Liberty Advocate
October 2024
My dear friend, True Christianity enters practically into all the relations and interests of human life. Our forefathers wisely understood that Christian principles are adapted to guide and govern the conduct of Christ’s people through all time, including government. Government is ordained by God for the protection of life and property, for the repression of crime, and for the rewarding and encouraging of virtue (Romans 13:1-7). The true Christian understands that God has given us this land to possess. Therefore, we must defend it and work for the safety and welfare of our homeland. The important obligations of American patriotism are: 1. Worship God. 2. Serve our fellow men as best we can. 3. Make of ourselves the best men and women we are capable of becoming. 4. Obey the laws of the land and support those who administer the laws. 5. Vote conscientiously and intelligently at local and national elections, so good and competent persons may be placed in public office. 6. Support the recognized and time-honored institutions of a civilized community: true churches; educational institutions that educate (not indoctrinate students with socialism/communism); agencies of law enforcement, such as police and courts; local, state and government departments, chambers of commerce, societies devoted to patriotic and other worthy motives; etc. Let's briefly discuss government is an ordinance of God and our obligation to vote... Government is an ordinance of God, and officials are the ministers of God. The Apostle Paul explains those in authority over us are ministers of God (Rom. 13:1-7). Just as God ordained ministers in the Church, God ordained ministers in the government. In other words, a minister is an ambassador of Christ in any office, sacred or secular. A minister is an agent appointed to transact or manage business under the authority of Christ. Public officials act as God’s agents and have God-given authority to administer justice. It is their God-given duty to protect life and property, repress crime, determine quarrels, right the wrongs, punish offenders, preserve national peace and order, and so forth. Voting is a privilege, but it is also a vital obligation. Since government is an ordinance of God, and officials are the ministers of God, we must do all we can to elect government leaders who will be true ministers of God. We must unite to secure Christian representatives for our nation that was founded as a Christian nation. We will vote for those candidates who most uphold Biblical principles, and refuse to vote for evildoers who demand the right to murder precious unborn babies (Jer. 1:5; 32:35), rebel against the Biblical marriage of a man and a woman (Eph. 5:22-33), applaud homosexuality (Rom. 1:26, 27), and other wickedness.
I have hated the
congregation of evildoers;
We must not love the
congregation of evildoers. Political warfare is spiritual warfare. It is a battle between good and evil. And true patriots will not sit with the wicked. True patriots will sit with the righteous. In 1788, Rev. Samuel Langdon preached about our civic duty in his sermon “The Republic of the Israelites an Example to the American States.”
On the people, therefore, of these United
States it depends whether wise men, or fools, good or bad men, shall govern
them; whether they shall have righteous laws, a faithful administration of
government, and permanent good order, peace, and liberty; or, on the
contrary, feel insupportable burdens, and see all their affairs run to
confusion and ruin. Do not vote for the wicked who want to destroy what's left of Christian America and turn it into Communist America.
Grace and peace,