Liberty Advocate http://www.libertyadvocate.com/
Who's to Blame?
Karen Pansler-Lam, J.D.
Who's to blame for the Newtown massacre and other increased violence in
America? Who's to blame for the soaring adultery rate? Who's to blame for the widespread epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases? Who's to blame for the plague of lazy Americans who refuse to work and demand
church and government welfare?
Who's to blame for the evil moral decline of America?
False preachers are to blame... Rick Warren Joel Osteen Jimmy Swaggart ...and
every other false preacher who refuses to preach against
sin is to blame for the increased violence and other evil in America and
around the world. There
is a spirit of rebellion in churches. And
if your pastor refuses to preach against sin, he is
to blame for the There
is a spirit of rebellion in churches. And
if you sit week after week in a church that refuses to
preach against sin, you're to
blame for the increased violence and other evil in America and around
the world. There
is a spirit of rebellion in churches. Listen,
if you support those who rebel against God's Word to speak out
against sin, you're a partaker of their evil deeds... Whosoever
transgresseth, and
abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath
not God. He
that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he
hath both the Father and the Son. If
there come any unto you, and
bring not this doctrine, receive
him not into your house, neither
bid him God speed: For
he that biddeth him God speed is partaker
of his evil deeds. 2
John 9-11 If
you’re supporting rebellious preachers who refuse to preach against sin,
you’re part of the spirit of rebellion. Now
is the time to repent. Now
is the time to return to righteousness and holiness. Now
is the time to walk out of churches that rebel against God's Word against sin. Now is the time to walk out of churches that deny the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify us unto holiness.
is the time to walk out of churches that rebel against Jesus' words: "Ye
must be born again."
pastors and their rebellious congregations are to blame for increased evil
in America and around the world. Starting
now…don't let wicked pastors bully or intimidate you into supporting
their false gospel causing chaos and destruction in homes and society. Now
is the time to repent… Stand
up for the Gospel once delivered unto the saints. Speak
up for repentance and righteousness. Walk
out of apostate churches that are responsible for increased evil in
America. Stand
up… Speak
up… Walk out…
And don't look back.
January 2013