Liberty Advocate
Some Evangelical pastors are ignorant of America's Christian heritage and history.
And they are ignorant of Scripture.
Recently, Charlotte, North Carolina, Pastor Loran Livingston of Central Church of God, drew national attention when he gave a sermon denouncing the Trump Bible as "blasphemous" and "disgusting" for tying the Bible to American politics.
“People that don’t read (the Bible) and pray will get politics mixed up with church,” Livingston said in his sermon that’s on his congregation’s YouTube site. “Some of you bring politics into the Church. You think that politics is spiritual stuff.” “No!” he said. “Your duty is to serve the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, body and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.”
If you read the bible, he said,
you’d also know that voting is not a “spiritual responsibility.” “My real
citizenship is in heaven, from which we look for the Lord Jesus Christ,”
Livingston said.
Shame on Livingston!
Is Livingston so ignorant he does not know that America was founded by Christians and for Christians?
Is Livingston so ignorant he does not know government is an ordinance of God, and rulers are the ministers of God?
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the
For he is the minister
of God to thee for good.
for he beareth not the
sword in vain: Romans 13:1-4
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.
Is it blasphemous to include The Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Pledge of Allegiance in the Bible?
It is blasphemous and shameful for a pastor to declare that government and religion must be kept separate.
America's founding ministers understood God's Word commands government be founded on God's Law. They thundered political sermons from the pulpit...
Here are some of the sermons...
Government the Pillar of the Earth [1730]
The Essential Rights and Liberties of Protestants [1744]
Civil Magistrates Must be Just, Ruling in the Fear of God [1747]
Scriptural Instructions to Civil Rulers [1774]
A Calm Address to Our American Colonies [1775]
A Sermon on the Day of the Commencement of the Constitution [1780]
Defensive Arms Vindicated [1783]
A Sermon Preached on a Day of Thanksgiving [1784]
A Sermon on a Day Appointed for Publick Thanksgiving [1787]
The Principles of Civil Union & Happiness Considered and Recommended [1787]
The Republic of the Israelites An Example to the American States [1788]
A Sermon Delivered At the Annual Election [1791]
A Sermon for the Day of General Election [1792]
A Sermon on the Anniversary of the Independence of America [1793]
Manifestations of the Beneficence of Divine Providence Towards America [1795]
Sermon Before the General Court of New Hampshire At the Annual Election [1797]
On the Evils of a Weak Government [1800]
The Voice of Warning to Christians [1800]
A Solemn Address to Christians & Patriots [1800]
An Oration in Commemoration of the Anniversary of American Independence [1802]
Undeniably, America was founded as a Christian nation. See also:
God and Government
Strangers in Our Land; Or, The
Duty of Christians to Possess America
In Trump We Trust: Or, The Duty of Presidents and Government Officials to be
God’s Shepherds;
and Our Duty to be God’s Sheep
Christian America? Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?
Stand Your Ground
God Bless America: The Duty of Christian Patriotism This is not an endorsement of the Trump Bible. It is an endorsement of Biblical Truth that religion and government are inseparable. Those who attend Livingston's church should leave immediately. No Christian should sit under the teaching of a minister who is ignorant of the influence of the Bible in America.
Grace and peace,