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Liberty Advocate




The Spiritual Battle for America


Karen Pansler-Lam, J.D.




One Christian armed with the power of the Holy Spirit

is mightier

than an army of a thousand atheists.




Just as the Hebrews tried to prevent witchcraft and sorcery from polluting the Promised Land by establishing laws against witchcraft, New England Puritans tried to prevent witchcraft and sorcery from polluting America - the New Promised Land - as evidenced by the Salem witchcraft trials.  


Salem is an ancient name for Jerusalem.

 The Assyro-Babylonian form of the name is Uru-Salim or Ur-Salimmu, or city of peace.


The spiritual battle for the heart and soul of America continues. 

 But, Christianity hasn’t been exterminated from America. . .yet. 

However, if we aren’t vigilant;

if we aren’t determined;

if we aren’t equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit,

we will be robbed of our physical and spiritual inheritance –

Christian America.



One Christian armed with the power of the Holy Spirit is mightier than an army of a thousand atheists.  "One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you" (Joshua 23:10).

Atheists, pagans, and others who are anti-Christ have been fighting for the heart and soul of America since its early history.  Never forget that Satan has his disciples just as Christ has His disciples. 

If you recall, the Puritans came to America because they believed the Church of England needed purified.  The Puritans wanted the Church to return to its early Christian roots of the simplicity of the faith once delivered to the saints - Christianity purified of needless ceremonialism.  So, their mission was to uproot the Church from false ceremonialism and plant the New England Church in the true Gospel. And anytime, anywhere Christians plant the Gospel, Satan tries to supplant it.

Just as the Hebrews tried to prevent witchcraft and sorcery from polluting the Promised Land by establishing laws against witchcraft, New England Puritans tried to prevent witchcraft and sorcery from polluting America - the New Promised Land.  

First, let’s go back to Boston in 1689 where there lived an Irish slave woman, Ann Glover, and her daughter, a laundress.  Allegedly, thirteen-year-old Martha Goodwin caught Ann's daughter stealing laundry. According to Reverend Cotton Mather, the head of the Puritan church in Boston, Ann Glover came to her daughter's defense.  Ann and Martha argued vehemently.  Apparently, Ann used very strong language and immediately Martha began having fits like those of epilepsy.  Days later, Martha’s younger brother and two sisters also began strange behavior. So, Ann was arrested and tried for bewitching the Goodwin children. Surprisingly, during the trial, Ann refused to speak English and spoke Gaelic only, a Celtic language. Reverend Mather claimed Ann confessed she was a witch.  Ann was hanged.  Incidentally, before Ann's husband died, he complained that she was a witch. 

Ann Glover was born in early 17th century Ireland.  Did Ann practice an ancient pagan religion she learned in Ireland?  Did Ann call on evil spirits to torment Martha?

Here is an interesting excerpt about Ann Glover from Cotton Mather’s Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions (1689):

Order was given to search the old woman's house, from whence there were brought into the Court, several small Images, or Puppets, or Babies, made of Rags, and stuffed with Goat's hair, and other such Ingredients. When these were produced, the vile Woman acknowledged, that her way to torment the Objects of her malice, was by wetting of her Finger with her Spittle, and streaking of those little Images. The abused Children were then present, and the Woman still kept stooping and shrinking as one that was almost pressed to Death with a mighty Weight upon her. But one of the Images being brought unto her, immediately she started up after an odd manner, and took it into her hand; but she had no sooner taken it, than one of the Children fell into sad Fits, before the whole Assembly.


Was Ann practicing witchcraft? Witchcraft is sorcery or black magic by those in league with the devil or other powers of darkness, and old pagan religions are rooted in witchcraft. According to Grolier Encyclopedia (c.1957), “A number of witches were simply followers of old pagan religions who, especially in the 16th and 17th centuries, were persecuted by the followers of Christianity.”  Look at  these websites venerating Ann Glover:


So, was Ann Glover practicing witchcraft?


