However, this plan will never happen under capitalism and homelessness will remain a festering sore on society. A system that requires poverty cannot solve poverty. Engels understood the solution: “As long as the capitalist mode of production continues to exist, it is folly to hope for an isolated solution of the housing question or of any other social question affecting the fate of the workers. The solution lies in the abolition of the capitalist mode of production and the appropriation of all the means of life and labor by the working class itself.”

In order to achieve this, we need a mass working-class party based on the theory of Marxism. Only revolutionary socialism can end homelessness and free all workers from the insanity of capitalism.



We are not Biblically responsible for housing the homeless. It is their choice to foolishly spend their money on sins and extravagance. But some cities spend millions on housing the homeless in the name of "compassion."


Where does the money come from?




This is Marxist redistribution of wealth.


So, where is compassion for hard-working, right-living, tax-paying citizens?


Liberals - including liberal Evangelicals - try to make us feel guilty if we don't bow down to the demands of the lazy. Social and religious rebels are absolved of all individual accountability and given handouts instead of helpful advice.


If housing prices are too high in the area – move. Find a job on the Internet in an affordable area. Interestingly, many in poverty-plagued places like West Virginia argue they can't afford to move. However, they can afford expensive vehicles, satellite, body piercing, expensive technology, ATVs, drugs, vaping/cigarettes, booze, tattoos, lottery/gambling, prostitutes, and other sinful and wasteful spending. They spend their money on their sinful and wasteful desires and want us to provide their food, clothing, and shelter.


This is contrary to Biblical wisdom.


The Bible encourages us to be thrifty and diligent.


Go to the ant, sluggard;
consider her ways and be wise;
who having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
provides her food in the summer
and gathers her food in the harvest.

Proverbs 6:6-8


The Bible instructs us in wisdom in all matters.



Wise Men Denounce the Lazy


No man has a right to be idle if he is able to work. The duty of every man born into the world is to perform his proportionate share of the world's work. He is born into society and derives numerous benefits from society, and is morally bound to contribute to society.


The wise recognize that if one individual idle, then others must work harder. Just as in a family, if one or two members do not work, then the burden of working harder falls on others to support the idler. Likewise, in society if some remain idle, then the burden becomes heavier upon those who do work.


Wise men have always denounced the lazy. Diligence and thrift have been praised by both secular and religious leaders.


Samuel Smiles (1812-1904) was a Scottish author best known for Self-Help, Character, Thrift, and Duty, that enshrined the “gospel of work.” His works claimed that poverty was caused largely by irresponsible habits and advocated thrift and work.


Uneducated and idle people will not exert themselves for a living, when they have the hope of obtaining the living without exertion. Who will be frugal and provident, when charity offers all that frugality and providence can confer? Does not the gift of the advantages, comforts, and rewards of industry, without the necessity of labouring for them, tend to sap the very foundations of energy and self-reliance? Is not the circumstance that poverty is the only requisite qualification on the part of the applicant for charity, calculated to tempt the people to self-indulgence, to dissipation, and to those courses of life which keep them poor?


Men who will not struggle and exert themselves, are those who are helped first. The worst sort of persons are made comfortable: whilst the hard-working, self-supporting man, who disdains to throw himself upon charity, is compelled to pay rates for the maintenance of the idle. Charity stretches forth its hand to the rottenest parts of society; it rarely seeks out, or helps, the struggling and the honest.


There are clergymen in London who say that charity acts against the extension of religion amongst the people. The Rev. Mr. Stone says, "He is an unwelcome visitor to the poor who brings the Bible in one hand, without a loaf, a blanket, or a shilling in the other. And no wonder. By the prevailing system of charitable relief they have been nursed in this carnal spirit; they have been justified in those selfish expectations. Instead of being allowed to learn the great and salutary lesson of providence, that there is a necessary connection between their conduct and their condition, they have, by this artificial system, been taught that indigence is of itself sufficient to constitute a claim to relief. They have been thus encouraged in improvidence, immorality, fraud, and hypocrisy."


Thrift p. 323-325 https://archive.org/details/thrift1876smil/page/324/mode/2up

In the past...


Wise ministers spoke out against the lazy...


In 1894, Harvard graduate Rev. George R. Hewitt wrote in his essay "The Blight of Idleness"...


Since work is the law by which men live and society exists, the lazy man who will not work is a nuisance and a burden to society. Somebody else must do double work that he may live without doing any. An able-bodied, healthy man who spends his days in idleness, refusing to contribute his share of work, manual or mental, for the maintenance of the world's life, is a fraud and a cheat. A man who shuns work defrauds and disgraces himself.


Let labor cease and the earth would revert a wilderness. Industry and civilization go hand in hand. Indolence and barbarism are invariably linked together.


But idleness brings a blight not only on the earth and on man's possessions; it also brings a blight on man himself.


