Paula White Pt. 3

Liberty Letter
Homeless - New Hippies
Homeless Are Not Harmless
Wise Men at the Manger
Loran Livingston
Beware of Bible Release Time
Illustrated Life of Christ
Religious Scoundrels on YouTube
Appearance Matters
Go to Church
Beware of BBN & Moody Church
Evangelical Cancel Culture
Dirty Apologist
Paula White Pt. 1
Paula White Pt. 2
Paula White Pt. 3
Paula White Pt. 4
Satan, the Fake Pandemic, and the Modern Church
The Church Is the Lord's House
Fornication in the Church
Stand by Your Man
Christianity Is a Religion
Biblical Business Virtues
Biblical Forgiveness
Evangelical Socialists
Christian Patriotism
Make America Christian Again
Schools - Downfall of America
The Bible in Public Schools
Jesus Loves Children
Billy Graham
Godly Housewife
Exposing the Hypocrisy of "Hate Has No Home Here"
Marijuana and Demons
Secret Cults
Dominionism Pt.1
Dominionism Pt.2
Strangers in Our Land
Letter to First Family
Christian Rock 'n' Roll
Corrupt Church Govt Must Repent
In Trump We Trust
True Churches Will Make America Great Again
God Is Not a Cheater
God and Government
Apostate Songs
Christian School
Know the Truth
Search the Scriptures
All You Need Is Love
Shame on SEU
Dominionism & Gary North
Christians: God's Chosen People
Shame On the Idle Poor!
Quakers:  Evil Spirits
Jesus Did Not Descend Into Hell
1950s Pt. 1
1950s Pt. 2
Lent Is an Abomination
Mary, Queen of Heaven
Victims of Christianity
Unconditional Grace
Redefining Repentance
C.S. Lewis
Psychedelic Theology
Psychedelic Experiences
Scriptures For Soldiers
Warren's Communism
Bill Gaither's Ecumenism
Perverting God's Grace
Sinners in the Sanctuary
Who's to Blame?
"Ye Must Be Born Again"
Jesus Christ
I Am Ashamed
The Lord Saved Me From Despair
We Are Little Gods?
Hippie Gospel
Randy White's Black Lie
Earth Day
Is Suicide a Sin?
Seek the Lord Today
Black Racists Pt. 1
Black Racists Pt. 2
In Times Like These
Let Christian Liberty Ring!
Spirit of Jezebel
Christian America?
Ecumenism: Unholy Unity
Peace in Your Heart
C & MA, Repent!
Pilgrim, "Be Ye Separate"
Poems by A.E. (Blues) Moore
King James Bible
Victory Over Sin!
Too Late!
Swaggart's False Tongues
Swaggart:Doctrines of Devils
Judging Jimmy Swaggart
Swaggart's Perverted Gospel
Swaggart - Hypocrite
Gap Theory Is a Lie
You're Not a Slave
New Church Order Mafia
New Church Order
Downfall of Christian Culture
Rebuilding Babel
Wake Up, Evangelicals!
Silencing the Saints
Home Church
Rick Warren
Warren II
Letter and 62 Theses
Crucifying Christianity
The Rebellious Church
A Church Divided
Be Ye Holy
Cowardly Pastor
No Reverence
Quenching the Holy Spirit
Enemies of the Cross
Dancing in the Streets
Stand Your Ground
Reach Out!
SEU - Count the Cost
Southeastern Univ
SEU Students
A Day I Will Never Forget
Humanism - Religion
Lazy Poor Pt.1
Lazy Poor Pt. 2
Revive Us!
Corrupt Public Officials
Battle for America
A Nation Divided
Earthquake in Haiti
Haiti II
Letter to Sarah Palin
Ltr to Wasilla Churches
Letter to Bristol Palin
Feed My Sheep
Todd Bentley
America: DUI
Black Plague
Dazzling Disciples
Till Death? Pt.1
Till Death?  Pt.2
Deliver Us!
Women At Work
Poster- If My People

Liberty Advocate  



Paula White

Pt. 3


Paula White: Greedy Dog





Karen Pansler Lam, J.D.




The Bible condemns greedy dogs like Paula White…

His watchmen are blind:
they are all ignorant,
they are all dumb dogs,
they cannot bark;
sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough,
and they are shepherds that cannot understand:
they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
Isaiah 56:10, 11

Dumb dogs!

Greedy dogs!

