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Liberty Advocate





Search the Scriptures




Karen Pansler-Lam, J.D.



If you’re not mighty in Scripture – you’re weak – then you will not know the Truth

 and will be tossed to and fro by every wind of false doctrine.  


You be will deceived.   




O that men and women today would search the Scriptures to see if the preaching of  pastors and televangelists is true! 


We must not only read the Bible daily, we must be like the Bereans: “they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). The Bereans did not blindly accept religious teaching.  The Bereans were praised because they searched the Scriptures daily to see if what they were told was Biblical Truth.


Matthew Henry wrote that it is the duty of all Christians diligently to search the Scriptures…


That therefore it is the duty of all Christians diligently to search the scriptures, and it is the office of ministers to guide and assist them therein. How useful soever this book of books is in itself, it will be of no use to us if we do not acquaint ourselves with it, by reading it daily, and meditating upon it, that we may understand the mind of God in it, and may apply what we understand to ourselves for our direction, rebuke, and comfort, as there is occasion. It is the character of the holy and happy man that his delight is in the law of the Lord; and, as an evidence thereof, he converses with it as his constant companion, and advises with it as his most wise and trusty counsellor, for in that law doth he meditate day and night, Ps. 1:2.


Henry also writes…


It concerns us to be ready in the scriptures, and to make ourselves so by constant reading and careful observation, and especially by earnest prayer to God for the promised gift of the Holy Ghost, whose office it is to bring things to our remembrance which Christ hath said to us (Jn. 14:26)…It concerns us also to be mighty in the scriptures, as Apollos was (Acts 18:24), that is, to be thoroughly acquainted with the true intent and meaning of them, that we may understand what we read, and may not misinterpret or misapply it, but by the conduct of the blessed Spirit may be led into all truth (Jn. 16:13), and may hold it fast in faith and love, and put every part of scripture to that use for which it was intended.


We must be mighty in Scriptures! 


We must be thoroughly acquainted with the true intent and meaning of Scripture, that we may understand what we read, and not misinterpret or misapply it. 


If we truly desire to know the Truth, as we read God’s Law, the Holy Spirit will enlighten our knowledge and understanding of the Word: the Spirit will guide you into all Truth (John 16:13).  This is a promise of the Lord…


Even the Spirit of truth;

whom the world cannot receive,

because it seeth him not,

neither knoweth him:

but ye know him;

for he dwelleth with you,

and shall be in you.

John 14: 17


However, if you’re not mighty in Scripture – you’re weak – then you will not know the Truth and will be tossed to and fro by every wind of false doctrine.  You be will deceived. 


Read and meditate on the Word daily that you may be mighty in Scriptures! 


Let no pastor or televangelist deceive you…search the Scriptures daily.


August 2011
Liberty Advocate