(1) It blights his powers. Man is a bundle of latent powers and capacities. Labor, in its varied forms muscular and mental, is the divinely appointed way by which our powers and capacities are to be quickened and unfolded. But an idle man's powers, being unexercised, remain undeveloped; and not only so, they even wither and shrink. Capacities unused waste away. We read in Scripture that the man who hid his talent lost it. Every member of the body and every faculty of the mind has a function to fulfill. Let them lie in idleness, and feebleness and atrophy ensue. A man needs work, then, not only for work's sake but for his own sake. He thereby perfects himself. Toil is a great teacher. Daily work is a daily school of patience, punctuality, fidelity, honesty, truthfulness, and all the virtues. Idleness is a school of nothing but vice.


It is a tomb in which a living man shuts himself. It is the blight of every talent, the paralysis of every power.


(2) Idleness blights a man's happiness. There is joy in work well done. The humblest mechanic who accomplishes a given piece of work experiences a pleasure the idle man never knows. No bread eaten by man is so sweet as that earned by his own labor. No man can be happy who is living a useless life. Everybody despises him, and in his inmost heart he at length comes to despise himself. Self-respect wells up in the heart of a man whose powers are employed for useful ends.


(3) Idleness blights character. "Satan finds some mischief for idle hands to do." It was when King David tarried in idle luxury in Jerusalem, instead of taking the field in person and leading his army to battle, that he fell into the double crime that is the only blot on his otherwise fair fame. A man is never so well fortified against evil as when he is busy. The bicycle is kept upright by its own velocity. When it stops it falls. Regular employment is a moral safeguard. "Doing nothing is an apprenticeship to doing wrong." When you find a young man doing nothing, the chances are ten to one that he is drifting to the bad. Satan finds his recruits largely among loafers. Idleness is the mother of crime. Some time ago a young man was sentenced to the state prison of Connecticut for forgery. As he was changing his own for the prison suit, he remarked to the officer, " I never did a day's work in my life." The officer sagely replied, "No wonder, then, you have brought up here." The devil tempts all other men, but an idle man tempts the devil. The idle brain is the devil's workshop.


Rev. George R. Hewitt, "The Blight of Idleness," Portraits and Principles of the World's Great Man and Women," 1898

p. 204-206 https://archive.org/details/portraitsprincip00kingiala/page/206/mode/2up?view=theater



And Rev. James W. Cole  wrote in his 1898 essay "Reaping Without Sowing"...


There are altogether too many persons anxious to live upon the toil and profit by the fortunes of others rather than to earn their own. Do you know what that means ? It means to be a thief and a vagabond. Does that sound harsh?...


You must make your own fortune on earth if you would be honest, and honorable, and gain a well-developed manhood. Luck will not bring it to you. Cunning or petty scheming will not secure it for you. Depending upon the patronage of others will not gain it, but your own industry and fidelity to the right will. Even so in heaven. If you would have treasure there you must lay it up. No other can do it for you. It is not there awaiting your coming, else why the command to " lay up for yourselves." There is no reaping there the benefit of another's sowing, but "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap." What kind of seed are you sowing? Will the reaping make you honorable hereafter and well-to-do? Poverty here has many a burden and sorrow, but to be poor hereafter is to be poor indeed.


Rev. James W. Cole, B.D. "Reaping Without Sowing"

The Bible warns us...

Be not deceived;
God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap.

For he that soweth to his flesh
shall of the flesh reap corruption;
but he that soweth to the Spirit
shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Galatians 6:7,8




The Homeless in the Bible: The Prodigal Son


The Parable of the Prodigal Son teaches us about God's grace to welcome lost sinners home. But it also teaches us about the consequences of sowing and reaping.


A man had two sons. His younger son demanded his portion, left home, and spent it as fast as he could.


Matthew Henry explains the parable in Luke 15:


[2.] A sinful state is a spending state: There he wasted his substance with riotous living (v. 13), devoured it with harlots (v. 30), and in a little time he had spent all, v. 14. He bought fine clothes, spent a great deal in meat and drink, treated high, associated with those that helped him to make an end of what he had in a little time. As to this world, they that live riotously waste what they have, and will have a great deal to answer for, that they spend that upon their lusts which should be for the necessary substance of themselves and their families. But this is to be applied spiritually. Wilful sinners waste their patrimony; for they misemploy their thoughts and all the powers of their souls, misspend their time and all their opportunities, do not only bury, but embezzle, the talents they are entrusted to trade with for their Master's honour; and the gifts of Providence, which were intended to enable them to serve God and to do good with, are made the food and fuel of their lusts. The soul that is made a drudge, either to the world or to the flesh, wastes its substance, and lives riotously. One sinner destroys much good, Eccl. 9:18. The good he destroys is valuable, and it is none of his own; they are his Lord's goods that he wastes, which must be accounted for.