The corrupt leaders of the people neglected their duty and were a debased example of self-indulgence and covetousness. Isaiah declares that Israel’s watchmen – guides, teachers, and prophets – are blind, dumb, and greedy dogs.

They are blind guides because they lack spiritual discernment and spiritual wisdom. They were blind guides leading the blind.

Paula White is a blind guide…

Not only does she not know the Truth, she preaches lies as truth. She has no sense of the importance of preaching the Gospel Truth! She is a terrible danger to her followers, including President Trump! She is not concerned with saving souls from hell. She is concerned with becoming popular by preaching the seducing Prosperity Gospel, and seducing you into sending money to her.

Paula White: Evil Spirit in the White House” exposes her heresies, including the Prosperity Gospel, Dominionism, and other doctrines of devils. And White is not just a heretic, she’s demon-possessed as evidenced by her demonic ranting and demonic babbling.

Paula White is a blind guide!

And Isaiah declares Israel’s watchmen are dumb dogs. Instead of acting as faithful watchdogs that bark to warn of approaching danger, they remain apathetic, and are silent. They give no warning at all. They sleep. They do as little as possible for the sheep in their care.

Paula White is a dumb dog…

Paula White: The Downfall of Without Walls Church” discusses she is not just spiritually and morally unfit to plant churches, she is spiritually and morally unfit for the White House! She is a dumb dog that refuses to bark and warn of the approaching danger of living in sin. Because she lives in sin, she refuses to rebuke and reprove sin. Her days are spent in vanity and glorifying herself on “Christian” TV.

And Isaiah denounces Israel’s watchmen as greedy dogs who can never had enough. They have a worldly and covetous spirit. They dishonor God and bring contempt on religion.

Paula White is a greedy dog…

She does not feed the flock, but fleeces it. She has a worldly and covetous spirit – and she covets the best. She is bent upon using lies and deception to get more and more of our money for her mansions, plastic surgery and other vanity. She dishonors God and brings contempt on Christianity.

Yes, Paula White is a greedy dog who wants more and more of our money!

The evidence is on her own website!

Paula White tries to con people out of their January paycheck as a First Fruits seed!


God declares, “When you come into the land which I give you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest” (Leviticus 23:10 NIV). – This divine establishment of God’s order is actually the root, the foundation that governs the rest. “For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches” (Romans 11:16 NKJV). The first represents the total. In other words, whatever you do with the first governs what happens to the rest. By presenting all firsts to God during this first month of the year you are establishing His redeeming covenant for it! All firsts belong to God! – “Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow…” (Proverbs 3:9–10 NKJV).

We have provided you several convenient methods in which you can donate to Paula White Ministries.

Please feel free to choose one of the additional methods below:

1. Mobile/Text  For text giving send the text message to 45777 and enter “PWM”
2. Call our customer service number at 1-800-PAULA-17 to give a donation
3. You can use a credit card or PayPal to complete your donation on the next page!

Did you notice she wants us to present all firsts to God in January? “All firsts belong to God!” This means our first paycheck! Of course, she is trying to bully and intimidate us into presenting all firsts to her. But when you give money to her, you’re not giving money to God – you’re giving it to Paula White, who believes she’s a little god!

Paula wants our money so she can live a lavish lifestyle.

Here is the mansion Paula and Randy lived in when they pastored Without Walls Church in Tampa, Florida...


After Randy and Paula divorced, she went a whoring after other married men: Benny Hinn, Rick Hawkins, Jonathan Cain, and probably some we don’t know about. This is part of White’s greed – she covets other women’s husbands!


At the close of 2014, musician Jonathan Cain of the rock band Journey divorced his wife and became engaged to White, who had been dating him during his marriage. On April 27, 2015, the couple married. More will be said about Paula White’s whoredom in the next article.

Here is Paula and Jonathan’s house in Apopka, Florida, they bought in 2016 for $1,125,000…

Of course, there’s the posh multi-million-dollar condo in Trump Tower (bought by Randy and Paula), and other real estate.; and the expensive cars, trips, expensive clothes, plastic surgery, and other extravagances.

Yet, she is embraced and welcomed and endorsed by “Christian” TV!  Why? Because they hope their flattery and fawning will get them into the White House!

Shame on Christians for winking at her false gospel and greed!


Paula White is a greedy dog...she can never have enough of our money!




September 2020
Liberty Advocate




See also:


Paula White Pt. 1
Evil Spirit in the White House



Paula White Pt. 2
The Downfall of Without Walls Church