Liberty Advocate
America cannot be a great nation again until America is Christian again. The Bible offers the gospel message of salvation, and it also offers practical political and familial and church principles. And when a nation follows Biblical principles in civil government and family government and church government, the nation and family and church will prosper. America was built on Biblical laws and principles as evidenced by our Godly heritage. But liberal Americans show open contempt for the Bible and work to undermine America’s Christian foundation. My fellow Christian… Above all, America needs a revival. We need true men of God who aren’t afraid to preach the gospel message of salvation: repentance and holiness. But there can be no true revival if the true Gospel is not preached. Any preacher that denies God demands holiness is a false preacher.
Because it is written, When America repents and truly honors God, then we will be a great nation again. We must cry out to God, “Revive us!” After a great spiritual awakening, then we must strive to be a holy people. The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit cleanses us and transforms us, but we must also actively walk in the paths of holiness.
And be renewed in the spirit
of your mind; Besides revival, here some ways to make America Christian again: 1) Read the Bible cover to cover to know the Truth.
How can you know the Truth if you don’t read the Book of Truth? Don’t pick and choose scriptures to make you feel good. And don’t take them out of context. Start with the New Testament and then go on to the Old Testament. Meditate on the Word. For insight, consult Matthew Henry’s Commentary or The Pulpit Commentary.
However, don’t simply accept what the commentary teaches, but ask God to show you the Truth about His Word. Pray that you may have a thorough knowledge of the Scripture.
2) Honor God at home.
Except the Lord build the
house, In all the affairs and business of the family, we must consult God’s Word. We must be a Godly family. Read the Bible, sing hymns, pray, celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter as holy days, be careful what music you listen to and TV/movies you watch, and so forth. And, need I say, no occult movies or books? Don’t open the door of your home to demons by occult books/movies, rock music, drugs, alcohol, pornography, and other demonic entryways. Bar the door to the devil! 3) Reverence His sanctuary.
Ye shall keep my sabbaths, Don’t claim to be a Spirit-filled Christian if you attend a worldly church. If you’re truly Spirit-filled, the Holy Spirit will tell you to leave…and you’ll obey! Yes, you may have to leave behind friends and family, but obeying the Spirit is more important than attending a church that conforms to the world instead of conforming to the Word. Don’t be a partaker of their evil deeds. As long as you attend an apostate church, you have unclean hands in the apostasy of America. Attend a church filled with the Spirit of the Lord, not the spirit of man. 4) Give your children a Godly education.
Study to shew thyself
approved unto God,
But shun profane and vain
babblings: Until we take back the public schools and put God back into education, take your children/grandchildren out of the public schools of godless indoctrination: profane and vain babblings. If you can’t find a true Christian school, then home school them. Or, form an informal school group of likeminded folks in your church. Every Christian parent is responsible for providing their children with a sound academic education based on God’s Word. Never underestimate the power of true Christian schools or true Christian home schools in preserving and protecting our Christian heritage and Christian culture. And begin praying and working to put God back in our public schools. Every child in America deserves a religious and moral education.
Read Daniel Webster's "Speech
in Defence of the Christian Ministry, and in Favor of the Religious
Instruction of the Young.”
Separate from Hollywood.
And what concord hath Christ
with Belial?
Wherefore come out from
among them, Don’t go a whoring after Hollywood. Don’t claim to be a Spirit-filled Christian and then go sit in a movie theater watching immorality and listening to profanity. It’s not just entertainment…it’s an evil agenda. Many parents allow their children to watch the whoredom of Hollywood, and then take them to church on Sunday morning. Hollywood has played a great part in the moral destruction of America, including the moral destruction of our children. 6) Demonstrate and teach your children the Biblical work ethic.
The Bible gives us the social policy of no public or church welfare (2 Thessalonians 3:10;1Timothy 5:16). Every man is responsible for himself and his family (1 Timothy 5:8). No true Christian will expect or demand handouts from civil government or church government. True Christians teach individual responsibility and dignity. Those on public welfare spend their money on booze, cigarettes, drugs, technology, and other wasteful spending. Hardworking Americans should not support them. Of course, welfare is socialism. And socialism is a diabolical plan to undermine the Biblical work ethic, and undermine hard work as one of the great pillars of American prosperity. It is meant to encourage people to be lazy resulting in a devilish dependence on the government. Government is their Master. Socialism is slavery...bondage to the government. And, by the way, being a good housewife is work. Thank God for Godly housewives. 7) Practice good stewardship. Be a good steward of the money God enables you to earn. Be thrifty. Live within your means. Save for the future, including emergencies and retirement. And don’t let TV evangelists, church members, pastors and others bully you into giving them your hard-earned money with “It all belongs to God.” Well, God’s not spending your money. They are. For example, TV evangelists are spending your money on mansions, planes, vacations, etc. The money is going into their bank accounts, not God’s. Besides, most of the money given to churches is wasted: unnecessary paid church staff, an extravagant salary for the pastor so he can live in high style while church members have to be content with the bare necessities, unnecessary church remodeling to bring in the “unchurched,” and so forth. Good stewardship also means taking good care of what you have, including your home and yard. Even Adam had to tend to the Garden of Eden.
And the Lord God took the
man, The true Christian acknowledges his property belongs to God and has an attractive and well-maintained yard. Be a good neighbor and keep up your home and yard. Plant flowers and trees. Get your children involved. Also, keep up with house maintenance. This is not only being a good steward of what God has given you, but it is also good social policy. Well-kept yards and homes make for attractive neighborhoods and increase property values. Run-down houses run down property values. Unfortunately, some evangelical Christians have the worst-kept houses in the neighborhood. They are publicly showing poor stewardship and are poor neighbors. The true Christian is a faithful steward of all God’s property. The true Christian school is well-maintained; church buildings and church grounds are community showplaces. They are well-maintained on the inside and outside because they are God’s House.
8) Proclaim the historical
truth about America’s Godly heritage.
Many Christian Americans are ignorant about our rich Godly heritage. Learn the historical truth about how America was founded on Biblical principles and teach it at home, at church, and at school. Read historical documents and teach them to your children. Of course, there are countless other ways to make America Christian again so America can be great again. Remember… Each one of us must be actively working to make America Christian again. No Christian American is excused from protecting and preserving our Christian foundation. We must conform America’s culture to God’s Word, not conform God’s Word to America’s culture. Yes, it seems like an overwhelming task to make America truly Christian again. But… What if every true believer begins to make the above changes in their homes, schools, and churches? Homes and neighborhoods will prosper - America will prosper.
There’s so much we can do to
make America Christian again. February 2018