Now, doesn't this sound like today's homeless and other deadbeats? They rebel against their Heavenly Father's law of good order and discipline, and choose riotous living. They spend their money - earned or unearned ("disability" and other welfare fraud) - on drugs, booze, tattoos, prostitutes, vaping/cigarettes, lottery/gambling, and other wickedness. They live in sinfulness. But let me be clear...the prodigal was not a hoodlum like today's homeless. The Bible never tells us the prodigal was a criminal.


The homeless and other deadbeats waste their money sinfully and foolishly, and waste their talents sinfully and foolishly.


Matthew Henry continues...


[3.] A sinful state is a wanting state: When he had spent all upon his harlots, they left him, to seek such another prey; and there arose a mighty famine in that land, every thing was scarce and dear, and he began to be in want, v. 14. Note, Wilful waste brings woeful want. Riotous living in time, perhaps in a little time, brings men to a morsel of bread, especially when bad times hasten on the consequences of bad husbandry, which good husbandry would have provided for. This represents the misery of sinners, who have thrown away their own mercies, the favour of God, their interest in Christ, the strivings of the Spirit, and admonitions of conscience; these they gave away for the pleasure of sense, and the wealth of the world, and then are ready to perish for want of them. Sinners want necessaries for their souls; they have neither food nor raiment for them, nor any provision for hereafter. A sinful state is like a land where famine reigns, a mighty famine; for the heaven is as brass (the dews of God's favour and blessing are withheld, and we must needs want good things if God deny them to us), and the earth is as iron (the sinner's heart, that should bring forth good things, is dry and barren, and has no good in it). Sinners are wretchedly and miserably poor, and, what aggravates it, they brought themselves into that condition, and keep themselves in it by refusing the supplies offered.


The prodigal becomes a homeless beggar...


[6.] A sinful state is a state which cannot expect relief from any creature. This prodigal, when he could not earn his bread by working, took to begging; but no man gave unto him, because they knew he had brought all this misery upon himself, and because he was rakish, and provoking to every body; such poor are least pitied. This, in the application of the parable, intimates that those who depart from God cannot be helped by any creature. In vain do we cry to the world and the flesh (those gods which we have served); they have that which will poison a soul, but have nothing to give it which will feed and nourish it. If thou refuse God's help, whence shall any creature help thee?


Today, many refuse to work. Instead, they beg for government, community and church welfare. Some beg on street corners. Unlike the wise men in the parable who refused to give the prodigal money because he brought all this misery upon himself, the foolish give him money, free food, free clothing, free medical care, and free housing keeping the homeless from suffering the consequences of their sins and mending their wicked ways.


But the Bible teaches...


It was when the prodigal son was in want and despair that he came to his right mind. No one fed him. No one provided his basic needs.



16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.

17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee.



It is Biblical to let sinners suffer the consequences of their waywardness in hopes they will repent and come to their right mind.



Rebellion Against God


The new hippie Homeless Movement is political and spiritual rebellion against God and His laws.


The homeless hate the Biblical work command.


The homeless hate sanitation laws to ensure the health of our communities.


The homeless hate Biblical families...


...and all Biblical principles and Biblical truths.


They hate God.


They hate you.


The Bible is clear about those who refuse to work and waste their money on riotous living...


For even when we were with you,
this we commanded you,
that if any would not work,
neither should he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10


This is not a suggestion.


It is a command.


Let sinners suffer the consequences of their waywardness in hopes they will repent...


 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him,
Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee.




Karen Pansler Lam, J.D.
Liberty Advocate

September 2024





See also:

The Homeless Are Not Harmless: A Mafia of Criminals
Homeless Are Not Harmless (libertyadvocate.com)

Warrenism: Rick Warren’s Religious Communism 

If you profess to be a Christian, but persist in willful sin and refuse the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, your name will be blotted out of the Book of Life – the book of eternal salvation.

The Book of Life is a register and roll of all who shall inherit eternal life. In this book is recorded the names of all those who have faithfully lived to God: godliness. These are His chosen and faithful ones.

Only those who walk in holiness and righteousness shall be clothed in white robes.

Only those who walk in holiness shall walk the streets of gold.

Is your name written in the Book of Life?


Ye Must Be Born Again



Jesus declares: Ye must be born againWhen we are born again, we become new creatures in Christ.  And by the power of the Holy Spirit we are purified and sanctified and perfected.  We are being perfected to spend eternity in the presence of the Lord God Almighty.  



Be Ye Holy



Irrefutably, God' Law demands holiness.


Professing Christians who are unholy are not true Christians.


Professing Christians who are unholy are sinners.


Be ye holy.



Holiness separates the true Christians from the false Christians. 


Be ye holy; for I am holy. 

1 Peter 1:16