Now let’s travel on to Salem Village in 1692. Salem is an ancient name for Jerusalem.  The Assyro-Babylonian form of the name is Uru-Salim or Ur-Salimmu, or city of peace.


On January 20th, nine-year-old Elizabeth Parris, daughter of Reverend Samuel Parris, and Abigail, her eleven-year-old cousin, began having fits of convulsions. These children claimed that an invisible hand was pinching them, leaving red marks all over their bodies. The girls blamed three townswomen for casting evil spells on them: Tituba, the Parris' slave from the West Indies;  Sarah Good; and Sarah Osborne.  

On February 25, Tituba, baked a “witch cake” and fed it to a dog.  According to an English folk remedy, feeding a witch cake to a dog that contains the urine of the afflicted counteracts the spell put on Elizabeth and Abigail.  The cake was fed to a dog because the dog is believed to be a “familiar” of the devil. Tituba was accused of practicing voodoo, or black magic and confessed to being a witch. She claimed that a man dressed in black came from Boston and urged her to write her name in his black book.  Remember Ann Glover lived in Boston.

Then accusations of other villagers practicing witchcraft and sorcery gushed forth like black vomit spewed out of the mouth of a demoniac; and the trials resulted in the hanging of nineteen accused of being witches. 

Did the devil plot to uproot Christianity and plant witchcraft in New England?   Did slaves in Salem practice voodoo - a form of primitive sorcery that originated in Africa?  Maybe Tituba played voodoo games with the Puritan children and repeated incantations, spells, and other words of black magic "in fun.” So, it’s possible that Tituba chanted words of evil in fun, but with deadly consequences: nineteen people were accused of witchcraft and hanged.

By the way, the word "devil" comes from the Greek diabolos meaning accuser or slanderer. The devil’s disciples form an evil confederacy to destroy families, communities, and nations.  “For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land” (Psalm 35:20).  The devil and his disciples pit neighbor against neighbor. Remember what I told you earlier? Salem is an ancient name for Jerusalem. The Assyro-Babylonian form of the name is Uru-Salim or Ur-Salimmu, or city of peace


Listen, something evil was definitely going on in early Salem. Were witches working to prevent the Puritans from planting the pure Gospel in America?  Was there a witch lurking in the dark shadows of this quiet village recruiting young and old for an unholy confederacy with the devil?  Were the young girls of Salem bewitched?  I wonder . . .


And the spiritual battle continued to rage in America year after year.  Deism, atheism, and other -isms that are anti-Christ began to take root and spread.  And God-fearing men and women tried to uproot the evil before it spread and choked out Christianity.


For example, in the 1700's, Timothy Dwight, president of Yale College, believed that Jeffersonian Republicans and other atheists were destroying the morals, the faith, and the order of New England society.  Listen to what Dwight said in his sermon, "The Duty of Americans, at the Present Crisis" delivered on July 4, 1798...


I have been credibly informed that some years before the Revolution an eminent philosopher of this country, now deceased, declared to David Hume that Christianity would be exterminated from the American colonies within a century from that time.

Think about that: years before the Revolutionary War an "eminent" American philosopher declared that Christianity would be exterminated from this nation within a century from that time. 

Later in his sermon, Dwight proclaims:

We fight for the lives, the honor, the safety of our wives and children, for the religion of our fathers, and for the liberty 'with which Christ hath made us free.'  'We jeopard our lives' that our children may inherit these glorious blessings, be rescued from the grinding insolence of foreign despotism, and saved from the corruption and perdition of foreign atheism.

And the spiritual battle for the heart and soul of America continues today.  We are surrounded by enemies of the truth - American and foreign atheists and other infidels.  But, Christianity hasn’t been exterminated from America. . .yet.  However, if we aren’t vigilant; if we aren’t determined; if we aren’t equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be robbed of our physical and spiritual inheritance – Christian America. 


And say ye,

Save us, O God of our salvation,

and gather us together,

and deliver us from the heathen,

that we may give thanks to thy holy name,

and glory in thy praise.

I Chronicles 16:35




Liberty Advocate