Paula White Pt. 2

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Liberty Advocate  



  Paula White

Pt. 2

The Downfall of Without Walls Church




Karen Pansler Lam, J.D.

On May 8, 2019, Paula White officially installed her son, Brad Knight, and his wife as the new senior pastors of City of Destiny in Apopka, Florida. White will be the “apostolic overseer” of the church. And she plans to plant 3,000 churches, provide oversight for pastors, and launch a university.

So, Paula White believes her call is to govern? to plant churches? to provide oversight for pastors? to launch a university?

Paula White: Evil Spirit in the White House” discusses White’s heresies, including the Prosperity Gospel, Dominionism, and other doctrines of devils. White is not just a heretic, she’s demon-possessed as evidenced by her demonic ranting and demonic babbling.

Now that she has President Trump’s endorsement, she has a diabolical plot to plant 3,000 occult Charismatic churches, provide demonic oversight for “pastors” to spread Dominionism and other doctrines of devils, and launch a university that will instruct students in the occult theology and other occultism of the Charismatic cult.


What makes Paula White believe she can successfully plant 3,000 churches when she planted two churches that failed?

And one was in my hometown of Lakeland, Florida.


A History of Heresy: Carpenter’s Home and Without Walls Central

Carpenter’s Home Church in Lakeland, Florida

In 2005, Randy and Paula White's Without Walls International Church in Tampa, Florida, bought Carpenter’s Home Church in my hometown.

Carpenter’s Home Church was a prominent Assemblies of God megachurch in Lakeland. Opened in 1985, the church claimed 5,000 members at one time. However, the church split in 1989 because of banner dancing, the unholy laughter revival of Rodney Howard-Browne, and other devilish worship; false prophecies; and "Pastor" (hireling) Karl Strader's heretical preaching.

I visited the church at the urging of a friend, who was a member, and said things were really getting crazy. She invited me to witness the unholy laughter revival of Rodney Howard-Browne. It was deeply troubling. The service was frequently interrupted by spontaneous outbursts of uncontrollable laughter which Howard-Browne called “holy laughter.” Some of the laughter was clearly fake, but some scared me. You could feel the demonic spirits in the church…so I left.

Unfortunately, it was Howard-Browne’s false revival at Carpenter’s Home Church that caused him to rise to prominence in Charismatic circles. And Paula White even invited him to the White House to lay hands on and pray for President Trump.

On July 12, 2017, Howard-Browne posted on Facebook…

Yesterday was very surreal for @ahowardbrowne & I. 30 years ago we came from South Africa to America as missionaries. Yesterday I was asked by Pastor Paula White-Cain to pray over our 45th President - what a humbling moment standing in the Oval Office - laying hands and praying for our President - Supernatural Wisdom, Guidance and Protection - who could ever even imagine - wow - we are going to see another great spiritual awakening #ovaloffice #westwing #whitehouse #washingtondc

Did Howard-Browne take the picture? A true minister of God would not have been taking a picture while solemnly praying for the President. Since Howard-Browne, like Paula White, is demon-possessed, as evidenced by his unholy laughter revival, it scares me that he was invoking “Supernatural” wisdom to fill the President. Why didn't he just ask for wisdom? or godly wisdom? or divine wisdom? A demon-possessed man who calls himself the "Holy Ghost Bartender" and asks for "Supernatural" wisdom for our president scares me - and should scare all the saints!

Paula White has brought a coven of demons into the White House, and they are laying hands on President Trump!

But let’s return to Carpenter’s Home Church…

As stated earlier, Carpenter’s Home Church was a prominent Assemblies of God megachurch in my hometown. It opened in 1985 but split in 1989 because of Karl Strader's heretical teachings and his wife bringing false worship and false prophecies into the church. Consequently, 800 members left and formed Victory Church just down the road from Strader's church.

Then in 1994, Danny Strader, one of Karl Strader’s sons, was arrested on fraud charges and was later convicted. Danny sold false securities and bilked some elderly members of his dad’s congregation out of $3 million. He was found guilty in 1995 on 238 counts of securities fraud and was sentenced to 45 years in prison.

The scandal received considerable media coverage, the congregation dwindled, and the church was forced to close.

Enter adulterers and bad stewards Randy and Paula White…


Randy and Paula: Adulterers and Bad Stewards

Paula was married and had a child when she met Randy White, an associate pastor at the church she was attending. Randy was also married and had three children. Paula and Randy divorced their spouses and married each other in 1989.

Paula and Randy White were adulterers!

Randy and Paula started Without Walls International Church in Tampa, Florida, that allegedly attracted 20,000 worshipers. It was heralded as one of the nation’s fastest-growing congregations.

Then in 2005 they bought Carpenter’s Home Church for a satellite campus, and named it Without Walls Central.

The church had a 10,000-seat sanctuary. But the church never became a success. They appointed pastors who built up a congregation, and then each pastor stole the congregation and formed an independent church.

As for the Tampa Church, attendance dropped drastically after co-pastors Randy and Paula announced in 2007 that they were divorcing. Later, their bank filed foreclosure proceedings and demanded immediate repayment of a $12 million loan on the property. In addition, foreclosure proceedings began on Without Walls Central in Lakeland.

My point is this...

When Randy and Paula White’s Without Walls International Church bought Carpenter’s Home Church, the buildings were in good condition. But they were bad stewards. The buildings were not maintained, and no security was provided. The buildings were vandalized and deteriorated, and the main building - including the 10,000 seat sanctuary -  had to be demolished.

In 2012, I visited the abandoned and neglected church and reported the sad situation on Prophetic News with Susan Puzio. The following photos are irrefutable evidence Paula White is spiritually and morally unfit to plant 3,000 new churches...



Paula White is not just spiritually and morally unfit to plant churches, she is spiritually and morally unfit for the White House!

Wake up, Christians!

We must work and pray to get Paula White and her coven of fake preachers and demon-possessed heretics out of the White House!


July 2020
Liberty Advocate


See also...

Paula White Pt. 1
Evil Spirit in the White H

Paula White Pt. 3
Greedy Dog


Susan Puzio and I discuss the downfall of Without Walls...

The downfall of Paula White-history of Carpenters' Church …

    Paula White has been in the news in the last few weeks for all the wrong reasons. Her "Church" in Lakeland, Florida has had the electricity cut off since August and that is pretty bad for Florida, and for Paula, so much for seed sowing. When God judges you all the money you gave does not matter. The building seats over 9000 people and was built by Karl Strader in the 1980', as an Assembly of ...

What has become of Without Walls in Lakeland and Paula White

    Jan 06, 2012 · My guest Karen Pansler Lam will give me a report from Lakeland, Florida as to what she witnessed when she went to see the now vacated property of without Walls, Paula White Ministries. Some of the buildings have been vandalized, and the fire department posted a sign on the door that they cannot enter the building due to the electricity being turned off for non-payment.

Can TD Jakes please buy Paula White a Window 01/17 by …

    Jan 17, 2012 · Can TD Jakes please buy Paula a window?? Without Walls Church in Lakeland is now closed. Paula White tried to make a go of the over 9,000 seat sanctuary, but the building was ordered vacated by the fire department, because the electricity was turned off, due to non-payment of the electric bill. An historic building also sits on the property, it once housed over 300 retired Carpenters.

Part 2-Can TD Jakes Buy Paula White a Window 01/18 by ...

    Part 2--Can TD Jakes please buy Paula a window?? Without Walls Church in Lakeland is now closed. Paula White tried to make a go of the over 9,000 seat sanctuary, but the building was ordered vacated by the fire department, because the electricity was turned off, due to non-payment of the electric bill. An historic building also sits on the property, it once housed over 300 retired Carpenters.


Damage to 1920s-era Carpenter's Home Building ... - The Ledger

    Jan 25, 2012 · The former Carpenter's Home, a 1920s-era, Mediterranean-style building now owned by Tampa-based Without Walls International Church, has …